
Once successful purple potato yogurt glutinous rice cake, soft and sweet

author:Guangzhou New Oriental Cooking

Today Guangxiaoxin would like to recommend to you is the blogger Mumu Little Kitchen Lady's purple potato yogurt glutinous rice cake, soft and sticky, sweet and sour, delicious and not greasy!

Once successful purple potato yogurt glutinous rice cake, soft and sweet

Ingredients: Purple potato - 220 g, yogurt - 90 g, sugar - 20 g, glutinous rice flour - appropriate amount


(1) Peel and slice the purple potatoes and steam them in a pot, press them into a puree with a fork, add yogurt, sugar and glutinous rice flour and knead them into a smooth dough;

(2) Knead the dough in several parts, flatten it, put it on the oil paper, and steam it again

Once successful purple potato yogurt glutinous rice cake, soft and sweet
Once successful purple potato yogurt glutinous rice cake, soft and sweet

The source of the picture text is the Little Red Book: Mu Mu Little Kitchen Lady

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