
Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhu Xingzhi

Recently, the activity of "Welcoming the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and the Learning culture exhibition of Jingrong Learning Home in Caotang Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu" was successfully held. Gao Zhi, member of the Standing Committee of the Qingyang District Cpc Committee, director of the Organization Department and director of the Social Governance Committee of the District Committee, Weng Zeyu, executive deputy director of the Social Governance Committee of the District Committee, Dai Yimin, deputy director of the Social Governance Committee of the District Committee, Ran Jieying, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Qingyang Caotang Street, Xu Rui, deputy director of the Caotang Street Office, Liang Xiaohang, deputy general manager of Chengdu Jincheng Tianfu Investment Co., Ltd., Ma Tianchen, deputy director of the Youth Development Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Yang Yang, a yangtze river scholar, professor and doctoral supervisor of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Shen Si, a former member of the Chinese men's football team, Li Wei, chairman of Chengdu Contemporary Youth Education Technology Co., Ltd., and Yao Yijin, president of Chengdu Contemporary Youth Education Technology Co., Ltd., attended the event and unveiled the Jingrong Learning Home. At the exhibition site, the quality education big coffee sharing meeting, family parent-child garden tour activities and other wonderful.

Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community

Educational characteristic community complex brings new living experiences

In 2020, the "Guidelines for the Functional Setting of Community Complexes in Chengdu" for the first time clarified the functional format settings and operation modes of community complexes, and proposed the configuration mode of community complexes for five characteristic theme scenarios of convenience services, education, medical care, sports and culture. Different community service scenarios, interpret different community life experiences. Among them, the community complex with educational characteristics integrates community education services according to the basic education, continuing education, interest training and other needs of people of all ages, forming a community education scene in which there is fun in learning and learning is gained.

Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community
Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community

In this context, Jingrong Learning Home is an innovative education complex that serves the community in depth, jointly built by Caotang Street in Qingyang District, Chengdu Jincheng Tianfu Investment Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Contemporary Youth Education Technology Co., Ltd. It is understood that since its inception, Jingrong Learning Home has held more than 60 public welfare activities, covering more than 2,500 people of all ages and community workers in the surrounding areas, reaching out to all ages in the community and providing high-quality diversified cultural and sports education services for community residents.

Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community

In-depth service to the community Innovative education to help development

At the scene, Ma Tianchen, Yang Yang and Shen Si discussed and exchanged with the theme of "How Contemporary Quality Education Shapes Complete Personality", and shared the views of quality education such as physical education and science and technology education. Subsequently, the leaders attending the ceremony jointly inaugurated the Jingrong Learning Home, taking this as a new starting point to look forward to the future of the community complex with educational characteristics.

Jingrong Learning Home unveiled and set sail The innovative education complex helps build a new type of community

The community-based education complex that goes deep into the "capillaries" of the city is a type of subdivision model worthy of attention. In terms of scene creation and service industry, it closely focuses on the educational needs and life needs of community residents, in order to tap the cultural potential of the community, lead residents to lifelong learning, all-age learning, drive community learning initiative, activate the vitality of urban innovation and entrepreneurship as the main functional positioning, go deep into the community, and provide residents with quality services.

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