
"The market value is less than 50 billion, and I apologize for it"! The vice president of A shares pushed his own stock, and the company responded urgently


A share appeared a "shocking" executive statement!

On October 26, a screenshot of the circle of friends circulated online, and the deputy general manager of Chen Yubi @ Nord shares marked on the picture said, "The company's market value next year is not 50 billion, and I apologize for the guilt." As soon as the remarks came out, it immediately detonated the Internet. The reporter of China Securities News called NORD shares in the name of investors, and the company's securities department confirmed the content of the circle of friends, saying that the remarks had been withdrawn.

"The market value is less than 50 billion, and I apologize for it"! The vice president of A shares pushed his own stock, and the company responded urgently

Source: Circle of Friends screenshot

After the market hours on October 26, NORD announced that some online platforms had market rumors such as "vice president pushing votes over sellers", which adversely affected the company. The company's description said that on the evening of the 22nd, Chen Yubi, deputy general manager of the company, made a mistake in setting up a weChat circle of friends to see a small number of friends, mistakenly sent relevant information about the company's future market value expectations and distributed his personal speech poster in a past meeting, which he himself found and immediately deleted in a short period of time. The screenshot was published to a small number of his personal friends, so the wording used was not serious and rigorous; the outlook for the company's future market value in the screenshot is based on the individual's outlook for the securities market in the new sector, and does not provide investment advice to anyone and does not represent the company's position.

NORD shares are a big bull stock this year, up 154.7% in the year, and the increase in the past six months is as high as 238%. Benefiting from the sharp increase in demand for lithium battery copper foil, the company's performance in the first half of the year turned a sharp loss. The company has sacrificed an equity incentive plan for this "groundbreaking", and Chen Yubi, as an executive in charge of the copper foil business, has the largest share of allocation and is also the main person of the equity incentive assessment. The latest market value of NORD shares is 32.9 billion yuan, which is 17.1 billion yuan away from the target thrown by Chen Yubi.

Equity incentives were allocated the most

Chen Yubi, who has released harsh words, has a rich resume and has been deeply cultivating the industrial chain for many years. Chen Yubi's previous positions include head of copper clad laminate sales in the electronics department of Formosa Plastics Group South Asia Company, manager of the sales department of Guangzhou Hongren Electronics Industry Co., Ltd., general manager of South China of Lianmao Electronics Co., Ltd., general manager of Lingbao Huaxin Copper Foil Co., Ltd., and in 2016 he was nominated as executive deputy general manager of NORD Co., Ltd. According to Nord shares, Chen Yubi has worked in the electrolytic copper foil industry for circuit boards and lithium batteries for many years and has rich experience in international management and systematic operation of large enterprises.

"The market value is less than 50 billion, and I apologize for it"! The vice president of A shares pushed his own stock, and the company responded urgently

Source: NORD Equity Incentive Scheme

NORD shares entrust them with important responsibilities, and they have an important position in the company, which can be seen from the distribution of equity incentives.

Nord shares disclosed the equity incentive plan in February this year, which was retrieved by the announcement, which may be the first time in the company's history that the equity incentive action has been offered. The number of stock options to be granted in the incentive plan is 30 million, the grant price is 7.55 yuan / part, of which 28.5 million are for the first time, and the equity incentive is for the company's directors, senior management and the company's middle-level management personnel and technical and business backbones, involving 133 people. Among them, Chen Yubi received the largest share of allocation, reaching 1.5561 million shares. Based on the latest closing price of NORD shares, the value of Chen Yubi's above options is as high as 36.6617 million yuan.

China Securities News reporter noted that the corresponding assessment year of the stock option exercise period granted by the NORD equity incentive plan is three fiscal years from 2021 to 2023, and each fiscal year is assessed once. In view of the fact that the copper foil business is the company's main business, the copper foil business is all based on the subsidiary Qinghai Electronic Materials Industry Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qinghai Electronics") as the assessment caliber, and the incentive plan evaluates the net profit of Qinghai Electronics (that is, the company's copper foil business segment) in each assessment year. It is worth noting that Tianyan's investigation shows that the chairman of Qinghai Electronics is Chen Yubi.

Nord Shares' equity incentives are subject to three exercise periods, the first of which is exercised at 40% of the shares, starting on the first trading day 12 months after the completion of the registration of the first grant of stock options to the last trading day within 24 months from the date of completion of the registration of the first grant of stock options, and the first grant date is February 24, 2021.

Doubling the big bull stock is full of confidence

Behind Chen Yubi's harsh words, NORD shares can be called a super bull stock this year, up 154.7% during the year, and the increase in the past half year is as high as 238%.

"The market value is less than 50 billion, and I apologize for it"! The vice president of A shares pushed his own stock, and the company responded urgently

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