
Next year's market value of less than 50 billion to cut the belly? The company's executives were "desperate" enough to sell their own stocks, and the clarification announcement came

author:The Economic Observer
Next year's market value of less than 50 billion to cut the belly? The company's executives were "desperate" enough to sell their own stocks, and the clarification announcement came

Economic Observation Network reporter Monday Sail A circle of friends has made this lithium battery company famous.

On October 26, a report on NORD shares (600110. SH) vice president Chen Yubi's circle of friends screenshots spread rapidly online. Screenshot information shows that Chen Yubi put down a bold statement in the circle of friends, saying that if the company's market value does not reach 50 billion yuan next year, he will "cut his abdomen and apologize".

According to public information, NORD is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of electrolytic copper foil for lithium-ion batteries, and the products are mainly used in the production and manufacture of lithium batteries. The company's 2020 annual report shows that the proportion of electronic information materials, wire and cable, financial leasing and trade in its main business is 87.62%, 9.05%, 1.91% and 0.85% respectively.

In fact, the confidence of nord's vice president of NORD shares is not without reason. This year, due to the better lithium battery market, the company's stock continued to rise sharply, and the stock price increase in 2021 has reached a cumulative increase of 154.7%. In terms of performance, the 2021 interim report of NORD shares shows that the company achieved operating income of 2.008 billion yuan in the reporting period, an increase of 153.42% year-on-year; achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 201 million yuan, a year-on-year turnaround, with a loss of 17.6934 million yuan in the same period last year.

In response to Chen Yubi's above-mentioned relevant statements, Nord issued a clarification announcement on the evening of October 26, 2021 to explain that at about 10:00 p.m. on October 22, 2021, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, made a mistake in setting up a WeChat circle of friends to see a small number of friends, mistakenly sent relevant information about the company's future market value expectations, and distributed his personal speech poster in a past conference, which he himself found out and deleted immediately in a short period of time.

The announcement further pointed out that the screenshot was published to a small number of friends of Chen Yubi's personal, so the wording used was not serious and rigorous enough, which adversely affected the company; the outlook for the company's future market value in the screenshot was based on the individual's outlook for the securities market of the new sector, and did not provide investment advice to anyone, nor did it represent the company's position.

NORD also said that the rumored targets involved in various factors have the risk of not being achieved, and there are major uncertainties, and investors are reminded of investment risks. The company will strictly comply with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations to fulfill the obligation of information disclosure. The company's current production and operation situation is normal, and the board of directors of the company confirms that the company does not have any matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed as stipulated in relevant laws, regulations and normative documents.

Looking forward to the company's future performance, Guohai Securities Research Report pointed out that in 2021, due to the shortage of lithium battery copper foil, the processing fee has been raised many times. From the perspective of the fourth quarter of 2021, the new production capacity of the head company is very limited, NORD is currently full of production and sales, the orders are abundant, and there is no new effective capacity in the fourth quarter of 2021. Due to the high investment intensity of lithium battery copper foil, about 800 million yuan / million tons of investment, core equipment cathode roller and other dependence on imports, overseas equipment manufacturers long delivery cycle, taking into account the environmental impact assessment and other factors, the construction of new production capacity basically needs 1.5 years to 2 years or so, overall, taking into account the lithium battery copper foil expansion cycle, power battery demand rapid growth and other factors, it is believed that lithium battery copper foil processing fees are expected to continue to rise. In addition, the thinning trend is clear, 4.5μ in the processing fee is significantly higher than the 6μ product, and the profitability is expected to further thicken.

As of the end of trading on October 26, NORD shares rose 1.38% to 23.49 yuan per share, with a total market value of 32.9 billion yuan, and 52% more than the target of 50 billion.

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