
Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

author:Shredded potato burrito bxh

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, fluffy and soft, every time you do children rush to eat, too fragrant!

When it comes to making pasta, many small partners feel that it is difficult and more difficult, because they feel that it is a bit troublesome when they are noodles, and if they are not good, they will stick to the appearance of full of noodles and collapse. In fact, this is still a matter of human feeling, now the flour we use is finished, containing some additives, as long as the ratio of liquid and flour is done, the flour and not too soft, not too thin, hands and noodles will not appear sticky hands. Especially when adding milk or adding some oil to the noodles, it is simpler to operate and will not stick to the hands.

Today to share a very delicious small cake, can be baked or burned, want to eat a little fragrant, do not want to lose weight, it is recommended to burn, special flavor; like I used today is baked way, because I do not want to eat oil, so the calories are lower! Today's dough, hands and noodles will definitely not stick to the hands, and novices will easily succeed in doing it!

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

This delicious little pie shared today is a yogurt egg cake. Making pasta with yogurt has always been my favorite practice, although yogurt will lose some nutrients after heating, but the taste is really delicious. The yeast we add when we make noodles can increase yeast activity when we meet yogurt, so adding yogurt when making pasta can better promote fermentation and make the noodle products softer and more delicious.

When we use yogurt to make pasta, we should choose original yogurt, because the original yogurt can better grasp the thickness of the dough, if you use fruit flavor or with fruit particles, it will become sour after heating to affect the taste of the pasta, but it is not delicious.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

Today's small cakes are soft and tender, especially delicious, if there is any point lacking, it is not sweet, because I don't want to eat too much sugar, so I simply don't put it, so that the taste has a little bit of dullness; if there is no taboo to eat sweets, it is more perfect to add some sugar.

Today's pie I baked in the oven, if you use a pan to bake the same, let's take a look at the pie recipe!

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 2 eggs, 100 g of plain yogurt, 15 g of corn oil, 3 g of yeast, black sesame seeds to taste.


1, eggs are removed from the refrigerator in advance, not too cold, or soaked in warm water before use. Prepare the flour, mix with the yeast, beat in the eggs and add the yogurt. Yogurt is the use of ordinary plain yogurt, do not use thick old yogurt.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

2: Stir all the ingredients with chopsticks first, then pour in the corn oil, then simply stir and use your hands and noodles.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

3, finally put the dough and into a dough, knead into a dough and then let it sit for a while, and then knead it again, it will be smooth. The dough is kneaded, covered with some oil, and the warm place is 2 times larger.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

4: Take the dough out of the air, knead it again and divide it into 8 small doughs and roll it round.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

5: Roll out each small dough into small round cakes nearly 1 cm thick, put them on a baking sheet and cover for secondary fermentation. If you roll out well in a pot, let it sit for about 20 minutes.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

6, if you bake in the oven, ferment the cake to 2 times larger, coat the cake with some water, sprinkle with black sesame seeds, so that the sesame seeds will not fall off!

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant

7: Spread a layer of oil paper on top, press a baking sheet, put the baking tray into the preheated oven, the middle layer. Set at 160 degrees Celsius and bake for 20 minutes.

Delicious and easy to make yogurt cake, loose and soft, every time the child rushes to eat, too fragrant


There are two ways to bake a small cake, the first is that I said above on the baking pan pressed on a baking pan, baked together on the fire up and down the fire; if some friends have a baking pan, then you can use the following way: put the baking pan into the lowest layer of the oven, bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and then turn the cake over and bake for another 10 minutes. Therefore, there are really many ways to make food, and you can master it flexibly.

When baking, pay attention to the distance between the small cakes, I made 8 cakes, put two plates, and baked them in two ovens.

If you make it in the form of baking, the dough does not need to be fermented to 2 times the size, just serve for 20 minutes.

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