
Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

author:Pig powerhouse

Author: Li Xiaojia, reporter of the New Pastoral Network, and Xu Xiaomin, trainee reporter

Pig food is safe in the world, and good seeds are cast as the cornerstone. In order to solve the problem of "card neck" in the seed industry and build a seed industry highland in western China, in early June 2021, the National Regional Pig Breeding Industry Innovation Center and 1200 shared boars stood in Santai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, and successfully started construction, causing widespread concern in the industry.

It is reported that the 1200 shared boar station is a large-scale shared boar station in China, operated by Sichuan Chuan pig Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sichuan Pig") using the "1+7+N" model. In September, Xinmu Network interviewed Li Xuewei, professor of Sichuan Agricultural University and chairman of Sichuan Pig, to understand the construction of boar stations and future planning.

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

Li Xuewei, professor of Sichuan Agricultural University and chairman of Sichuan Pig

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" boar station is expected to be completed by the end of > the year and put into operation early next year</h1>

Sichuan is a big pig province and a big pig consumption province in China, and it needs a number of modern and high-standard large-scale breeding boar stations to accelerate the transmission of excellent genes and promote the rapid development of the pig industry. In March 2021, Sichuan Pig came into being, aiming to build a pioneer area for joint breeding of pigs in the west and a national-level joint breeding center.

It is understood that the boar station adopts the "1+7+N" model operation: 1 is the breeding expert team headed by Li Xuewei; 7 enterprises include Sichuan Iron Horse Lux Food Co., Ltd., Langzhong Dabei Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Food Co., Ltd., Mianyang Mingxing Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Sichuan Leshan Muyuan Breeding and Livestock Technology Co., Ltd., Sichuan Litian Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Chengdu Wangjiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd., Mianyang Jinchiyang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd.; N represents the service of a number of pig enterprises. Li Xuewei said that this year, Dekang and New Hope may also join in, which will be 1+9+N, and more companies with strength and interest are welcome to join the joint breeding body.

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

Boar Station focuses on pure breeding of breeding pigs, and forms a close joint breeding system with Sichuan leading pig enterprises, sharing excellent boar semen and rapidly improving the quality of breeding pigs. Li Xuewei introduced that the company was established in March, Sichuan Pig, in early June boar station began construction, the foundation has been laid, is expected to be completed at the end of the year, early next year will continue to enter the pig.

The boar station adopts a building for breeding, a total of 6 floors, the ground floor (the first floor) is used for storage, testing, etc., and the 2-6 floors are used to raise boars. "There are more than 10,000 square meters per floor, and only 240 boars are raised, and each boar is close to 3-4 square meters of activity space." Li Xuewei told the "Agricultural Treasure Book" Xinmu Network reporter, "The boar station will use advanced facilities and equipment at home and abroad, such as automatic intelligent environmental control system, intelligent air conditioning system, pig house deodorization system, air filtration, etc., to ensure that the air quality in the house is good, the water quality is good, and the animal welfare is good." ”

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > to create a joint breeding system and breed new varieties</h1>

As the saying goes, "The sow is good, a good litter; the boar is good, a good wave." Sichuan breeding pigs have very good purebred resources, laying a good foundation for the development of boar stations, such as the joint venture Zhongmianyang Mingxing Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. introduced 1200 great-grandparent original breeding pigs from Denmark in May this year; Sichuan Litian Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. introduced 1114 French original breeding pigs in October last year.

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

The construction of 1200 shared boar stations can effectively break through the regional joint breeding dilemma and is an important platform for sharing breeding pig resources, data and technology. Li Xuewei introduced that the sichuan breeding pig joint breeding body has about 20,000 or 30,000 core groups, and the plan is to select excellent Canadian, Dan and French breeding pigs for pure breeding in the early stage of the plan, and carry out genome selection and accurate selection. In the future, it is also possible to introduce American breeding boars from abroad to expand the breeding boar population. That is to say, the boar station adheres to the combination of open introduction and self-selection, uses different strains of Du Long for genetic improvement, and then gradually forms its own supporting line. Cultivating new varieties, one is to improve production performance; the other is to compete with foreign supporting lines, not to be stuck in other countries, and to pay high breeding costs. This is combined breeding in the practical sense of the word.

Li Xuewei said that the boar replacement frequency of the shared boar station is very high, and it will be eliminated in about half a year. After breeding, breeding pigs can improve feed remuneration and reduce feed-meat ratio, and the next step is to consider the use of local pig genes to meet the needs of different markets and improve meat production, meat quality and disease resistance. He calculated the account for the reporter: if artificial insemination is done well, a boar can be equipped with 1,000 sows, and 1,200 boars can be equipped with 1.2 million sows, which will affect 24 million fat pigs.

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > plans to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region</h1>

Since 2010, for the purpose of joint breeding, the state has selected dozens of national core pig breeding farms, aiming to promote the determination and genetic assessment of national breeding pigs, and accelerate the progress of genetic improvement to achieve joint breeding. However, the actual situation is not satisfactory, and pig companies are hindering exchanges between farms.

Why can't national joint breeding be done? Li Xuewei told the "Agricultural Treasure Book" Xinmu Network reporter, "The main reason is the lack of mechanisms and systems, and it is difficult to form a real joint breeding without a shared mechanism." Our school has 5 core figures who focus on breeding and serve the joint enterprise to achieve inter-farm breeding pig and assay data sharing, large-scale joint genetic evaluation, and improve the efficiency of regional genetic improvement. At present, it is the first regional alliance in Sichuan Province, and in the future, it may communicate with large boar stations in other provinces and do regional alliances. ”

Sichuan Pig has a clear and unambiguous plan for the future. According to Li Xuewei, Sichuan Pig plans to build a 1,200 shared boar station in Qionglai, one is to expand the region and increase the number. If there are 4 strains (Canadian, French, Dan, and American), each strain is 600 heads, and 4 strains are 2400 heads, and the boar station that is currently built cannot be put down and needs to be rebuilt; the second is to make a replication field to avoid the disease causing the breeding results to be destroyed, and it is necessary to expand the group to preserve the seeds. "At that time, two boars will stand 2400 breeding boars, and high-quality semen can serve more than 2 million sows, equivalent to 1/3 of the scale of sows in Sichuan." Li Xuewei said. He told reporters that there is currently no large breeding boar station in the northwest region, so it is planned that the third boar station will be built in Lanzhou, Gansu, and then boar semen can radiate to the entire western region, including Xinjiang, Lanzhou, Shaanxi and other places.

Li Xuewei of Sichuan Agricultural University: Sichuan Breeding Pig 1200 Shared Boar Station will serve 1.2 million sow boars The boar station is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will be put into production early next year to create a joint breeding system, and the plan to cultivate new varieties is planned to go out of Sichuan and serve the entire northwest region

Li Xuewei, professor of Sichuan Agricultural University and chairman of Sichuan Fan pig, took a group photo with reporters