
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

author:Video quick cut Wang Director

In the past, when I was writing essays, I often made a mistake.

That is, I like to put all the good sentences and good words that come to my mind into the article.

I think that in this way, the good content of the article will be more and better.

In fact, doing so will only make the article seem lengthy.

It only takes one stroke to put the finishing touch, and the article is expensive in simplicity.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

It's the same with photography, if you want to take a good picture, you don't necessarily have to put all the good still life elements you see into the frame.

Instead, it is a matter of choosing according to the appropriate composition.

The highest level of photography is to begin to learn to make trade-offs and concise picture content.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

The high-end aesthetics are all simple.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

The pure white wall is used as the background of the picture, and the color tone is single and not fancy.

The staircase with a wavy feel has a soft sense of line.

And the stairs are distributed diagonally, and the picture looks stable and rhythmic.

A small orange cat lifts its head, making the monotonous picture interesting and attracting the attention of the audience.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

Although photography is a subtractive art, especially for many people who pursue minimalist art photography.

This concept can be taken to the extreme.

But many people fail to grasp the degree.

Subtraction doesn't mean that the picture is simple, and it doesn't mean that it's simple for the sake of simplicity.

That would make the photo monotonous.

Therefore, when shooting, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the picture has some interest, or visual appeal.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

In minimalist photography, the contrast of colors and the spread of geometric shapes can enrich the photo.

Let's take a look at the work of Valentina Lovedo, a photographer from Italy.

She is good at finding life

Highlights that we've overlooked

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

You want your photos to be simple but not simple.

It is necessary to skillfully deal with the relationship between color, brightness, saturation, etc. in the picture and the dots, lines and surfaces.

For example, if you don't want to complicate the image, let it become the background.

Set a visual accent on the picture.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

Repeating elements of the floor view, one of whom becomes the finishing touch.

This person turns the repetitive floors into a relatively monotonous backdrop.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

The wall in the picture has large and small diamond-shaped square holes, and there are several intersecting lines between the wall tiles.

The appearance of a person and looking at the wall instantly makes the wall connect with the person, and the picture becomes vivid and interesting.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

Another example is the background of highly saturated color blocks

Although the main body accounts for a small proportion

But because of the high brightness of the color

Screen 不显得 "empty"

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

Valentina's creative ideas are:

He likes to be in some interesting and ordinary familiar places.

Find a plain, monotonous wall or scene.

Then, after some creative changes of their own, some elements were added, and the picture became artistic.

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

Valentina's photographic philosophy gives us an idea of composition

Pay close attention to the dots, lines, surfaces and other elements around you

After making certain trade-offs

Maybe it's a good piece of work

Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!
Photography Skills Dry Goods Sharing - The Highest Level of Photography - Know How to "Choose"!

The so-called road to simplicity is the same truth in life and work.

The simpler life is, the higher the quality will be.

The simpler the picture, the higher the quality of the photo.

Of course, all of this has a continuous process of raising awareness.

It is not something that can be achieved by learning photography for beginners, which requires the photographer to have a deep understanding of photography.

Able to master all aspects of photography with ease.

I wonder if today's article inspires you?

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