
The Laws and Love of Nature : An Introduction to Swallowtail Butterflies and the Moon

author:Guide to classic picture books

The Laws and Love of Nature : An Introduction to Swallowtail Butterflies and the Moon

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The story begins on a starry night in the moon, where the moon leisurely enjoys the quiet night, she chats with the little stars, and dresses herself with evening primrose pollen.

Evening primrose flowers bloom only at night, and when the evening comes, the flowers slowly unfold and wither at dawn, only blooming for one night. There is a beautiful transmission that this flower opens, so that the moon can appreciate it, so it got the name of evening primrose. Evening primrose pollen is also a skin care product known only by the moon, dressing up a beautiful moon image.

She suddenly heard the mother swallowtail butterfly after laying her eggs praying to herself, begging her to watch the children grow up for her. At first, she did not want to accept this request, because she felt that the baby swallowtail butterfly did not have to rely on her mother to raise, but woke up and grew up on her own, which was the law of nature, and she could not help much. Although she was very embarrassed, she comforted the swallowtail butterfly who had been praying, but unfortunately the swallowtail butterfly could not hear the sound of the moon at all.

A large praying mantis grabbed and slowly ate the mother swallowtail butterfly, and the moon was very distressed, but could only close its eyes tightly. What can the moon do? This is the law of nature!

On the night of the dark moon, on the verge of death, the story begins with this sad parting.

Moon heard the swallowtail butterfly's prayer, and although she could not do anything, she involuntarily began to pay attention to and worry about these caterpillars. Her heart, one head provoking the instructions of the swallowtail butterfly mother, the other looking after the life of these little caterpillars. Unconsciously, the moon treated these little caterpillars as its own baby.

She always couldn't help but quietly observe those little caterpillars, she cared about them all the time, silently standing behind the children, cherishing every bit of the children's growth into her heart: they were slowly nibbling on the egg shells, they were sleeping soundly, they were trying to nibble on the leaves, they ate, slept, defecated, molted, changed color... Every change of the caterpillar babies she saw in her eyes and was happy in her heart.

The moon guards the caterpillars, cheering them up from afar, watching them create their own world with their own strength. Although the moon's love is strong, the moon does not interfere in the life of the caterpillar in the name of love, but waits quietly with anxiety and worry.

The moon knows everything, she has followed the earth for tens of millions of years, and the survival and destruction of all things in heaven and earth have long been strange, but this time, because she heard the prayer of the swallowtail butterfly mother, she had some changes in her heart, and suddenly there was worry and worry, and the voice of the swallowtail butterfly praying was always like a shadow.

Whenever the sparrow chirps, whenever the magpies chirp, when the red-headed fly in flocks, when the mountain doves grunt, the moon's heart is clenched.

After experiencing the wind and rain and being pecked by birds and finches, only one of the ten baby swallowtail butterflies, on the day she broke the cocoon into a butterfly, the moon cried, she witnessed the growth of the swallowtail butterfly baby, emotionally said "looks like her mother!" ”

The moon is impartial, does not criticize the praying mantis that eats the butterfly, does not harshly accuse itself of just watching, and does not even express sorrow for the eating of the caterpillar, and at the end of the story, when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it only says lightly: "The swallowtail butterfly has flown." ”

Caterpillars wake up and grow up on their own and must learn to survive! This is the law of nature, and in order not to be eaten by the birds, they learn the first skill: to hide and hide themselves, while facing numerous tests.

The first test, hurt by many predators, the magpie took one, the long-tailed ate one, and the Tsubaki elephant was staring at one...

The second test also followed, wind and rain, the temperature plummeted, and late autumn came, which was undoubtedly a greater test for weak caterpillars.

In the third test, only the last caterpillar came out to feed, encountered the praying mantis, bravely exposed its tentacles, emitted a bad smell, and drove away the praying mantis. The mountain dove circling in the air took the praying mantis from its back, and the caterpillar could start eating carefreely.

The fourth test, late autumn has arrived, the leaves have fallen off, the caterpillar has no food, the caterpillar is motionless, cocooning itself and waiting for the arrival of spring.

Watching the caterpillars become independent day by day, dwindling day by day, and experiencing risks every time, the moon is both full of worry and joy at seeing hope. This is the cruelty of nature, and if the caterpillar cannot become a butterfly on its own, then he may not be able to dance in the most beautiful spring.

In fact, whether it is nature or life, there are their own laws, there are many things that we do not want to be unwilling, it will not happen. It's like this when mother swallowtail butterflies are eaten by praying mantises, and so do the little caterpillars who need to grow up on their own.

The artistic sense of the picture in this book is extremely strong, the whole book seems to be shrouded in a hazy fog, the cruelty and poetry of life, and the tenacity of the new force are displayed on the end of the paper through the author's brush. The picture is also very oriental temperament, life and death are expressed very implicitly and introvertedly, the tenacity of life and the difficulty of growth are integrated into a beautiful, sad fairy tale, and people can get the strength to grow and the courage to face difficulties, with endless meaning.

The author uses delicate brushstrokes to portray the rich emotions of Mother Moon, those intertwined emotions such as loss, worry, joy, and relief, and like a multi-prism in her pen, showing different levels of maternal love.

The story appears many times in the picture of the moon combination to represent the inner ups and downs of the moon in a time period, serious expression, round eyes, and shadowy sounds. Let the reader see the change of the protagonist in a cohesive way, in the language of painting, in a comparative way; see the process of the caterpillar being found, stared at and eaten by the long-tailed, and the large picture of the magpie taking away covers the entire sky, which all feel their strength and the weakness of the caterpillar; see the coincidence of butterflies, praying mantises and the moon, so that the three concentrate on this moment, see the cruelty of the praying mantis, the helplessness of the butterfly and the sorrow of the moon; and the overlap of the picture in the distance and close-up scenes, Through the gaps in the trees, you can see the rolling mountains and rows of trees in the distance, the children in the middle scene play carefreely, and the caterpillars and nemesis play a game of peek-a-boo in the close-up.

With the theme of nature and life, this story is a small history of the life of the swallowtail butterfly, telling the life of the butterfly, from an egg to a small green insect, experiencing difficulties and dangers to break through the cocoon into a butterfly. It is a bit like a fairy tale, but it has a strong popular science significance, which is very suitable for children at this age of 4 to 6 years old, and children at this stage not only have a strong curiosity about everything in the world, but also think about life and death, and are full of curiosity about the topic of death.

There are also deeper philosophies and a lot of natural science knowledge, the birth and death of butterflies, the surplus and lack of the moon, the changes of the four seasons, the laws of nature, etc., as well as some of the pictures in the book that should have been very bloody, under Li Huili's artistic creation, let us feel that death is actually not so terrible.

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