
Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

author:Lichun plays

Hey friends, have you ever wondered how those superstars on the basketball court, how did they step by step on this Avenue of Fame? Today, let's talk about this new basketball player, Zhang Ziyu, and see what unknown secrets are hidden in her growth story.

Zhang Ziyu is on fire, and the height of his parents has also become the focus

Recently, the name Zhang Ziyu has become very popular in the basketball circle.

Her performance in the group stage of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup was simply eye-catching.

Did you know? The height of her parents was also picked up, her father is 2.13 meters, and her mother is 1.98 meters, this gene is simply born for basketball! Moreover, they also cultivated three hobbies for their daughter: art, music, and dance, do you think this pair of parents is too talented?

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

Zhang Ziyu's basketball talent is not covered

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhang Ziyu is a little giant on the basketball court.

In the group stage of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, she was simply a scoring machine.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

I remember one game, she scored more than 30 points alone, as well as several key rebounds and assists.

Her shooting posture is called a dashing, and as soon as the ball goes into the basket, the whole court is boiling.

Not to mention her tactical awareness, she is like a veteran, when to attack and when to defend, her heart is like a mirror.

Family genes and environment, Zhang Ziyu's basketball cradle

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu's basketball path, I have to mention her parents.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

Her parents are both top players in basketball, and her father used to play in a professional team.

Their hard work and love for basketball have deeply influenced Zhang Ziyu since he was a child.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

Coupled with this unique height gene, it is difficult for Zhang Ziyu not to take the road of basketball!

Three hobbies, Zhang Ziyu's all-round development cheats

Did you know? Zhang Ziyu is not only a basketball master, she is also a versatile little girl.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

Art, music, and dance, she is proficient in all three.

It is said that she was particularly interested in drawing when she was a child, and she could draw non-stop as soon as she picked up a paintbrush.

In terms of music, she is also a talented girl, and she plays the piano so well.

And dance, her physical flexibility is simply amazing.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

These hobbies not only make her life more colorful, but also allow her to improve her personality and comprehensive quality in an all-round way.

Zhang Ziyu competes with the rising basketball stars

Speaking of basketball stars, we have to mention a few outstanding players at the same time as Zhang Ziyu, they are like stars in the night sky, each shining with a unique light.

For example, Xiao Li, who is super fast, is like a lightning bolt on the court, and he can break through the opponent's defense line in an instant, which is dazzling.

There is also the shooting genius Xiao Wang, his shooting posture is standard and elegant, and every shot seems to be performing a precise artistic performance, which makes fans crazy.

Each of them has their own specialties and a unique basketball charm and style.

However, compared with Zhang Ziyu, they still have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Zhang Ziyu's physical fitness is very good, not only has an enviable height and arm span, but also has excellent explosiveness and endurance, which makes her a tiger on the court.

Moreover, her skills are also very comprehensive, whether it is offensive or defensive, she can deal with it with ease.

More importantly, Zhang Ziyu has a rare calmness and judgment.

In the heat of competition, she always keeps a clear head, analyzes the situation accurately, and makes the most informed decisions.

This kind of potential is not comparable to ordinary new stars.

Zhang Ziyu is like a rising basketball star, and her future is full of infinite possibilities and expectations.

Zhang Ziyu's future is full of opportunities and challenges

Zhang Ziyu's basketball road is really full of infinite possibilities, which makes people excited at a glance.

However, we also know that this road is not so easy to follow, it is full of thorns and challenges.

Injury, which is an unavoidable test for every athlete, may come unexpectedly and bring a lot of obstacles to Zhang Ziyu's basketball career.

There is also competitive pressure, whether it is in the domestic or international arena, the competition in the sport of basketball is extremely fierce, and Zhang Ziyu needs to continue to improve himself in order to stand out among the many leaders.

These are all challenges she may face in the future, and each one should not be underestimated.

However, there are also opportunities.

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance and potential have attracted widespread attention, and maybe one day, we will be able to see her in the international arena, which will be a great pride of Chinese basketball.

Moreover, as her popularity continues to increase, business cooperation will follow one after another, waiting in line for her.

These opportunities are both motivation and challenges for Zhang Ziyu, and she needs to use her own efforts and wisdom to seize them and make her basketball road more brilliant.

Family education is the driving force behind Zhang Ziyu's success

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu's success, we have to delve into her family education.

Her parents' guidance and support for her really didn't cover it, and it played a vital role.

Not only did they give her the unique height genes that made her feel like a tiger on the basketball court, but more importantly, they taught her how to face all kinds of difficulties in life, how to stick to her dreams in the face of adversity, and not give up easily.

The importance of this kind of homeschooling is what families of successful athletes have in common.

If you think about it, those athletes who can shine on the field often have a pair of parents who give endless support and encouragement behind them.

Zhang Ziyu's parents are such a model, they use their actions to interpret what is real family education, and also make Zhang Ziyu more determined and confident on the road of growth.


Zhang Ziyu's growth experience is simply an inspirational blockbuster.

From the little giant on the basketball court to the versatile little girl, she walks so solidly every step of the way.

Zhang Ziyu's parents' information exposed! The father is 2.13 meters, the mother is 1.98 meters, and the daughter is trained in 3 hobbies

Family cultivation and personal efforts are the two magic weapons of her success.

We have reason to believe that in the future of basketball, Zhang Ziyu will continue to shine and become the most dazzling star.

Here, we also wish her to continue to chase her dreams and create her own brilliance in the future!