
Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

author:Origi Maple


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Dong Yuhui, a talented man in his thirties, is now in full swing in his career, but what is puzzling is that his love world has always been like an uncultivated virgin land.

Many fans wondered: How could he still be alone when he is so talented? Whenever asked such questions, Yuhui always chooses to respond with silence.

Even when he tried to make his point in public on several public occasions, it always seemed difficult to dispel the concerns of his fans.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

Yuhui once described his mental journey in detail, and frankly admitted that after in-depth study of philosophical classics, he had a deeper understanding of life.

He cites scriptures and references to the unmarried philosophers of history, such as Kant, Schopenhauer, and Descartes, to support his point.

Immanuel Kant once said that when we are young, we long for love, but the conditions are not yet ripe; When all the conditions are in place, the state of mind is no longer what it used to be.

Yuhui also quoted Socrates' concept of marriage: "If you find the right person, you will be happy; If you make the wrong choice, you will gradually become a philosopher.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

These views convinced Yuhui that a deep study of philosophy would give one insight into the true meaning of life, and that marriage would become dispensable.

He believes that since the perfect marriage is hard to find, there is no need to be too yourself, let alone restrain others.

However, in the face of Yuhui's attitude, fans were worried, worried that he would go astray.

They vied with each other on the Internet to express their opinions, urging Yuhui to pay more attention to local culture and traditions.

They point out that although many foreign philosophers have chosen to be celibate, their private lives are not unaccompanied; On the other hand, ancient Chinese wise men such as Laozi, Confucius, and Mencius were rich in learning, but marriage and family were also very important to them.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

Fans bitterly admonished Yuhui that he should respect the natural laws of human reproduction more and pay more attention to domestic traditional culture.

In his daily life, Yuhui's relatives, friends and fans also continue to give him encouragement and support, hoping that he can open his heart and bravely pursue love.

They reminded Yuhui that the road of life is not always smooth and unimpeded, and the richness and twists and turns of life are its true charm.

They firmly believe that Yuhui should not rest on its laurels, but embrace the possibility of love and marriage.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

Fans further pointed out that even in an ideal partnership, arguments and challenges are inevitable.

They believe that through empathy and mutual tolerance, many problems can be solved.

In their eyes, the support and companionship of their partner are precious in their journey of life, and the value of this shared experience cannot be described in words.

At the same time, fans have not hesitated to criticize those who are too rational and self-protective.

They believe that this can lead to greater and greater distance between people and even adversely affect society.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

They rejected selfishness based on personal gain and loss, emphasizing that true wisdom should lead people to good, not just personal gain.

In addition, they point out that although philosophers like Kant and Schopenhauer may not have needed the constraints of marriage, this lifestyle is not for everyone.

Yuhui lived in a very different cultural and social background from these philosophers, and he could not fully emulate their way of life, because he also had to take on the corresponding social responsibilities and family expectations.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

Fans also used the marriage of Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing as an example to emphasize the importance of how to find a balance between career and private life.

They encouraged Yuhui to be brave in her pursuit of love and marriage, and not to give up easily even in the face of challenges and difficulties.

They believe in Yuhui's wisdom and kindness, and believe that he can find his own happiness and satisfaction in dealing with relationships.

This series of lively discussions and suggestions from fans revolves around a core idea: that life is about experiencing and learning, not avoiding all risks.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

They expect Yuhui to understand this and have the courage to accept life's challenges instead of choosing a safe lifestyle that may lead to loneliness.

These discussions not only represent their ardent expectations for the future direction of Yuhui's life, but also deeply reflect their unique insights on the value of love and marriage.

Dong Yuhui responded to fans: "You know so much, why don't you find a partner?" ”

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