
Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

author:I'm Sophia

Today, I would like to talk to you about an unjust, false and wrongly decided case that shocked the whole of Canada: the Cortina case.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina Jessop

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > mother called the police: her daughter was missing at home</h1>

This happened in Canada nearly 40 years ago. Cortina Jessop is a 9-year-old girl from a village in Ontario, Canada called Queenswell.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

On October 3, 1984, Mother Jenny said to her daughter Cortina, I need to take my brother Kenny to the dentist, you come home after school and wait for us, we will be back soon.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

As a result, when Jenny came home with her son that afternoon, she only saw her daughter's school bag on the bed, but her daughter Cortina disappeared.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Jenny panicked and began to look for her daughter everywhere, but she was completely absent.

A little girl who usually goes to school with Cortina said that when she came out of the school bus that afternoon, she also saw Cortina walking home.

Jenny then speculated that her daughter's school bag was still at home, and that her daughter was likely in an accident after returning home from school.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Thinking of this, Jenny immediately called the police and said that her daughter was missing.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain</h1>

Upon notice, the police immediately launched a wide-ranging search, and friends and family and people throughout Queenswell's village spontaneously organized to help find little Cortina.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

However, the strange thing is that after such a large-scale search, after 2 months of searching, there was no trace of little Cortina, and Cortina's parents told the police that they would not give up looking for their daughter under any circumstances.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

But the police at that time with the past experience of handling cases, a 9-year-old girl disappeared in her own home, more than 2 months have not heard anything, to be honest, the probability of little Cortina accident is relatively large.

On December 31, 1984, when every family was immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the New Year's Eve, Cortina's mother was immersed in the abyss of pain, and she could not forget that on the night of the cross-Chinese New Year's Eve, in a farmland about 50 kilometers away from her home, the police found the body of her daughter Cortina.Chinese New Year's Eve

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

After forensic evaluation, it was said that little Cortina had stopped breathing after being beaten and stabbed, but who would do such a poison to a 9-year-old girl?

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

On January 7, 1985, the family held a funeral for little Cortina, and at the funeral, Jenny cried bitterly, she couldn't think of who had murdered her daughter?

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > next-door neighbor is a "freak": the most suspicious</h1>

Watching Cortina's mother burst into tears, and the surrounding people worried that their child would be the next to disappear, the parents in the village were terrified, and the Canadian police decided that no matter what, they must solve the case and bring the murderer of Cortina to justice.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

But at that time, it was Canada nearly 40 years ago, and DNA comparison and tracking technology was not so developed, so the police could only handle cases by locking in possible suspects.

In the next few weeks, the police asked Cortina's mother, you think about it, if the daughter was alone from school at that time, there may have been a knock on the door, and as a result, Cortina heard that she was an acquaintance, so she opened the door.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's parents

On February 14, 1985, Cortina's mother referred to police next-door neighbor Guy Paul Maureen.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Next door neighbor Guy Paul Morin

When Cortina disappeared, Maureen worked as a sander in a furniture manufacturing company, and when he was not at work, he liked to play saxophones and clarinets, in addition, he also raised a lot of bees, and usually helped his father decorate the family's old house.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's mother, Jenny, told police at the time that their neighbor Maureen was a clarinet "freak."

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" > Maureen: Raising girls is not useful at all</h1>

Then, on February 19, police placed a surveillance on Maureen's home.

On Feb. 22, Guy was investigated by two police officers. During this conversation, Maureen's parents testified that their son had no time to commit the crime at all, and that on the day of Cortina's disappearance, his son Maureen went shopping after returning from work, lay down in bed and slept for a while when he returned home, and then continued to renovate the house until after dinner.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

But then the police asked Maureen what you thought of Cortina's disappearance, and what Maureen said aroused great suspicion among the police, and Maureen said: Raising a girl is useless, she looks sweet and lovely as a child, but when she grows up, she is prone to a crooked path.

When the police saw that this Maureen, as a next-door neighbor, was so indifferent to Cortina's murder, the police immediately felt that this Maureen suspect was simply too big.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Two months later, on April 22, 1985, the Canadian police accused Maureen of murdering Cortina, because the police determined that Maureen was Cortina's next-door neighbor and was so indifferent to Cortina's murder that Maureen was the most suspicious of murdering Cortina Jr. Maureen was subsequently arrested for first-degree murder.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" > inmate testimony: Maureen personally admitted to the crime</h1>

But just when the surrounding people thought that little Cortina's murderer had finally been caught, and they were immediately relieved, what everyone did not expect was that the matter was far from being as simple as it seemed.

A year after Cortina's funeral, Maureen's first instance trial began on January 7, 1986.

In court, police provided the jury with investigative evidence, including a hair found on Cortina's clothing that matched a sample of Maureen's hair, and three hairs and fibers found in Maureen's car that also "matched" Cortina's hair.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

In addition, the jury heard testimony from two of Maureen's fellow inmates, both of whom testified that he had personally confessed to killing Cortina while chatting with both of them in custody before the trial.

But Morin's defense lawyer believes that on the day of Cortina's disappearance, her mother Jenny reported the crime at 4:10 p.m., but the time card provided by Maureen showed that the time off work time was 4:15, which fully indicated that Maureen simply did not have enough time to arrive at Cortina's house to commit the crime.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Second, the evidence of hair and fibers found by the police in The Morin car didn't really prove anything, because Canada didn't have advanced DNA comparison technology back then, so it was just a visual sensory effect.

Next, Maureen's lawyer explained that the reason Maureen showed an apathy toward Cortina's murder was because Maureen suffered from schizophrenia.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

In the end, the lawyer told the jury that the judge simply did not have convincing evidence to convict his client.

Finally, on February 7, 1986, the jury acquitted Maureen and Maureen was acquitted.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > mother cry: The results of the first trial are too unfair</h1>

Hearing the acquittal of neighbor Maureen, Cortina's mother cried out that she was simply disappointed, and her father, Robert, said that the result was a devastating verdict for the family, and we were really disappointed in the Canadian trial system.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Public opinion at the time also felt that the first-instance verdict was too unfair, and soon, on March 4, the Ontario Attorney General appealed Against Maureen's acquittal.

The prosecution claims that the trial judge made a mistake in guiding the jury in its definition of "reasonable doubt" and should therefore set aside the acquittal and retry Maureen.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Nearly three years after Cortina's murder, the High Court of Canada agreed to reopen Cortina's case on June 5, 1987. Finally, five years after Cortina was murdered, Maureen's second trial began on May 28, 1990.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" > Maureen Second Instance: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment</h1>

In court, in addition to the evidence of hair and fiber that previously accused Maureen of a crime, the jury heard new evidence.

One police officer said that after Cortina's murder, he had closely supervised Maureen's behavior, and other neighbors said that little Cortina was too innocent, but as a next-door neighbor, Maureen was unusually indifferent to Cortina's murder, and even said that "innocent people should have such a fate."

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Jenny said she heard a man screaming at her daughter's funeral: "Save me, save me, oh my God, save me." She believed that the voice of panic and despair belonged to Maureen, for he felt guilty about his cruelty.

On July 30, 1992, a full seven years after Cortina disappeared, Maureen was eventually convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

The Cortina case seems to have come to an end here, because the murderer was found and the police felt that they had done justice, but all the case officers did not expect that all this was just the beginning of Cortina's case.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="60" > case is surprisingly flipped: is it an unjust case? </h1>

After Morin was used as a key suspect by the police, in addition to repeated appeals, Maureen set up a group for himself called the "Maureen Justice Committee" to help him seek acquittal.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

The case turned out to be a surprising reversal, and after 18 months in prison for Maureen, at the insistence of the "Maureen Justice Council", it was shocking that several previous attempts to conduct DNA tests on the liquid stain residue found on Cortina's clothes had not been successful, but by 1992, the technology was advanced enough to perform more complex tests.

The final test results showed that the DNA on Cortina's clothes could never have belonged to Maureen.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

The Royal Canadian Prosecutor then explained the new findings to the court: "The evidence proves that Mr. Maureen is not convicted of first-degree murder by Cortina, which is an indisputable scientific fact and should be acquitted." ”

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Maureen was acquitted

Investigators also found that the prisonmates had actually provided perjury testimony, and Maureen had never admitted that he had murdered Cortina.

At the same time, the hair and fibers that the police found in Morin's car were confirmed to be the hair of another little girl named Patty Hurst, who said that when she went to Morin's car for a while, Maureen drove her out of his car, so the car found evidence of hair and fibers.

From January 1985, when Cortina disappeared and Maureen became the subject of suspicion, to January 1995, when Maureen was officially acquitted and released from prison, 10 years later, the result was an unjust, false and wrongful conviction.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="69" > Maureen received millions of compensation, but where is the real culprit? </h1>

After Maureen's release, the Canadian people were in an uproar, originally thinking that justice had been done, but it turned out to be an unjust case?

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

People began to question the ability of the Canadian police to handle the case, how did an innocent person get convicted of a crime he had not committed?

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

An investigation into the case-handling personnel in Cortina's case was then launched, which revealed that the police were under tremendous pressure from public opinion, coupled with the over-urgency to find and arrest the culprits who attracted national attention, eventually led to the mishandling of the case.

As a result, Maureen was eventually reimbursed $1.25 million for the unjust, false and wrongful conviction.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's mother watched Maureen being released, she burst into tears, she did not hate Maureen, but felt that the truth about her daughter's murder was in the past? Where is the real culprit? Will he still be able to see the murderer brought to justice in his lifetime?

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

After Maureen's acquittal, a new task force was assigned to continue investigating the case, and the police interrogated more than 300 men at a time through the DNA of liquid samples found in Cortina's clothes, but after several years, no progress was made, and the ups and downs of Cortina's disappearance became a cold case.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

In 1998, the Canadian police investigated all possible suspects, but still could not find the real culprit who murdered Cortina, and eventually disbanded the investigation task force.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" > 36 years later, the real culprit surfaced: was it him? </h1>

More than 10 years after Cortina's death, watching this case go from being solved to becoming a mystery again, even Cortina's family is not sure whether the truth of this case will come out one day, and they even feel that in this life, they may not know who the real murderer of Cortina really is.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

However, I don't know if it is the help of heaven, after 36 years of Cortina's brutal murder, in 2020, Cortina's case finally ushered in the day when the truth came out.

In October 2020, Canadian police sent the degrading residue of the liquid stain they had found in Cortina's underwear to a laboratory in the United States that specializes in forensic genealogy, which mainly helps solve cold cases through genetic genealogy analysis and comparison.

The laboratory then verified the evidence provided by the police and created a complete file about the suspect. Next, the lab will validate the results for autosomal DNA data file analysis as well as genealogical DNA alignment.

Finally, after six months of genetic genealogy analysis and comparison, 36 years after Cortina was murdered, the police finally unveiled the suspect's name: Carl Hoover.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Carl Hoover

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="84" > is staggering: the killer often comes to the house to visit the door</h1>

The police were surprised to see such a result, because 36 years ago, in the initial investigation, Hoover was never considered a suspect who could murder Cortina.

Cortina's family was even more shocked: because this Hoover was none other than their best friend, Whoever was only 28 years old when Cortina was murdered.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's brother Kenny told the police that Hoover's wife Heather had worked with their father, Robert, and that Heather and his mother Jenny had become friends, so Hoover soon became a good friend of Cortina's parents.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Kenny said That Hoover often came to the house at that time. To the even greatest shock to Cortina's family, in the months since Cortina's disappearance, Hoover has been particularly sad and has been searching for Cortina with the local residents, even attending Cortina's funeral, and later coming to the house to comfort Cortina's parents about the loss of their daughter.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's parents said they never dreamed that the murder of their daughter for more than 30 years was a friend who often came to visit the door, which was really shocking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="91" > next-door neighbor Maureen: I was completely relieved</h1>

But Cortina's parents say they are relieved to wait for the truth to come out after 36 years, because they have been worried that they will not be able to wait for the day when their daughter's killer will be caught in their lifetime.

The real culprit who killed Cortina finally surfaced, and in addition to the decades of suffering of Cortina's family, there was one person who also underwent a lot of pressure because of this twisty and bizarre case, that is, the next-door neighbor who was wrongly sentenced to prison: Maureen.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

After confirming the real culprit, the police went to Maureen's home and told him that he had indeed been wronged and that the real culprit had now been found.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

In an interview, Maureen said he was genuinely relieved because Cortina's case had finally come to an end.

Maureen said that although he was later clarified that he was not the one who murdered Cortina, he had an uneven life in these years, because as long as the real culprit was not found one day, the shadow of public opinion that he was a suspect hung over his head and did not dissipate. Now that the truth has finally come out, I am completely relieved.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Maureen and family

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="97" > 36 years of ups and downs: still not over? </h1>

However, just as the police were preparing to arrest Hoover, investigators discovered that Hoover had died in 2015.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

So although Hoover is currently considered the main suspect, there are still many obstacles to completely solving the case, and the police are still investigating the details of Hoover's murder of Cortina. So although everyone says that the case has finally come to an end after 36 years, there are still many questions that have not been answered.

Detective Steve Smith from the Homicide Cold Cases Unit said police are now investigating details of Hoover's life over the past three decades, particularly trying to find any other possible victims, as they do not rule out the possibility that Hoover has been involved in other crimes.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

In addition, Hoover's own family, his ex-wife Heather and his son have been working with the police as much as possible, and they said that they were really shocked and saddened by the news, because they really did not know that Hoover had murdered people when he was alive, and they are now fully cooperating with the police to further investigate the motives and details of Hoover's murder of Cortina.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina's father

Speaking of the motives for the crime, Cortina's father, Robert, said in an interview that he really didn't remember at all, 36 years ago, he had contact with Hoover, and he couldn't remember how this person was further integrated into their lives.

Robert said: "It seems to me that Hoover would not have murdered my daughter for no reason, but I really can't figure out why he did it, I really don't know. ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > mother: Daughter is married if she is still alive</h1>

This case did make Cortina's family wait for the truth 36 years later, but apart from knowing the name of the real murderer, they would never hear Hoover personally tell them the real reason why he murdered Cortina, and they would never see the cruel murderer Hoover in this life, confessing his crimes and accepting the punishment of the law for his cruel deeds.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Cortina brother Kenny (left) Cortina mother Jenny (right)

Jenny later said in an interview that during the time of Maureen's acquittal, her daughter's departure left the family in tatters, and she and her husband, Robert, ended their marriage.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Jenny said her daughter's departure had pushed her into the abyss of pain. Every year, the day the daughter disappears, the day the daughter's body is found, the day the daughter's funeral, these days are like needles in the heart.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

Jenny said that I always think of my daughter Cortina, if she is still alive, my Cortina is already married and has children, I can be a grandmother.

Jenny said that the tears could not stop flowing here, she said, this family has come to this situation today, and it is the cruel real murderer who has caused all this.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

After so many years, Cortina's father has re-established the family, but her mother, Jenny, has always been alone and cannot escape the pain of losing her daughter.

Canadian Unjust Case: The Girl Disappeared at Home, The Next Door Neighbor Was Wrongly Sentenced to Prison, 36 Years Later the Truth Came Out Mother Called the Police: Daughter Disappeared at Home Cross-Chinese New Year's Eve Night: A Lifetime of Pain Next Door Neighbors Are "Strange People": Suspected Most Morin: Raising a Girl Has No Use inMate Testimony: Morin Personally Admitted to Committing the Crime Mother Crying: The First Trial Result Is Too Unfair Maureen Second Trial: Murder Established, Life Imprisonment Case Surprisingly Flipped: It Was An Unjust Case? Maureen received millions in compensation, but where is the real culprit? 36 years later, the real murderer surfaced: was it him? Astonishing: The murderer often comes to the house to visit the next-door neighbor Maureen: I am completely relieved of the ups and downs of the case for 36 years: still not over? Mother: The daughter is married if she is still alive

And how you feel about the case, you are welcome to write your opinion in the comments section.

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