
In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

author:Looking at the water

Wind oil essence is a very magical thing, it is light green in the form of a clear oil liquid, with a special smell. Can cool, analgesic, wind repellent, antipruritic, for mosquito bites and colds caused by headaches, dizziness, motion sickness discomfort, many effects. The taste is cool and spicy, the main ingredients are menthol, methyl salicylate, camphor, eucalyptus oil, eugenol, excipients are: liquid paraffin, chlorophyll, fragrance.

In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

It can relieve heat stroke dizziness, cold headache, motion sickness, mosquito bites, and other symptoms. It is inexpensive and easy to carry, and is loved by the people, saying that it is a "daily necessity", and even "home and travel essentials" is not exaggerated.

The smell of wind oil essence is unique, spicy with a sweet smell, into the heart and spleen, let people feel refreshed. Its ingredients are anti-migraine, antidepressant, anti-vomiting, anti-coma, excitatory and analgesic effects, they are combined in a certain proportion, the efficacy is further enhanced. Wind oil essence, cool oil we feel is the last century of things, but in overseas is very popular, the Internet for many years circulated "wind oil essence in Egypt as a tip maker" urban rumors, said than directly to give money also works.

In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

So who invented the popular wind oil essence?

There are various accounts about the inventors of wind oil essence, but there is no conclusive evidence. However, the camphor in wind oil essence originated in China, and Chinese has always had a tradition of using herbs to make medicinal oils, so we presume that the person who invented it should be Chinese.

In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

  A more convincing version is that the formula for wind oil may come from cool oil. The inventor of cool oil is the Hu family in Fujian. Hu's ancestors were traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the Xiamen area, and the youngest son of the family, Hu Ziqin, immigrated to Yangon, Burma, in 1870 and opened a chinese medicine hall in the area, named Yong'an Hall. Later, Hu Wenhu, the second son of Hu Ziqin, invented the world's first universal divine oil, cool oil, which was later sold worldwide , Tiger Balm , based on the court recipes preserved by his father.

In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

If Tiger's Standard Golden Oil can develop normally in China, FengYoujing will have no chance. But Tiger Didn't do that. In 1950, due to overpricing, Hu Wenhu refused to subscribe to the "Victory Bonds" issued by China, thus becoming a "traitor", and all his assets on the mainland were confiscated.

Hu Wenhu's Yong'an Tang factory in Guangzhou has become today's Guangzhou Children's Library. Tiger's gold oil disappeared from the market, and since then China has fallen into a long-term scarcity, leaving no room for small problems such as mosquito bites. It wasn't until the end of the Cultural Revolution that companies remembered to redevelop the country's antipruritic medicine oil market. This enterprise is Fujian Zhangzhou Spice Factory. In 1976, the Zhangzhou Spice Factory, which lost more than 10,000 aromatic plants during the Cultural Revolution, tried to resume production with a new product. Wind oil essence, which is mainly made of spices, is not difficult for them. In October of the same year, Zhangzhou Spice Factory registered the "Narcissus Brand" trademark and began to introduce it to the market.

In the past and present lives of the national anti-itch artifact "Wind Oil Essence", the inventor is a mystery?

Daffodil Oil Essence also lived up to expectations, with annual sales of more than 8 million bottles after only 2 years, and a total of 217 million bottles sold within 10 years of production. Relying on the first-mover advantage, "Narcissus" established a solid sales network, and Zhangzhou Spice Factory successfully transformed into Narcissus Pharmaceutical in 1998, and Fengyou essence gradually became a national anti-itch medicine.