
Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

author:Small farmers in Dabie Mountain

India is a relatively special country, in our impression they are a bit like the "open and hanging" people, whether it is the cool motorcycle overload technology, or the train top full of people, in short, you can think of the strange operation they can complete, you can not think of them can also do it. And India has to say the Ganges, which is their mother river, but also one of the birthplaces of Indian civilization, the Ganges is the great river of South Asia, has two trunks, originating in the southern foothills of the Himalayas and the Deccan Plateau, flowing through India, into Bangladesh, and finally into the Bay of Bengal.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Although the Ganges is not a world-famous river, in the eyes of Indians, the Ganges feeds the people on both sides with abundant water, so it is a sacred river, so many religious legends are related to the Ganges. The most famous is the Ganges Festival, also known as the "Big Pot Festival", a traditional religious festival in India that has a history of more than 1,300 years. Every 12 years, Hindus take turns holding ceremonies at the four holy sites along the Ganges, where tens of millions of people gather. So what kind of fish will there be in such a beloved river?

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the overlords of the Ganges</h1>

Ganges man-eating catfish

The first to appear is the Ganges catfish, the first is about the same size as the catfish we usually see, belongs to the carnivorous fish, the water quality requirements are not high, so in order to survive in the Ganges, due to the particularity of the Ganges, so the appearance of the color is heavier. Although not too large, they numbered in the millions and had become the true hegemon of the Ganges.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

The other is the larger piranha catfish, which is the cousin of the catfish, the scientific name is called tank duckbill, the giant bass, the body length of the fish is 1.5-1.8 meters, and even can grow to 2.5 meters, weighing more than 73 kilograms, and there are inverted teeth in the mouth. It is famous not only for its huge size, but also for its intersection with humans, and someone was attacked by this giant monster while bathing by the river, and disappeared into the water in an instant. Tank platypus is now charged with a series of crimes against humanity, including the death of an 18-year-old Nepalese teenager in 2008, whom witnesses say was dragged to the bottom of a river by a "slender pig."

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Ganga pot lid turtle

There was a news that attracted the attention of many netizens, especially foodies, which is a dynamic picture about the "flooding of Ganges turtles", in which an Indian boy sprinkles food on the shore, and the turtles in the water climb to the shore and scramble for food. The number of them is drooling, they are distributed in the Ganges River, the reason why they are called pot lid turtles, because they can grow to 70 to 100 cm, tortoise shells like a large pot lid, and the number has reached the million level.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Ganges Scavenger

Originally native to the Americas, the scavenger was originally an obscure fish, at least in the place of origin is not a day of early rise, every day is either used as a snack by the American crocodile, or by the otter shabu-shabu, the day is very tight. But it has become famous in China and India, probably for the purpose of purifying water quality into the Indo-Ganges, but the pollution has not been curbed, the number of scavengers has increased, and even become another kind of pollution, and the ecosystem in the river has been destroyed.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > only if it is not invaded by poisons can it stand on the Ganges</h1>

Rather than being more famous, the Ganges is more criticized by outsiders, and the most important thing is that the water of the Ganges is too dirty, it has become one of the most polluted rivers in the world, the water body is full of super bacteria that are deadly enough, and the influx of various chemical viruses makes it strongly resistant. The man-eating catfish, pot-lid turtles, and scavengers who live in the water look dashing, but they have long since completed their evolution, cultivated a poisonous body, and buried the virus deep in the bone marrow in order to gain a foothold in the Ganges and dominate one side.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Domestic sewage: As mentioned earlier, the Ganges is the mother river of the Indians, so every year hundreds of millions of pilgrims pour into the Ganges to bathe, expecting the "holy water" to wash away their sins, especially when the big pot festival can better reflect what is dirty, domestic sewage, cow dung, all the brain you can think of poured into the river.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Industrial sewage: the times are developing, after several industrial revolutions, India also has its own industrial cities, and many of them are along the Ganges, what chemical plants, smelters, paper mills, and they will produce a certain amount of industrial wastewater, if you want to purify it, it will definitely cost, so they will be discharged into the Ganges. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the Ganges contains a large number of highly resistant "superbugs" with Escherichia coli 280 times higher than normal. But the fish in the water can overcome the pollution to survive safely, and the toxins on their bodies can be imagined.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

Carrion contamination: If anyone is least afraid of corpses, the first thing I think of is the Indians, because there are often water-buried corpses floating in the Ganges, but people turn a blind eye to this and still bathe calmly. These bodies may have been caused by poor believers who did not have money to be cremated, and even if they had money to cremated, they would not necessarily be able to do so. Because every believer wants to scatter their ashes in the Ganges in order to break the cycle of reincarnation and obtain salvation, but the thousands of them are a problem, it is not surprising that they are thrown into the river without cremation. Not only people, but also Indian cattle are sacred, 300 million cattle will also die naturally, of course, cremation is not realistic, these people and cattle rotting corpses eventually become the rations of fish in the water.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" kills > the Three Kingdoms of the Ganges</h1>

The rivalry between cannibal catfish and pot lid turtles

Whether it is a man-eating catfish or a Ganges turtle, their ethnic number has reached millions, the name of the piranha catfish is also relatively maddening, because India likes water burial, rotting corpses in the water naturally become the object of contention for Ganges catfish. And tank platypus, that is, giant bass, they eat a lot of food, large mouth and sharp teeth, eating a corpse is not too difficult for it, because of the long-term eating of human flesh, has mutated, that is, the dependence on human flesh, no wonder there will be so many attacks on humans.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

The Ganges turtle has long been regarded by Indians as the embodiment of the gods, believing that there are gods living in it, and is believed to maintain the ecological stability of the river, so it is pampered, and many people always feed them when they have nothing to do. They are divided into a dozen large groups, most of which inhabit some densely populated urban docks and shoals. If you throw food into the river, the whole river will be densely packed, and there will be sheets of turtles swimming to the shore to grab food.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

But you will find that neither the piranha catfish and the pot lid turtle can conquer each other, and can only grow the team by increasing the number of their own races, although the piranha catfish mouth and large teeth are dominant, but the turtle as long as it shrinks into the shell, it will be fine, and in turn, the turtle mouth is small and cannot eat the piranha catfish. Therefore, the cannibal catfish won the first chair with offensive force, and the pot lid turtle won the second chair with good defense, and finally formed a situation of confrontation. The two firmly occupy the top position of the Ganges food chain, and without human capture, they are fertile and adaptable, and they can survive well in harsh environments such as stinky ditches, sewers, and industrially polluted rivers. The Ganges River has been flooded, and even threatened the safety of some human beings for a time.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

The worst is the scavenger

The scavenger was not a native fish of the Ganges, but half-way into the Ganges, and through its own unremitting efforts, it quickly gained a foothold in the Ganges. It is super adaptable, can not be in the sewage, sewers are not even dead without water, food scraps and even dirt can be eaten, in the face of enemies from the outside, they open their fins and spines, under the protection of the hard shell, birds of prey are difficult to catch it, even if caught, they are punctured in the throat or stuck because of too many bones. With his multiple spawning a year and a super high survival rate, he once increased the number of races.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

For foreign invaders, the man-eating catfish and pot lid turtles are also powerless, and the scavengers squeeze into the Ganges biosphere on their own. But as the number increased, the scavengers were targeted by Indians, whether it was prejudice against outsiders, or whether Indians really had no meat to eat, and scavengers became the most miserable invaders. They are made into the most famous street barbecue, braised, steamed, how delicious to come, and even made into shoes to sell. Piles of firewood were littered with scavengers, stubble seedlings were harvested, and scavengers were eaten to the point of collapse.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill

So it seems that whether it is a man-eating catfish, or a pot lid turtle, or a scavenger, no matter how the Three Kingdoms killing is staged in the Ganges, you sing me on the stage, the final winner is still the Indians, as long as the Indian people's stomach needs, what hegemon is not hegemonic, fishing up is barbecue, so the final interpretation is all in the hands of the Indians. Cannibal catfish and Ganga turtles survived until they flooded because of their religious role-playing components, and scavengers were not so lucky.

Ganges scavengers look confused: man-eating catfish, pot lid turtles naturally die, why did they enter the Indian stomach of the Ganges Overlords only if they are not invaded by poisons can stand on the Ganges River Ganges Three Kingdoms to kill