
Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

author:Origi Maple


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Under the bright lights of Paris Fashion Week, Plankton undoubtedly became the focus of attention with her ingenious clothing matching and impeccable fashion sense.

Every time this internet celebrity appears, he can easily capture everyone's attention.

In particular, the designer pants worth 130,000 yuan on her body have set off a feverish discussion about luxury consumption on social media.

Not only does she show her personal style through her outfits, but she also shows her unique love for high-end fashion brands.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

On June 28, the fashion industry leader revealed the details of this staggering shopping experience on his short video platform.

In the video, Plankton not only shows the details of the pants in detail, but also deeply interprets the brand's concept and design intention, and shares her unique insights on this item.

Her sharing was like a bombshell, which quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and netizens were full of curiosity and interest in her decision to spend a lot of money on luxury products.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

Looking back at the data in November last year, Plankton earned a whopping 16.2 million in advertising revenue in just three months, and the average revenue of a single advertising video reached a staggering hundreds of thousands.

This level of income has not only caused an uproar in the industry, but also highlighted her great success in the business world.

For most people, 130,000 yuan may be months of hard-earned money, but in the eyes of the ruffian, it is just a piece of cake.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

Previously, she also spent a lot of money to buy a luxury car, which not only showed her strong financial resources, but also demonstrated her uninhibited and freewheeling lifestyle.

After the limelight of Paris Fashion Week, the ruffian once again chose to wear the sky-high price pants for shooting.

Her fashion campaign further cemented her position as a fashion icon in the hearts of her fans.

Through this series of blockbusters, she not only showed her keen eye for fashion, but also refocused people's attention on her high-end outfits and unique lifestyle.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

These activities not only deepened the public's understanding of her, but also triggered a deep reflection on celebrity consumption behavior and social values.

Photos of the ruffian in high-priced pants have gone viral on the Internet, and her style and temperament are comparable to those of top stars, especially the iconic pair of slender legs, which have won her countless praises.

In addition, the details of her private life have also frequently become a topic of conversation.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

In particular, the new "0 and 1" digital tattoo on her neck has aroused infinite reverie and heated discussions among netizens.

Some speculate that this may be a sign that the ruffian is about to embark on a new solo project, while others believe that these numbers are special and commemorative for her.

When discussing the origin of the ruffian's tattoo, it was suggested that it might have been a temporary sticker decoration, as no one noticed the tattoo until she embarked on her trip to Paris Fashion Week.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

At the same time, a video released by the ruffian's best friend Xiao Yuan also aroused widespread public attention.

In the video, the intimate interaction between the two in the playground became the highlight, especially the picture of Xiao Yuan carrying a ruffian's bag and challenging the roller coaster holding hands.

Although the ruffian is ostensibly unimpressed by this challenge, the happy smile on his face reveals the deep friendship between the two.

The video has led to more reverie about the connection between the ruffian's tattoo and his emotional life.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

Plankton often uses tattoos to remember important moments in her life, so this tattoo is likely to imply her current emotional state.

It is worth mentioning that after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Lu Wenchen due to a disagreement in concepts, the relationship between the ruffian and Xiao Yuan seems to be closer.

The similarity of age and their shared love for locomotives make people look forward to and be curious about the development of their relationship.

The actions of the ruffian in her personal and professional life not only show her multi-faceted personality and unique style, but also convey her love and persistent pursuit of life in various ways.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

Her meticulous planning and operation on social media has successfully created a strong public image and continues to attract widespread attention and heated discussions.

With a keen sense of fashion and unique personal charm, ruffians have become a beautiful landscape in modern Internet culture.

Taihao Internet celebrity ruffian spent 130,000 yuan to buy pants, and there is a new tattoo on his neck, which is suspected to be related to a new relationship

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