
The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting

author:Morning Loudi
The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting

(Meeting Site)

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting

(Jiang Shixing presided over the meeting)

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting

(Zhao Tanhua read out the motion of the Xinhua County People's Government on submitting the "Report on the 2021 County-level Budget Adjustment Plan")

The Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting

(Yan Luoyang made a report on the 2021 county-level budget adjustment plan)

On the morning of October 13, the Standing Committee of the Seventeenth People's Congress of Xinhua County held its 39th meeting to hear and examine the report of the county people's government on the adjustment plan of the county budget at the same level in 2021, listen to the report of the county people's government on the handling of deputies' suggestions since the sixth session of the 17th people's congress of the county, deliberate on relevant matters related to the convening of the first meeting of the 18th People's Congress of Xinhua County, and discuss the work report of the people's government of Xinhua County and the work report of the Standing Committee of the Xinhua County People's Congress. Jiang Shixing, chairman of the County People's Congress Standing Committee, presided over the meeting, and Li Jinliu, Duan Shaobin, Zeng Xinhua, Liu Xiaoying, Qin Renqiu, vice chairmen of the County People's Congress Standing Committee, and members of the Standing Committee of the Seventeenth County People's Congress attended the meeting. Wang Wenhong, deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee, Zhao Tanhua, member of the standing committee of the county party committee, and Yan Luoyang, member of the standing committee of the county party committee, director of the county party committee office, and director of the county finance bureau, specially invited or attended the meeting as observers.

At the meeting, Zhao Tanhua was entrusted by Zuo Zhifeng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, to read out the motion of the Xinhua County People's Government on the "Report on the 2021 County-level Budget Adjustment Plan". Yan Luoyang was entrusted by the county people's government to make a report on the 2021 county-level budget adjustment plan. Wu Ligao, chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the County People's Congress, made a report on the results of the review of the 2021 county-level budget adjustment plan. The members of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress deliberated the above report. Qin Renqiu read out the "Resolution on Approving the 2021 County-level Budget Adjustment Plan (Draft)", which was voted by the members of the County People's Congress Standing Committee.

The meeting heard a report of the county people's government on the handling of deputies' suggestions since the Sixth Session of the Seventeenth County People's Congress. Zhao Tanhua was entrusted by Zuo Zhifeng County Governor to make a relevant situation report. Members of the standing committee of the county people's congress deliberated on the report.

At the meeting, Liu Xiaoying read out the "Motion on Convening the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Xinhua County." Members of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress deliberated on the bill. Duan Shaobin read out the "Decision on Convening the First Session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Xinhua County (Draft)." The members of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress voted and passed the "Decision." The Decision points out that the first session of the 18th People's Congress of Xinhua County was held in the county seat from October 26 to October 29, 2021.

Jiang Shixing demanded that the members of the standing committee of the county people's congress should raise their standing and enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in opening well the first session of the eighteenth people's congress in Xinhua County. All delegations and townships and towns should, in accordance with their schedules, do a good job in making preparations for the pre-appointment training of deputies. It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of the meeting and discuss good things and select good people. The working groups and relevant departments of the conference secretariat should perform their respective duties and cooperate closely, and strive to transform the decisions, propositions and intentions of the county party committee into the common will of the people of the whole county to ensure the successful convening of the meeting.

The meeting also deliberated on the work report of the county government and the work report of the standing committee of the county people's congress.

Present at the meeting were Zeng Lingbin, deputy secretary of the party leading group of the county people's congress standing committee; Zhu Jiliang, member of the party leading group of the county people's congress standing committee; Tan Zhiqiang, acting president of the county people's court; Liu Yurong, acting chief procurator of the county people's procuratorate; principal responsible persons of the county discipline inspection commission supervision commission, the county development and reform bureau, and other relevant departments; the deputy secretary general of the secretariat of the first session of the eighteenth county people's congress; the chairman (director) of the township (street) people's congress; the contact person of the big bear mountain and gutai mountain forest farms; and some county people's congress deputies.

Author: Swim in and dawn

Editor: Zeng Binchu

【Source: Xinhua News Network】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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