
Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

The data says sports

2024-06-30 09:18Creators in the field of sports

On June 30, Beijing time, the NBA free market door is about to open, and the Clippers are facing a lot of trouble this offseason, because George, Harden and Wei Shao are facing contract extensions, but until today, we found that none of the three signed contracts, and it was previously reported that the first choice was Wei Shao, who will refuse to implement the player option of $4.03 million next season, Wei Shao's meaning is already obvious, he does not want to play for the Clippers anymore, the American media believes that Wei Shao left the team because he could not accept to play as a substitute and get a base salary, Although he is older, his ability is still worth about 10 million annual salary.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

The Clippers are really a very strange team, last season they got Harden after the scenery, considered the favorite to win the championship, and finally finished the regular season they ranked 4th in the West, the first round of the playoffs against the unfavored Mavericks, I thought the Clippers would pass easily, but they were eliminated 2-4, as for the reason we all know very well, Leonard suddenly returned to the courtside suit, G2 and G3 came back in a bad state, from G4 simply no longer played, Leonard's behavior has happened many times, Many fans believe that if Leonard Ken plays seriously, the Clippers definitely have the possibility of competing for the championship.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

originally had the big four, and it is possible to run three next season, Wei Shao needless to say, he is determined to leave, George is currently reluctant to renew his contract, he can sign a super cap salary of $220 million with the Clippers for up to 4 years, but it has never been reached, why? First of all, the Clippers themselves are unwilling to give George a maximum salary, knowing that they have signed Leonard for 3 years and $150 million, and George's contract cannot exceed that of the small card. Secondly, George did not have the idea of continuing to stay with the Clippers, he knew very well in his heart that he had not won the championship in the Clippers for 5 years, and there was no need to continue to play, because Leonard had completely fallen flat after having the championship.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

Since the beginning of the Finals, George has fallen into various rumors, first of all, the 76ers, when George and Embiid were very close, the two also made a cameo appearance together as a Finals commentator, Embiid wanted to play with George, George was also interested in joining the 76ers, after the finals, it was revealed that as long as George was willing to nod, the 76ers were willing to sign him with a maximum salary of $210 million for 4 years, to be honest, this is a good opportunity, not only to get a big contract, but also to form a Big Three lineup with Embiid + Maxey, Again, in the less competitive East, this is a big deal for the Big Three, except for the Green Army and the Knicks, who may be them.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

If the run-in goes well, maybe the 76ers can surpass the other two teams, but the reality is very skinny, according to the Woj report, George declined to exercise the player option worth $48.79 million next season to become a full free agent, and at the same time, Woj said that the 76ers will continue to pursue George, But it is impossible to give a 4-year $210 million super cap salary contract, because the 76ers have to renew Maxey (5 years and $205 million), in other words, George must accept a salary cut in the future, which is undoubtedly not what George wants to see, so it is basically certain that the 76ers' plan to form a Big Three will be completely frustrated.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

It can only be said that George is too confused, why did Harden leave the 76ers in the first place, first of all, Embiid is obviously a center, so he has to dribble the ball like a guard, Harden has no ball, which leads to the victory is the credit of the Emperor, and Harden has to take the blame for losing. Secondly, the 76ers promised that as long as Harden cut his salary for one year first, he would give you a big contract in the second year, but Harden was deceived miserably, Mogou didn't count, Harden was very angry, and left the 76ers in a fit of anger, to sum up, the credibility of the 76ers' management is very low, and their words cannot be believed, and now it's George's turn, first lure you with a big contract, and when you want to come, you suddenly say that you have to take a pay cut.

Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

This is what the 76ers management did, George is really confused, Harden has reminded you that the 76ers are completely liars, and now George is in a tangle again, and during this time he began to make all kinds of rumors with the Warriors again. Of course, Harden's current situation is also a little embarrassing, he is reluctant to renew his contract with the Clippers, it must be up to George to choose first, and then make his own decision, in fact, to put it bluntly, the Clippers Big Four are likely to part ways next season and find their own way out, Leonard made George lose patience, and George affected Harden and Wei Shao, Xiaoka is not a qualified leader after all, and the Big Four are about to be disbanded.

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  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you
  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you
  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you
  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you
  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you
  • Refuse to give 210 million? The Big Three plan has fallen through, George is so confused, Harden has warned you

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