
In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

"Don't be shocked by the humiliation, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; Go and stay unintentionally, wandering with the clouds outside the sky. "In the twilight of life, what we crave is no longer the hustle and bustle, but a peace and comfort. As Chen Jiru said in "The Story of a Small Window", a peaceful and calm attitude towards life has become our inner pursuit. In old age, solitary sports, simple hobbies, and outright leisure constitute the most comfortable way of life.

In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

Solitude is a haven of tranquility in later life. In solitude, we are able to return to ourselves and listen to our truest inner voice. Away from the distractions and hustle and bustle of the world, enjoy the time of being alone, and let the soul get full rest. As Schopenhauer said, "It is only when a man is alone that he can be fully himself." "When we are alone, we can be quiet and read a good book, savoring the wisdom and emotions in it; You can sit in front of the window, gaze at the scenery outside the window, and let your thoughts fly freely; You can also recall the good past and summarize the experiences and lessons of life. Being alone is not solitude, but a dialogue with one's own soul, a deep exploration of the inner world.

In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

Exercise is the secret to maintaining physical and mental health. In old age, our physical functions gradually decline, but moderate exercise can keep us energetic. Take an early morning stroll, feel the caress of the breeze and breathe in the fresh air; Yoga in the afternoon, stretching every joint of the body and relaxing tense muscles; Tai Chi in the evening, overcoming rigidity with softness, contains endless charm between movement and stillness. As Voltaire said, "Life is in motion." "Exercise not only strengthens physical fitness, but also improves mood and reduces stress, allowing us to maintain a good mental state in our old age.

In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

Simple hobbies that add color and fun to later life. Whether it's painting, calligraphy, photography or handicrafts, these hobbies don't require a high level of skill, just the pleasure of the process. Painting the beauty of your heart on the canvas, writing down the feelings of life on rice paper, capturing the beautiful moments of life with the lens, or creating a beautiful handicraft with your hands, each creation is a love and expression of life. "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." When we immerse ourselves in our hobbies and forget the passage of time, we reap inner satisfaction and happiness.

In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

Thorough leisure is the right and enjoyment that people should have in their old age. No longer run around for the busyness of work, no longer worry about the trivial things of life, let go of all burdens, let the body and mind completely relaxed. On a sunny day, you can lie in a rocking chair, close your eyes, and listen to the song of the birds; You can make an appointment with three or five friends, gather in the teahouse, taste the fragrance of tea, and talk about life; You can also take a trip to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and feel the different customs and customs. "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see Nanshan." In leisure, we feel the beauty of life and enjoy the tranquility of the years.

In old age, the most comfortable way of life: solitude, sports, simple hobbies, complete leisure

In old age, choosing solitary sports, simple hobbies and a thoroughly casual lifestyle is the best reward for one's hard work in life. Let us enjoy our old age in this comfortable life and welcome every beautiful tomorrow.

Author: Lao Pang

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