
Alxa Heroes Will, Why Is It Cold?

author:The car pickpockets

It was a gathering of millions of people at its peak, but today its popularity in the industry is very low.

The peak of the Alxa Hero Club should be 2018 and 2019, and the number of people in the impression of these two years has reached a realm, and someone in your circle of friends must drive to Alxa before eleven to have a so-called hero party.

Alxa Heroes Will, Why Is It Cold?

But today in 2021, the Alxa Heroes Association is already a gathering of a small number of people, from the door of the year to the current no one cares, can call on millions of people's huge event, today is only a small entertainment gathering of tens of thousands of people.


The Alxa Heroes Club at its peak in 2019 is undoubtedly its "catalyst" for decay, that year all the cattle and horses can go to Alxa, the management, security, service is seriously disjointed, and a large number of people need to queue for more than 5 hours to enter the camp.

Alxa Heroes Will, Why Is It Cold?

Without any sense of experience, the heroes of Alxa will face everyone with a lowly appearance of management in the year when they need service the most.

Many people are driving by car and spend tens of thousands of yuan to experience the fun of the Alxa Heroes Club, but in the end, they are exchanged for a bad reception and an overcrowded scene.

At the same time, in that year, all kinds of cars, urban SUVs flooded the venue, and there were many accidents in vehicles that could actually go into the desert, all in all, in that year, not only did the service not keep up, but even the threshold of off-road was lowered.

Alxa Heroes Will, Why Is It Cold?

In addition to this factor, the off-road e family as a huge group, quietly left the field in 2020, although there are still some people who believe in the off-road e culture, but there have been a large number of off-road enthusiasts out of touch Alxa hero club, this part of the crowd driven traffic is still not negligible.

The most critical point is that after the epidemic in 2020, a large number of gathering behaviors have not been allowed, even this year, the number of vehicles entering the alxa left and right flags has still reached tens of thousands, which is still a huge number, and the gathering of 100,000 people is still a pressure for the organizers, the crowd is too much, and the crowds rushing to the scene from all over the country are not easy to manage.

For outside consumers, off-roading is an undeniable fact.

Alxa Heroes Will, Why Is It Cold?

At present, self-driving vehicles want to go in to play sand, 300 yuan for 30 minutes, it is already a two-day salary for many people, and this is still the price after the price adjustment, once playing sand needs 500 or even thousands of yuan, and want to tow, the price is not cheap.

The lion opens its mouth, so that the alxa hero will be in the eyes of everyone, it is difficult to be a normal game for ordinary people, simply do not have to spend a lot of money to participate, eleven days of vacation, leave it better for yourself.

Although Alxa has experienced strong fluctuations from millions to tens of thousands of people, Alxa in 2021 has also returned to a more reasonable heat, and in his own circle, this is still the head party.

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