
The market value did not have five billion to apologize, nord vice president "pushed" his own stock, the secretary of the board of directors said that it was issued by mistake

author:AI Finance and Economics

On October 26, a circle of friends about Chen Yubi, vice president of NORD shares, was widely circulated among investors, and it was fired because it "violently pushed" the content of its own stock "the market value is not 50 billion and the abdomen is guilty".

Subsequently, the circle of friends of a suspected company secretary "Wang Handuo" flowed out, suspected of responding to the above incident, which said that it was a mistake.

The market value did not have five billion to apologize, nord vice president "pushed" his own stock, the secretary of the board of directors said that it was issued by mistake

According to public information, NORD co., Ltd. was established in 1989, as the first producer of electrolytic copper foil in Chinese mainland, the company independently developed and produced high-grade electrolytic copper foil products, power battery materials and other products, and has become a well-known domestic leading supplier of new energy lithium battery materials.

According to the semi-annual report of NORD shares, the company achieved operating income of 2.008 billion yuan, an increase of 153.42% year-on-year; achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 201 million yuan, a year-on-year turnaround, with a loss of 17.6934 million yuan in the same period last year.

As of press time, NORD shares were quoted at 23.57 yuan / share, with a total market value of 32.92 billion. (Text | AI Finance and Economics Tianyu)

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