
Good book recommended "Whose youth is not confused" (plus the whole book excerpt) "six hours of hard work"

author:Where bustling Sheng Song fell 0514
Good book recommended "Whose youth is not confused" (plus the whole book excerpt) "six hours of hard work"

Youth is very long, we always feel that the day is like a year, youth is also very short, today I remember yesterday's wish.

It is difficult for me to meet in time, and emotions are not free.

That unforgettable youth, we met, we parted, everything was not up to people.

The rain hit the pear blossom deeply closed the door, forgot youth, and missed youth.

Singing in the daytime must indulge in alcohol, and youth is a good companion to return home.

Youth must be early, how can you grow a teenager.

There are dreams, it is happy, look at me, look at the people around me, look at the face that is tireless in the struggle for dreams, everything is clear.

In the geometry of youth, the yellow birds do not stop.

Young people should maintain a sense of youth. Every day should be optimistic and cheerful, positive, full of energy and positive energy, with light steps and stars in the eyes.

The situation is that the youth is about to fall, and the peach blossoms are falling like red rain.

The four major regrets of youth: the confession is not fruitful, the crush is not said, the friendship is endless, and the dream is not successful.

The curtain is young and old several times, and the lock is long for a thousand years.

The beauty of youth lies in the fact that you decide that there is nothing but youth, and whether you will continue to live in the future or not, it is a desperate squandering.

The youth lieutenant is the most mercurial, and he worships hou after twenty achievements.

Youth is a sweet first love, an unbridled love, a youthful and ignorant impulse, and a beautiful yearning. Youth is the exclamation of other people, "It's good to be young."

Not tired of youth, I have seen Zhu Ming move.

Youth rush, don't look back at those who passed you by, your future is always ahead.

Tears wet lonely luan Xiao mirror faint, recently Fang xie regret youth.

Youth is a stumbling journey, with the beauty of hindsight.

Daylight is not everywhere, and youth comes from nowhere.

Even if it is as small as a moss flower, it still blooms with the brilliance of youth. Those seemingly untouchable waves day after day will one day make people see the meaning of persistence.

Outside the building, there are thousands of wisps of Yang, want to tie the youth, less live in the spring and go.

In dreams, youth can be chased, and the poems are to be stumbled upon.

Youth is fleeting, and years are hard to come by.

From green onions to whiteheads, I only hope that you will walk out of half your life and return as a teenager.

Whose youth is not confused? Whose youth doesn't make mistakes? Most people's youth is full of inferiority, crush, confusion and failure. Squandering youth at the most beautiful age, I feel that the future is still a long way, the road is still far away, and there is still a lot of time. As everyone knows, the enjoyment of the present is the overdraft of the future, and if you do not suffer now, the suffering you will suffer in the future will be super doubled. But so what? That's youth! Youth has the opportunity to make mistakes, and having nothing is our fearless capital! What we need to do is to grasp every minute and second of the present, what is not important, what is important is to look back on the present in three years, you will laugh and say that there is no regret before, everything has been done to the best of your ability, success or failure. Do your best, no regrets youth. Enough, after decades of life, when will you really understand the difficulty and confusion and contentment? Then this life is enough!

When a person begins to understand himself, answer questions for himself, and point out the direction for his heart, that is the greatest success in life.

Confusion is not a sin, pretending not to be confused is. There is confusion, acknowledging it, accepting it, and overcoming it, which is the meaning of our companionship along the way.

It is not a shame to show your weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses, not showing does not mean that you do not, showing but proving that you are not afraid of being hurt, that is also another kind of strength.

The so-called truth is no longer afraid of the evaluation of others, good is me, bad is also me, horizontal and vertical are me. Because I know my flaws better than others, I am not angry when others criticize correctly, and I laugh when others criticize them for being biased.

Unable to get the approval of others everywhere, you can only change the way to support yourself.

No matter how old we are, as long as we are running, we are all looking forward to the future, breaking away from the past, and the current look of hard work will be awkward and dashing, but more is not afraid of turbulence, not afraid of turnaround, not afraid of suddenness

In the past, I was a city traveler, running between cities for work; later, they called me a professional, running for life and work.

"I'm fine" doesn't mean that you finally survive to the days when you have money, friends, and someone to take care of; rather, you can finally get used to the days when you don't have money, no friends, and no one to take care of. "I'm fine" is telling them that you are becoming more receptive to reality, not more realistic. I'm not as vulnerable as you think, and I can live just as well without you.

All the problems you encountered in growing up were tailor-made for you. If you solve it, you become a survivor among your kind; without it, you never know who you might become.

In the decade between the ages of 20 and 30, we all walked the same path. You feel that loneliness is right, that is the opportunity for you to know yourself; you feel that it is right not to be understood, that is the opportunity for you to recognize your friends; you feel that the darkness is right, so that you can distinguish what is your light; you feel helpless, so that you can understand who is the person who can help you in your growth; you feel confused, whose youth is not confused.

Some people will hate us because of our flaws, but there will also be people who like us because we are authentic. We don't have to let those who don't like us like us like ourselves, but we insist on letting those who should like us find themselves as soon as possible.

Life is too small, happiness is too palpable, but no one can cherish it well.

Because youth has too many concepts in everyone's heart, our understanding is different, or the crowding of the dormitory, or the chalk thrown at you by the teacher, or the good friend in the back seat of the sixth floor, or showing the most clumsy side of yourself in front of your classmates, are rare memories.

My understanding is that youth is the other shore that we cannot reach with our lives, and it is the past that fills us with the fragrance of flowers and fantasies. Youth is imagination, an optimistic imagination of past life. If you can really go back to the past, I believe we are all willing to go back, but how do you know that what you need is youth? At that time, youth has not yet begun, it has not yet ended, and the real answer is that youth is yourself.

On the road to growth, only we will understand each other, understand each other, take time as sunshine, take pain as encouragement, and we are youth, no matter where we are. So don't grieve for your past, because you'll always be there. There, it is a piece of heaven, and you are your own youth.

What is beautiful? It is nothing more than to pity the frustration of the time with the better of the present.

Treat time as sunshine and pain as encouragement. Ten years later, looking at the words I wrote to myself ten years ago, I feel that I can really comfort myself at that time. Chai Jing wrote in "Seeing" that Bai Yansong comforted her, and now that she thinks of all the good times, it seems painful at the time, but it is only when she recalls it afterwards that she is so happy. In the early 20s, I struggled and tangled every day, as if I had experienced a new molt, and what I was shedding was timidity, fear, the superficial cognition of things, and the acceptance of life peacefully. We always say that time is the best witness, it knows who we will eventually become and where we will end up. In fact, it seems that time can indeed change us, but words can remember everything. This book records the traces of the stars in these ten years, and hopes that each footprint has the value of taking a step.

Because I was young, I had no choice but to try.

Women who are not really reserved will always remind themselves to be reserved, and women who are truly reserved will forget.

One sentence is quite correct, and that is "I think you are familiar, like an old friend". Just like I am in Beijing now, I occasionally see a back, I will think about who this is like, who is like that, before I have time to catch up and talk, they disappear one by one in the hurried footprints.

If you say it with your heart, perhaps only those who are blessed can understand it.

I have heard people say that there is a bird in the world that has no feet, and it can only fly all the time, and when it is tired of flying, it sleeps in the wind. This bird can only go down to the ground once in its life, and that time is when it dies.

Memories are a huge whirlpool, making people helpless and involuntary.

Draw a blank picture, buy a single sofa, make an unmanned phone call, and open a bottle of tasteless wine.

No matter how lonely and vast, those figures will always be forgotten.

You can't like a thing just because you have the courage, you must let others think that what you like is the best in the world, and you have to say it loudly, boldly, and boldly.

If you are still used to the past, we can change the time and place and indulge in the past together. Just one appropriate reason. Now, what you have to do is to make you happier together. Being strong doesn't seem like a good thing. Whoever wants to do it will do it, don't compete with others, otherwise you will just lower your own level and drag yourself down.

When you are quiet, one person can also become the world, let alone two people.

Bitterness is not a bad thing, it will make your future sweeter.

I feel that life is too small, happiness is too within reach, but no one can cherish it well.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the waiting and foreshadowing of death, and all this comes from the fear of death while people are alive.

Many people are lucky enough to experience death and then flee death, often forgetting what kind of pain they have experienced, and only have the excitement of the rest of their lives.

Life is too fragile, life is too uncertain. Everyone strives to be a human being, and it is not easy to enter the world trade center to work, what a glorious thing, but in the end it is still in vain with the building. After lamenting the impermanence of life, I found that only sex can immediately reflect the happiness of life, and everything must be happy in time.

When Hanakuro Tayama, the fighter of Japanese naturalist literature, was about to die at the age of 58, someone asked him how he felt when he was dying, and he replied in a weak voice: "It really feels lonely to think of a person who is alone." ”

Death is the waste of the flesh, but immortality is spiritual perfection.

We fight not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing us. When everything is understood, you will probably know that how to live a real and comfortable self is the most important and comfortable thing.

Words are just an illusory thing, and when nothing more is written, it is confronted with a "dead" word.

Rare leisure is the luxury of this era.

Sometimes, you see that we are happy because we are all more sad, and we learn from each other's strengths to alleviate our sadness, isn't it good?

For us, they are our relatives who have walked into society, they can never be forgotten, and they must always be grateful.

Is there eternal youth? Is this question equivalent to having friends forever? Our answer is yes.

We argue, we hug, we are busy, and most importantly we are all growing together. Time passes in a flash, the big time is more than two years, the small time is almost halfway through 2005, and there is more than half waiting for us to work hard.

At present, we still have no achievements, but there is unlimited hope and unlimited motivation, as well as mutual support and understanding. We're young, and we can fail when we're young, but we try not to fail.

The promise of all teenagers to meet is only a comfort in the moment before the unknown fate. You will one day understand: some people, some things, missed for a while, are a lifetime.

Those days that are bound to break with the past will be accompanied by fragmented pains and broken threads.

Trivial memories, like willows, piled up at the intersection and became insurmountable heartbreaks.

The results of the examination are unknown, but happiness is in hand, only need a decision of their own, she will stretch her eyebrows and feel comfortable in a foreign country, and a scrawled "thank you" is enough to make me stretch my limbs and laugh wildly.

The happiness of waiting for it lies in the fact that you say: I am fine.

Life is like a drama, in your life, if you want to be wonderful, you always have to rely on yourself to touch a few good actors with plays.

Falling in love with a serious pastime, but with the time of a flower blooming; encountering a fireworks show, it takes only a round of time.

Feelings cannot be faked on people, and once the equivalent exchange is mixed in the middle, perhaps only the equivalent is remembered in the end.

I will remember that I pitched ten shots and ten empty, I will remember the Ferris wheel 40 yuan 5 laps, I will remember the simple layout in the haunted house, and I know that those mind games are difficult to play, and the playground is dragging the big polar bear around with the nursery. Colorful playground, potholes are full of traps.

Carnival is a playground for adults to be vain, for adults to pretend to be pure love, the playground is full of artificiality, including me, the innocence of children will only be drowned.

I'd rather make a hasty decision than keep regretting it.

It seems that when a person is most insecure, he is half dreaming and half awake, no matter what he does, he first doubts himself, and then subconsciously does not allow himself to make mistakes, answers with words that cannot find defects, and the result is that the handling of everything makes both parties very satisfied, and after thanking each other, hanging up the phone but not knowing what he is talking about

It can be seen that people's state is often to lose themselves by living too much, otherwise every time they see it and look at it again, how can they forget their original state of mind.

The girl is standing there, I am here, the girl is delayed, this is fate. I packed myself up and walked over with the rose and the computer, and that was confession.

Beautiful, it seems that it is often difficult to leave such a deep impression on the memories. When you feel happy, just write down the smiling faces of your parents. When you feel sweet, just listen to your hearty laughter. The rest, on the other hand, can't even remember. The floral fragrance, birdsong, and freshness were just the mood at that time. And those misery, those regrets, on the contrary, can completely restore the scene at that time.

Today is always full of illusions about tomorrow, and only then can we have a firm belief in living until the day after tomorrow.

Now we go farther and farther, the lonelier and more afraid, and the occasional symmetrical smile will be happy for a long time.

We all say that we should be people with pursuits, and in the end we often find that only we are left with ourselves around. The only people who can encourage you are yourself.

What people can remember is personality.

Everything should look at the long term, and the mentality should be peaceful.

There are too many labels that no one can remember, and the characteristic that can be remembered is personality.

When I was a child, I was particularly annoyed with pretending to be a mature classmate, because I couldn't pretend to be able to pretend at all, for fear that I would be criticized as naïve. Later, when I grew up, I thought about all this and found that I liked to pretend to be mature than natural childish, which was more childish. Everyone's personality is a god-given, don't wear it down, don't change it, don't abandon it, it will surely surprise you when you need it.

Only by admiring yourself can you convince others.

The only people who can encourage you are yourself.

Good friends are no longer good friends, and tacit understanding has long become dry bones, burying a hundred years of memories. It's as if I've forgotten what your name is. Only time, place, and person are engraved in a certain period of time and space in the past.

For anything, don't pin your hopes on others, whether it's emotions or work, otherwise the only result is to be caught off guard, and a sense of security can only be given to yourself.

It is because of you that I ask of you in this way.

Everything is changing, and everything is not changing.

The so-called ideal means that it is immutable.

Record all your feelings one by one, and your fleeting thoughts are captured here in its entirety. I remember preaching at university, I asked everyone to record them whenever they had time. It's all your own life, and even years later it seems like this is your child, see how your child slowly changes under your efforts. All the subtleties hide the sound of spring blossoms and ice cracking.

One long trip was in a sleeper. The journey is long, in addition to reading books and listening to songs, the best pastime is to look at people.

That day, when she carried the salesman for two minutes, I should have cried, and I didn't know why, I always felt that the greatness of self-esteem should actually be the victory of human nature.

If I loved anyone, we would definitely take the train to a far away place, and all the way was a landscape, including the scenery presented when thinking.

In fact, only the embrace without content makes people sigh, I hug you tightly, the tighter, the more resonate, resonate with all the endurance in life, resonate with all the intersections in the feelings.

People walk in time, always thinking that if there are the same footsteps, the same scenes, the same state of mind, they will flash back to the picture of many years ago and live their lives again.

When it is noisy, I can watch from the sidelines. When calm, I can think. When you are embarrassed, you will be restrained. When you fail, you laugh at yourself. For me, it is a pretense nature, but it is actually a disguised self-protection. Even today, I still occasionally empty, it is not idle, but free.

Love is not complicated, come and go only three words, not "I love you" "I hate you", or "forget it", "how are you" and "sorry".

The meaning of life is not how brilliant a person is when he is strong, but when he gradually withers, there are people who understand her quietly accompanying her, without saying, without speaking, without breathing, exchanging the true nature of life, allowing the noise and disputes around her.

If I don't like you, how can I be friends with you? If I like you, how can I just be friends with you?

Time can change everything you think can't. Now it seems that this is the case. The friends who ate and chatted together that year had long been strangers, and at that time they thought we would love each other, but now it seems that this is good, and we have finally found our most suitable position, and we are not embarrassed with each other.

Recording is a life-saving decision.

Some words can only be said by the paralysis of drugs, some people can only rely on the volatilization of alcohol to have themselves, and some emotions can only be cherished by the shortness of time.

It is not easy to love people, it is not easy to hate people, it takes time to deal with it, but in a short period of time, who are you, what kind of lip color you like, what kind of close-fitting color you pick, are unknown answers, and you have been with each other inexplicably, warmly, and finally there is no time for basic gratitude, will you choose to hate for a lifetime? You say, "If it were you, would you?" ”

Man's whole life is about looking for another person, and the other person is the other self. You are two people who live in different places but have the same experience.

Loneliness cannot be solved by the three words "together". Loneliness may be the same as confusion, which will always exist throughout a person's life. If you keep thinking, the soul is always drifting in space, there is no fixation, every second is only fixed for the previous second. And the loneliness of a certain state will make each of us present a fresh self, and let people identify it in the vast sea of people.

I never thought how bitter I was, that the sad things were nothing, that everything was going well, that everything was still comfortable. It wasn't until my friends helped me recall little by little that I remembered that it was just me forcing myself to forget something unhappy.

If you lose anything, you can't lose your memory, and the bad and the good are all wealth.

People who debut by virtue of humor and funny may never be eligible to shed tears until the day of success, and can only repeat their past and live their lives with chicken blood.

I always feel that everyone's performance is scripted, and as their own director, they can control their words and deeds, as well as the characters they represent.

No one will always be right, they will only get more and more right.

The point of some people's existence is always to let others grow and then disappear.

Countless of you make up who I am today. No matter which street in which city, there is your shadow in the trance of blinking and raising a glass, thanking everyone for their existence that makes our lives have a different meaning.

There are some movies, some lines, because they make people warm, and let themselves try to get closer in reality. These films make themselves warm and sensitive, as kind as possible, as close as possible.

The last time you said to me: You go. I turned back and asked: Why? It was only later that I understood that there were so many reasons, just because it was eleven o'clock in the night, and everyone should go back. At that time, I didn't understand it, and I thought it was countless because of the reasons after that, so... I left and never went back.

Fall in love with someone in your memory, and never lose love, right?

Taste is the easiest thing to keep in the heart.

The meaning of life is not how brilliant a person is when he is strong, but when he gradually withers, there are people who understand her to stay with her quietly, without saying, without speaking, holding their breath to exchange the true nature of life, allowing the noise and disputes around them.

People are always looking for their own lifelong positioning. It is difficult to let go of the situation that is the last thing you want to encounter. "Living at your own age" is an important thing. Waiting is also an option.

He was like me, like many, many people. Different people forget the time of first love, the object of first love, the location of first love, the gender of first love, and the same is that they have forgotten their first love.

"It should be that everyone should look up to themselves, don't think that they are insignificant and let themselves do something, say something, in fact, anything you do may cause irreparable damage to the people around you for a lifetime." 」 What about you? ”

To this day, I often ask myself: Which self is real? Working? individual? Collective? Exaggerated? Low-key? Laughing? Ostentatious? Funny? Serious? Angry? Positive? Rebellious?

Love is a mother with a child, coaxed to be obedient. The key is who is the mother and who is the child. But if someone tries to be a dad, sooner or later the relationship will break down.

Because I love kids. I'd love to have a few kids like me and then I can play with them.

Grateful for everything, you will be satisfied with everything.

Sometimes, you're less important, lighter, maybe live better.

What an important thing it is to "live in your own age".

Cai Kangyong's understanding is: don't develop the habit of passive acceptance with your mouth open when you have an appetite, and finally when you find that these are not the foods you like, you have destroyed your good appetite.

At that time, I lived the last described life, nothing, but I had the best appetite when I was young, eating the most immediate food when I was young, living in my own age, not wasting a second, it was so cool!

Life is made up of details, not time.

Don't feel guilty about your own high standards, if the other person really wants to be a part of your life, he will definitely try to meet your standards.

Those who need you to waste your time explaining everything to him must be the ones god sent to receive you.

Like Obama: I can feel sorry for my words, but you want me to apologize and leave it alone. What the other party says is what you are, is he you, or are you?

Therefore, being able to read your apology from a look is your true destiny, and being able to feel your reluctance from a hug is your confidant. Although we are not idol drama actors, people who love you will capture your every move and emotion instead of the camera.

Sharing is a virtue that is dying.

Swearing is really a good medicine to make your mood better!

I looked at the changed curtains, no smiling faces, idiotic eyes, heartstrings that I didn't dare touch. In the end, how to live these years. ”

It's not a flaw, it's that you're not in a dream.

Why does everything in the dream make sense, but when you wake up, there are many loopholes? The reason we feel that many things are flawed is because we are not in dreams.

Girls who are generally targeted too early by boys have difficulty protecting themselves.

For example, at first glance I think she is really good, and then the second thought is to tell myself that I can't climb high. So it is attached to its circumference and becomes a decoration, reflecting the scenery for life.

To live is not about the struggle, but about finding someone who shines as hard as you are in the midst of countless struggles.

I think I'm looking down on myself, but that doesn't mean you can look down on me. I see that I and you are two different things, so please don't make up your own mind to bring us closer together. I have endless bottom lines, I have a super good temper, and I can tolerate some dissatisfaction just because I've always treated you like a loved one, so please don't waste that trust.

Any hypocrisy, forced pretense, vanity, in the face of time, will eventually fail. And what can stand the test of history must be sincere to the minority and peace to the majority.

A man who, because of his preconceived notions, cannot be seen by all his more human side is not his sorrow, but the sorrow of all.

In fact, I can't do anything big in this life, as long as I make the elders feel long and satisfied, I will be satisfied.

No matter how far you go, you can't get out of my heart.

Instead of being decadent because of the failure, he was relieved by this failure to exhaust the spell and not be able to return to heaven.

Many people are anxious because they don't know the future, but no one thinks about what will happen in a few months and what will happen in a few years. But I believe that you have to insist on being a good person, and then you will meet some good people, and then everything will get better and better.

It is not a sadness that no one in this tense society can keep their promises of freedom.

You know, in order to buy a house, to buy a car, in order to get more people to pay attention to, I am like everyone else, busy nagging, busy nagging, busy nagging,

Accustomed to self-entanglement, accustomed to forbearance to be nice men, accustomed to self-healing, avoiding embarrassment.

I know myself so well that I don't need anyone to tell me, "You have to be, you can't be, you can't be."

I'm comfortable living in my own world, and I know who will make my world richer, but when you enter my world, you blast the buildings that I've spent years making, on the grounds that they're not for you. But are you right for them?

We are more likely to get hurt than we think, but we are more likely to bear it than we are.

The so-called good relationship is two loves, if there is gold and jade as a companion, it can be regarded as the icing on the cake. The so-called friends are acquaintances by chance, and if there are endless similarities, they can be regarded as blood thicker than water.

True good friends are a soul living in two bodies.

Once I leave you, I am not the me you think I am. Because I cared about you at that time, I seemed so humble, so sensitive, so eager to look forward to it. But once you lose that kind of care, who you are has nothing to do with me, my everything at the beginning is actually a bubble, it is also illusory, it is even more fireworks, you don't have to keep it in mind, assuming that it becomes the end of my life, that will be bad for you after all. I'm always better than you think.

Love is too short, and forgetting is too long. Life is too short, and thoughts are too long. Holding hands is too short, and walking is too long. Hugging is too short, and cooling is too long. The kisses are too short and the aftertaste is too long. Encounters are too short, and waiting is too long.

Life does not have to find competitors, as long as you do a good job, break through yourself, defeat the self you think, you can't have an opponent. How can a man who has defeated himself lose to someone else?

What is drunk is time, what evaporates is the story, what sleeps in the past is betrayal, and the only thing that is remembered is the look.

"My schizophrenia is well, and I'm fine with me."

I like the silent church before the ceremony begins, more than any sermon.

In the process of growing up, the biggest problem is not the misreading of our friends, but our unwillingness to admit the self in the mouth of our friends. The you in the eyes of your friends do not coincide with the self in your eyes, which is an important reason that prevents us from becoming better. So, dear ones around me, spend more time getting to know yourself and less time dealing with others. Because in the end, the person who can give you the most favorable help is no one else but yourself.

Growing up for a moment gave me the feeling that it wasn't about learning to avoid danger, it was about not being afraid of pain.

In the face of time, everything seems powerless.

Most people are mortal. A day's happiness can make him forget all the misfortunes of the past, and a day's unhappiness can also make him forget all the happiness of the past.

However, suddenly, one day, when I wrote again, I found that I had been immersed in society for many years, and what I wrote down naturally became social.

Don't worry, take your time, it's naturally your turn when it's your turn.

The beauty of a crush is that maybe you will never lose love.

They asked me: When did you know you were determined to do this line of work, to write books, to make movies? How did you get yourself some recognition? In fact, I didn't have a choice. Only interested in the media, bored to write, think they can make movies and propose to involve movies. The only thing I can choose is my mood. Many things, as long as you can do it willingly, everything is taken for granted. All now, in my opinion, is taken for granted. Because I've always been willing.

However, if these are not recorded in writing, a day or two will pass, and it should be forgotten. I once saw a sentence: Although we are separated, I still keep those text messages you gave me, for nothing else, but to prove that people like you have loved me so passionately.

The highest state of love is not to take, but to wait silently.

She was right, lost love doesn't die, a year, is the deadline.

I've always thought that if the other person has a place in my heart, no matter how far he goes, he can't get out of my heart.

Friends, no matter how good friends, only these things remain in the memory. Other people, perhaps even less.

Friend asks: Do you know what kind of person the other person is? I replied without hesitation: silent, taciturn, too heavy-hearted to express oneself

Your "understanding" is a verbal compromise, not a compromise of your momentum, a compromise of your outcome, or a compromise of your entire behavior. My "understanding" is the opposite, I am referring to the compromise of the whole act, which is beyond the scope of language, momentum, and rhetoric.

Later, I often saw people write: No matter how bad the world is, as long as you maintain a high degree of purity in your heart, you will still be a good person. I changed it to: If you are not a person with super self-control, then together with more people who have a good heart like you, collective cultivation is strong, and individuals can naturally be strong.

As long as the inner lamp can be lit for itself, continue to burn, whenever it loses its direction, look at the inner light, everything will not be afraid.

I still remember many, many nights, what kind of songs I listened to, what kind of books I flipped through, what kind of words I wrote, who I chatted with on QQ, and imagined my life a few years later. It's really pretty much the same as it is now.

A partner is the most feared relationship in the whole world

Don't lose the opportunity to get deep love again because of the hurt you have been.

Once the loser has a turnaround, the story means over.

When you meet the kind of person who has not opened your mouth and is convenient to guess your intentions, you do not regret falling in love. Meet the kind of person who said the first half of the sentence, and can easily take the second half of the sentence, hurry up to be a partner, most of them will do more with half the effort. It is appropriate to meet the kind of person who says the whole sentence and the other party understands your ideas, and it is appropriate to be a good colleague. When you meet the kind of person who says the whole sentence and the other party does not understand what you mean, such a friend is best not to associate. When you meet the kind of thing that you say, you still need to explain, and then the other party still doesn't understand, most of them are sent by heaven and your enemies to harm you.

A lot of people break into your life, just teach you a lesson, and then turn around and hurry away.

Sadness is called suffering, relief is called regret, and forgetting is called karmic obstacles.

What is fanaticism? Fanaticism is when you see a group of people silently doing the same thing as you, but without complaining, and you are eager to jump into the boiler to show your heart.

Don't care too much about being looked down upon. There is no real fullness, and there is no real loneliness. A man's perfection lies precisely in the fact that he dares to present his imperfections. People of faith are always positive. The word "input" is very important.

Now I've learned to say, "Oh, that's what our zodiac sign or our kind of people are, leave us alone." When countless lonely worlds seem to be defined as links by certain concepts, thin and dense, seemingly milky way, a warmth under the eyes, well, and a little momentum to the world.

Loneliness does not mean loneliness. Loneliness is a certain pleasure of self-sufficiency that one pursues, while loneliness is the mess of the soul without resting.

Life also has a head, which will make every day become a little pursuit.

To measure whether a person loves you or not, it is not to see how long he has been with you, but to see how crazy he can be when he loves you.

When life is conclusive but without plot, it is no different from a dead tree, and you can see the traces of its efforts to reach the sky, but there are no signs of life.

80% of our lives don't know each other until after college, and if we go back in time, those 80% will become strangers overnight, even if they come face to face, they will only pass by. Even if only one of these 80% of people is worthy of your possession and cherishing, in the face of a time machine that can only be taken once, I don't think you dare to take that step.

Why would some people give up an entire forest for a tree?

The reason why life is wonderful is that there must be a person in our hearts, and the reason why life is wonderful is that every step we take now is the step that we want to come back in the future.

A lot of things are like this, and once an idea takes over our heads, we don't try to understand what other people want us to know, we just want others to know what interests us.

The workplace is a very realistic place, you have to prove that you are capable, in order to make more people willing to listen to your opinions, and then lead everyone to move in the right direction you think.

Regret that you and I have not known each other for long enough, sorry that you and I have not been together for long enough, regret that there are still many words in the heart that have not been spoken, regret that when we break up, we still do not remember the taste of each other's bodies, and regret that we do not know how much the other party can pay for themselves. Regret is always there, the Xiangjiang River day and night tide, as wet as the eaves under the flowers.

Some memories are beautiful and no one will do it for us anymore; some memories are poignant and we will no longer do it for others.

People's emotions are catalyzed and burned by each other, and if you dare to have fun, I dare to open up.

You and I, it is best to meet like oxygen and fire, completely release the fusion to be so hot that it explodes, even if you end up empty of the smell of fireworks, at least you will have a back to watch the fireworks with you. Love needs to be full of passion, not for yourself, but for yourself to plant beauty in the memories of the other party.

Some bitterness is not worth complaining about because you know that sooner or later they will get better.

The so-called process of north drift is probably the process of teaching a person to first adapt to floating in the sea, and then learn to build a mirage for himself.

Someone said to Ma Yun: I admire that you can survive so many difficult days, and then you have today's glory, you are really not easy. Ma Yun said: It is not difficult to survive those very hard days, because I know it will get better. What I admire even more is you, knowing that the days are the same, and insisting on going on as usual for decades, replaced by me, I have gone crazy.

I don't know what I'm thinking, but I'm thinking, and then the answer I'm saying will be more or less credible.

Admit that you don't understand it is not shameful, and don't know how to pretend to understand it.

The previous TV dream was to stick to self-esteem, and now the TV dream is to be desperate

Only when you meet the right people are you willing to show your most nervous side in front of them.

Be convinced that everything will eventually turn into a good thing, and if not, it means that it has not yet reached the end.

Once in a bad mood, I like to talk to friends, say all my doubts, friends answer with their hearts, but no matter what the other party answers, I am mmmmm

People don't listen to their inner desires, avoid loneliness and anxiety, and are behind the rules of the way. But people will eventually find that this kind of life is actually not worth living. The more you avoid your own heart, the more confused you become.

No matter how heavy your heart is, put on the headphones, isolate from the world, and your heart will immediately become solid.

People often misunderstand because they do not understand, but they also reap joy because they do not understand.

If you care about someone, they live in your life with all the details, not the feelings. If you care about a person, his life in your world is all about stories, not evaluations.

When you realize that others can't help you, you will find that one person can actually do a lot of things.

A person is bad, everyone can see it, tacitly, you say it again, there is no point. But a person is good, not necessarily everyone will say, you say it, maybe he will remember your good. It is easy to be a person who dares to say bad things about others, but it is difficult to be a person who will say good things about others.

Dad is not just a title of "Dad", the path he walks, the feelings he has precipitated, the sufferings he has suffered, and the mistakes he has made should all be things that I know and have never wanted to understand.

If you care about someone, they live in your life with all the details, not the feelings.

Everything must be summed up in the most favorable way for oneself, pleasing oneself and making oneself feel better is an extremely important ability, and there is no one.

Regular fitness, more exercise, will save a lot of money to buy clothing. The figure is good, the temperament will also become better, and you feel that you are not bad when you wear anything.

Any talent in this society can be cashed in, and if not, it is not bad luck, but you are not talented enough.

There is nothing that cannot be learned, the key is whether you dare to open up.

You will find that as long as you try your best, you may become better, and as long as you become better, you may become bigger

It's easy to like someone, but it's hard to stick to loving someone. Hopefully, the people you meet are not because of interest, but because of mutual appreciation, and each other can be better for each other.

Feelings are consumables, after the period is difficult to have a fresh look, do not let the other party down, do not become a boring person, do not be willful to be yourself. Feelings are balances, you can see yourself as important, but more importantly, you know how to maintain balance.

Regret can make you recognize yourself, not daydreaming, but when running in that direction, you must first find a stepping stone.

And we often lose our principles because we want to be good people, but we are ignored.

Good people generally don't embarrass you, and people who will embarrass you are not good people.

From being a good person, to learning to establish your own principles, to using principles to reject others.

Making parents happy and making yourself feel safe is not dependent on grades, but you can continue to write, and you can also write things that move you, which is very safe.

The careful thoughts in my heart are always circling around, and sometimes I am happy to figure out a small truth for half a day.

Because I hug in my memory, I feel it in reality. If you have a heart that can be soft at any time, you are not afraid that you can't hold back your true feelings in your heart.

At that time, there was a feeling that I liked to pretend to be × so much that year... Admit it's over, and write so much crap.

For a while, my brain went blank again... Every time a reader says I get power from my book, I ask myself in my heart: Am I writing about nuclear reactors?

I can't stop the innate flaws, but if I am knocked down, not only me, but maybe even my family has collapsed, so living happily is the most important thing for me now

Life is so short, stories are so complex, I've been changed by writers I like, and I've been influenced by readers who like me.

For strangers, a little more kindness, a little more courage, maybe a lot of things will become different.

Over the years, I think I am just lazy, but in fact, I don't understand too many things, and many people live in a state of not understanding and not knowing what they don't understand. Being able to understand a state that you don't understand is a very precious thing.

No matter how big or small this thing is, as long as what you have to do is not completed, there will always be a sense of guilt in your heart.

Anxiety stems mostly from procrastination, not from ability.

A lot of the things we think are "just so" because we're too bad to sink our hearts into understanding, to take the time to feel it, and then to casually label it "but so." Instead, it proves that we ourselves are the ones who are "just so.".

English is a language, a skill that many people use all their lives, so why can you learn a new language in just a few months? I find it difficult.

Not being afraid, not being afraid of losing face, is also a newly developed talent.

When you decide to do anything very seriously, the whole person's mood and state will become quiet because of that one thing. Once people become quiet, they can find many problems that were not easy to detect in the past, and can solve many things that were often overlooked in the past.

The cooking smoke that rises from every mountain is because of the arrival of new guests

You look at a lot of questions, and what we need is not necessarily a clear answer, but an outlet for venting emotions.

Later, I didn't dare to ask them questions casually, because every time I asked a question, I felt that it was a kind of interruption and trouble.

The best thing is, I like you, and I find that you actually like me.

36 years old means that a person has gone through the process of adulthood twice. The first time is the adulthood of man. The second is cognitive adulthood.

Your age is also 30 years old, so at this stage, any thing you want to do in the future can no longer rely on relationships, can no longer rely on luck, but depends on all your accumulation and experience in a certain thing in the past ten years or so. Whichever thing you spend the most time on, then you continue to do it. In this society, most of the time, it is fair, and the comparison between people is "how much time you spend on a thing". So, I'm also looking forward to his future life.

There are only two possibilities for doing a good job: one is that you really understand it, and the other is that you really take your time.

The so-called sense of security is that you can give yourself an answer to everything, whether it is good or bad.

Look at people's faces and live to please yourself, the latter will make you find what you are good at faster.

If you don't become the one who dares to solve the problem, you will become someone else's problem.

If you feel that someone is very similar to you, it's not that they're like you, it's that you see the world in the same way.

Knowing what age to do, others will think that you look a little handsome like this.

In fact, you find that people in the world who are truly self-worthy are busy and don't have time to look down on others. Those who look down on others are just addicted to looking down on it, and they are not good at anything else.

In fact, my life now is not your imagination at all, and your poverty at the moment limits your imagination of the future, and poverty here refers not only to money, but also to spirit. Your inferiority to yourself and your narrow vision make you not see farther. Since you can't see the future clearly when you look up, look down and walk the road in front of you.

Please rest assured to run forward, don't be inferior, don't be defeated by other people's opinions, don't make excuses, don't be too vain, don't worry too much about the immediate interests, try your best to do it, I'll wait for you.

Invest a lot of your time in what you decide to do, so that you can quickly judge whether others are right to question you, and your determination can also change other people's doubts about you.

This thing you can do for yourself, not for others

Everyone has their eyes open, but it doesn't mean that everyone is looking at the world, many people hardly look with their own eyes, they only listen to others, and the world they see is always what others say.

It is fortunate to be understood, but it is not necessarily unfortunate not to be understood. A person who places his value entirely on the understanding of others is often worthless.

From the moment we were born, we were like a grain of sand, drifting with the wind, gathering and leaving, just to see some of the real beauty of this earthly world, I hope you go farther and farther.

Whether you are close to anyone or not depends not on how perfect you are in front of him, but on how imperfect you dare to spread out your imperfect self in front of him, not only to show it, but also to relax your mood.

Make your life a gift, and remember forever that you are the gift. Be a gift to everyone who comes into your life, a gift to everyone you enter into their lives. Be careful not to enter into that person's life if you can't be a gift.

What I didn't expect was that a few years later, the storyteller would be me, and the person who asked the question would become you in your early 20s. The only constant is that we still sit around each other, face to face, with our heads held high, listening carefully to every word each other says.

Do your best and you'll have no regrets.

Please keep all this to yourself, no matter how pretentious and childish and contrived, that is a real and real us,

And without a moment of excitement, I pressed the delete button. You know, what you delete is not childishness, but a beautiful scenery of youth

Measuring an old time, tailoring into a suitable shape, you can't see my past, I can see my own inner openness.

It is precisely because I did not know what kind of person I wanted to become in the future since I was a child, so I wrote this down.

Good book recommended "Whose youth is not confused" (plus the whole book excerpt) "six hours of hard work"

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