
Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text

author:Chongqing-Taiwan Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Center

"Falling Peanuts" is the work of Xu Dishan, a great Chinese writer and thinker in modern and modern times, who uses plain words to tell the strong feelings of home and country. Inside and outside the classroom, explain and thoroughly explain "Falling Peanuts" so that our young generation can understand the rich history and cultural weight of the Fujian and Taiwan families.

Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text


The charm of Chinese characters is explained in class

Chinese characters are a unique symbol of Traditional Chinese culture, a witness to China's historical changes, an important carrier of modern culture, and the cornerstone of Chinese aesthetics (calligraphy) and even the 5,000-year-old Chinese cultural system.

Chinese characters embody the thoughts and values of the Chinese to the greatest extent and are the great wisdom of the Chinese nation. It's fascinating.

1. The charm of Chinese characters lies in the intuitive and rich ideography, see the word to know its meaning, one of its biggest advantages is easy to remember, easy to remember, and passed down for a long time.

2. The charm of Chinese characters lies in their artistic beauty. We often say that watching a person write, saying that the person's writing is very good, as if there is a poetic meaning in it. Why is it that a person's painting is particularly good, so well painted, and that there is poetry in it? That is, if you write well and write Chinese characters well, you can directly express the aesthetic meaning contained in Chinese characters

3. The charm of Chinese characters lies in the fact that they can express emotions of joy and sorrow, reflect, embody and influence the way of thinking and value orientation of Chinese. Chinese characters contain a wise way of Chinese understanding and transforming the world for thousands of years. Chinese characters have had an extremely profound impact on the culture and way of life of the Chinese nation and the way of thinking.

4. The charm of Chinese characters lies in the fact that they can read Chinese culture from the source of Chinese characters and condense and inherit Chinese culture

Our nation has gone through such a long period of time, through war in the middle, through the integration of different nationalities in the middle, and the collision of various different cultures, which has lasted for thousands of years, and up to now, the Chinese nation has maintained a relatively stable and complete national form and its stable cultural form. Among them, Chinese characters play an indispensable role.

In short, Chinese characters are the only script in human civilization that has been handed down for more than 5,000 years, the only non-pinyin script, and the only ancient script that can be easily used in modern technology computers. It is the oldest writing, but also the youngest writing, its charm is always there, no matter the past, no matter the future, it is the foundation of Chinese cultural self-confidence, is the basis for us as a Chinese to settle down.


Take "Falling Peanuts" as an example to understand the Chinese values behind the meaning of Chinese characters

1. By word and meaning: Tell the humanistic value and cultural meaning behind Chinese characters

For example, the word "filial piety" is the head of an "old" word on the top, and a "son" below, which means that a child supports an old man, which extends to what we usually call filial piety, and the meaning of children supporting the elderly. Since the Han Dynasty, Chinese society has attached more and more importance to filial piety, and even convicted and punished children who do not filial piety, which is in line with the spirit of contemporary laws stipulating that children have the obligation to support the elderly, and all show the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese nation headed by filial piety.

"Home", which has a treasure cover on top and a pig inside. The wolf gallops under this. So what does this home mean in the concept of the ancients? There is a house, there is a pig in the house, of course, there are people in the family, and the pigs are raised by people. So after seeing this home, you can really smell the smell of home.

For example, the word "faith" means that people must be responsible for what they say in order to be honest. Words such as nine words, words that are faithful, and words that are difficult to chase all show the cultural significance behind Chinese characters, and also show the ancestors' deep understanding and summary of the connotation of moral culture.

Chinese characters are ideographs, and each script has its origin. You can't think of a Chinese character as an abstract symbol like an English letter. Chinese characters are not rote memorization, know how each word comes from, know the cultural value and meaning behind this word, each word will come alive, students bathe in the brilliant sunshine of the motherland culture, feel the infinite charm of Chinese language and writing, in order to truly sow the cultural seeds of Chinese characters into their hearts!

2. From the surface and the inside, melt the words into the reason, and tell the story of the "Fallen Peanut House"

The Chinese character we mentioned above is "home", which is the meaning of home itself. In our fifth grade "Falling Peanuts" text, the writer wrote about the special home in his heart, that is, the tutor given by his parents and the author's home and country feelings. This is a special family story.

Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text

"Falling Peanuts" is a narrative essay that uses dialogue to write people's memories. For example, in the plain as water narrative, it contains the deep affection entrusted by Yin Yin: on the night of harvesting peanuts, wives and children, parents and kunzhong sisters, several people sat around a room, tasting the peanuts they had labored and planted, a lamp like a bean, words were happy, what a fascinating and evocative picture of family fun. Here is the love of a loving mother, the love of a strict father, the generosity of a brother and sister, and the wisdom of a younger brother. From here, when a mother can find the fist and fist of her children, a father can find the gentleness of his wife and the love of his children; it is not difficult for a child to taste the parenting grace of his parents. In short, anyone can appreciate the warmth of family and the joy of heaven. In the article "Falling Peanuts", the father and the children in front of the knee have cordial small talk, heated discussions, and homely words, tasting and commenting on one of the most common and small things in the world. There is no impassioned statement, nor does it expound the subtle "Spring and Autumn" righteousness, which seems bland, but it contains the deep affection of all fathers in the world who hope to become adults.


Borrowing the text of "Falling Peanuts" is interpreted as a localized and emotional patriotic education empowerment

The author of the fallen peanut is the famous modern Chinese writer Xu Dishan, who was born in today's Tainan City, and his father Xu Nanying was one of the 25 jinshi in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, with the same name as Wang Chunyuan and others.

If there had not been a corruption and cede of Taiwan by the Qing court in the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, then the warm memories of the Xu Dishan family that may have grown peanuts and ate peanuts in Tainan may only be the individual experience of one person, one family, and one family, but the major changes in the family and country made Xu Dishan follow his parents to Guangdong and Fujian to live, and the story of planting peanuts occurred in the ancestral land of Xiamen, Zhang, and Quan, rather than Tainan. Xu Dishan was born in 1894, and his father fled the Japanese occupation of Taiwan with his family at the end of the same year, it can be said that Xu Dishan's childhood and adolescence were spent in the land of southern Fujian and eastern Fujian.

Reading "Falling Peanuts" from the historical background, the "home" expressed by the author is far more full than the concept of "home" in the general literary sense, because the author has been displaced and separated since childhood, so a reunited home and a complete home are particularly important to Xu Dishan's brothers and sisters. And his father Xu Nanying's patriotic education for him made Xu Dishan more affectionate than other teenagers

In addition, Xu Nanying and Xu Dishan have unique educational significance for Xiayang Primary School and other students on both sides of the strait.

The Xu Dishan family has a special relationship with Haicang and Haicang Xiayang Primary School. In 1894, Xu Nanying, who participated in the resistance to the Japanese occupation, swore not to be a slave to the state, and after participating in the failure of the resistance, the family gave up all their property in Tainan and returned to Shantou, Xiamen, and Zhangzhou to live.

From 1912 to 1913, Xu Dishan's family lived in Haicang (today's Haicang Town Old Street). Xu Dishan's father Xu Nanying and Ma Yiling, the second principal of Haicang Xiayang Primary School, had a very good friendship, lived in the Ma family for 3 days, during which they read books, enjoyed flowers, and wrote poems together, Xu Nanying temporarily forgot the misery of life's turbulence and displacement, and temporarily forgot the life of the family after taiwan was ceded. In Xu Nanying's poem, it is recorded that "In the spring, Renzi visited Ma Junyi in xiayang, and he was able to see the books in his collection and appreciate the flowers and trees planted." On the third day of xinsu, he went to Suling and returned to the sea. After returning, he wrote a long poem: "Xiayang reaches the sea, and Su Ling runs through his belly." Yesterday, from xiayang returned, bamboo shoots entered the forest foothills. Mountain spirits are surprised by the common people, and the foot sound is empty valley. Advocate the sea and mountain flowers, and the east wind sends incense. Picking up the green breeze and overlooking the tall house: what is in the house? Books have thousands of shafts; what is outside the house? Chunlan and Qiuju. The master does not go out of the mountain, and is willing to be the servant of the flowers. Spend your own reading and be blessed in the mountains. I want to get acquainted with the mountain road from the master. Standing on the head of su ling, the sky blows wild clothes; looking forward to the eight wildernesses, dragons and snakes are full of continents! In this poem, Xu Nanying describes the geography of Haicang and his state of mind when getting along with his friends, and expresses his expectations for the country's strength by "looking forward to the eight wildernesses, dragons and snakes are full of continents".

Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text

In addition, in 1912, Xu Nanying left 153 poems during his stay in Xiazhang, and there are still 95 poems in 1913, which can be described as a prolific year. Among them, there are several poems describing Haicang from January to August 1912, and these landscape descriptions preserve the style of Haicang in the early years of the Republic of China for posterity, which is an important historical material.

During his stay in Haicang, Xu Nanying visited the nearby Houtang Chen Villa, now Liantang Villa in Lianhua Prefecture, Haicang Town. The owner of Liantang Villa, Tan Ping You, made a fortune in the rice industry in Vietnam, and in 1908 built a family house, ancestral hall and school in Lotus Island. Xu Nanying wrote in the poem "Lotus Island Hill" (after the Liantang Academy): "Where did this mountain come from? East and west are empty; specially hibiscus, standing on a small screen. The owner is also not bad, the operation of the craftsman: chisel the pool under it, chisel through it; there is a valley, the silhouette is compellable. The reward is not high, but the god king is aware of it. Outside the gate, Mount Taiwu is far away from the sea; it seems to be competing with the mountain, so it is like offering Emei." This poem not only writes scenes, but also expresses his thoughts about his hometown of Tainan: "Outside the Door of Taiwu Mountain, across the sea from afar." He also toured the Chen Family Villa and the Cangjiang River with the school teachers and children of the Chen Family in the Liantang Villa during the Dragon Boat Festival, leaving a beautiful travelogue. "On the day before the Noonday Festival, with the liantang school teacher Chen Qilan and Chen Qichun Zhu Kunji released the boat Cangjiang River": "Bu Zhu built a neighboring canghai, invited to be a water frolic; when it rains, the sky is clear. The thin waves are still flat, and the new spring is still full of pi. Duck-headed pumice islet, and the head of the crane moves the river; it is comfortable to ride the wind and ride the water late. Friends are full of vitality, brothers are happy and yiyi, I think of the sea, and Si You wants to bathe. The boat was lightly shocked, and the young smile struggled. Looking for red medicine on the shore, along the stream, green pine; crossing the bridge is like a bird, passing through the gate like a plate of mites. Glance at the clouds and ink, when the head rain scatters the silk; the mirror light looks at the sun, and the bow-like fingers are hanging. Fish and clams are collected, and boats are shaken to scare herons. Hun forgot to carry kasa, and washed his eyebrows. The road is like a fish, and the tide is like a horse. Words swirl yuan bright house, small sitting Zhongshu curtain. Yerba Buena fans three paths, new lotus net a pool. The tea aroma leaves the thirsty mouth, and the lotus flavor clears the spleen. The festive season is tomorrow, and the famous mountain is scheduled to be late. The old man is sleepless and travels to poetry for the sake of writing.

Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text

Of course, in the days of Haicang, Xu Nanying also wrote many poems, such as "Nongzi Spring Self-titled Painting Plum: Has Entered the Republic Year, Seeing the Sky like a Dream!" Wave your hand to sit on the empty mountain, alone with the plum blossom lane "" Ye Xing: a few or two mango shoes in a lifetime, at will lin east to water west; Yuanpu Day baking herbs live, Hirata wind to bet rice seedlings Qi. Don't get drunk in the lonely village, don't send back to the wrong way! Where is the head of Chang'an, and what is the sick man's hoof? "Get up early: Get up early to clean the court and sweep away the dust." Between a spider hidden window, two or three feet of weeping silk; a trace of hanging eaves, a trace of sticking to the east wall: the organization of a large net, the fiber has no gaps. Mosquitoes do not know a few, touch as you choose; it is not easy to win or lose. Oh my yellow race, the xenomorph day persecution; the day and day in the world net, pitching is all innings! "Nongzi duan midnight sitting puppet: lonely lights against the wind and rain, into the night suddenly perched cool. In the blink of an eye, roosting in a foreign land! The widow is hanging with the same, and the wrong way is even more tragic! The new ghost gushed that Zhong Kui's sword was lost. Borrowing the vicissitudes of the sea to live in the winter night without sleep: looking at the cold and colorless moon, lying down to hear the tide and angry. When the son is ugly, he sleeps soundly, and what is the matter in the blue sky? ”。 In a poem "Feelings about Crossing the Sea (1913)": "The double oars are flat with the wind and the water, and the ogi reeds are serene in autumn; the front Ting is staggered in the fishing liao, and the distant trees are jagged." Xi Ordered Gongxiong Zhenhai, surrounded by chaotic stone Gongzhuan City. I have come to ask about the former Dynasty, but there is only a slanting sun shining on the abandoned camp! The name of the spit is unusual, and it is not always appropriate to be fair. People except for the Qing Room and the Ming Room, gong help Hu Er kill Han Er! BanJue self-attribution to the dog crown, cover the coffin mo to make the grass chicken know! Yi Dynasty is like this, Yi Te Quan Nanjing Hai Shi! ”

In the days when Haicang lived, although there were still several sons who spent a lot of money to study, the eldest son and the second son began to work, and Xu Nanying's life was still relatively stable, but he had the homeland in his heart, the country, and every festival he could not help but miss his hometown.

When we re-read Xu Nanying's poems today, we not only see the poet's own grief and indignation at the country's weak mountains and rivers and the fragmentation of the land, but also see the iron bones of a generation of patriotic intellectuals and the stubborn will of a generation of Taiwanese to resist Japanese aggression and colonial rule. By searching for Xu Nanying's footprints in Xiamen and Zhangzhou, we are grateful to Xu Dishan's "Falling Peanuts" for his gratitude to Fujian and Taiwan, leaving a precious historical memory and cultural heritage to the Chinese nation.


Yu Yin wrapped around "Falling Peanuts"

Xu Dishan, pen name Luo Watson. Shortly after his birth, he followed his father to Longxi, Zhangzhou. At the age of 3, he studied private school in Zhangzhou, and he was deeply influenced by his father Xu Nanying, who read a lot of books and was talented. In 1911, he returned to Zhangzhou with his father, and at the age of 17, he began to make a living for himself, serving as a teacher at the Second Normal School of Fujian Province. In 1916 and 1917, he briefly taught at Huaying Middle School and Fujian Provincial Second Normal School in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and was admitted to Peking Private Huiwen University in 1917 (merged with Peking Union University to form Yenching University in 1919), and later entered Oxford University in the United Kingdom. He was the pioneer of the New Culture Movement, and because he was proficient in many Chinese words and profound works, he became a generation of cultural masters. In 1923, Qu Qiubai published the "Red Tide Song" in the inaugural issue of "New Youth" (the red tide is surging and the sunset is flying, waking up more than 5,000 years of deep dreams. Forty million compatriots of the ancient kingdom of the Far East, singing the praises of divine labor in unison... It is composed by Xu Dishan. In addition, he also composed the song "Wen Tianxiang", expressing his patriotic heart by singing praises, "Wenshan liver and gallbladder are always in the human realm, do not use the names of thousands of generations of articles, tears when worried, patriotic Dan heart, people admire Lu Fengfanghua Rice Pavilion." The crisis situation supports, the isolated city is strongly protected, and only the hungry soldiers are left in the garrison. Although we know that the enemy is difficult to defeat, we must resist and fight desperately." After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he became a professor at the School of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong, and served as the executive director and general secretary of the Hong Kong Member Communications Office of the All-China Association of Literary and Art Circles. In 1941, he had a heart attack and unfortunately died, the whole hong Kong rang a bell to send him off, Mr. Soong Ching Ling was the first to send a wreath, and even the British government in Hong Kong lowered the flag to half-mast to mourn. The National Government praised him for his "academic flooding" and "the exposition of China's culture in Hong Kong, the advocacy of education for the people, and the social welfare undertakings, all of which have done their best to assist, especially enthusiastically." Overseas Chinese organizations from all walks of life in Singapore held a solemn memorial meeting, "On the Analysis of The Similarities and Differences between China and the West in Ideology and Culture, But Seeking Practical Monarchs To Survive Even Though Ancient", Xu Dishan was highly praised.

Inside and outside the classroom of "Falling Peanuts": the feelings of home and country in and after the text

"Falling Peanuts" is Xu Dishan's early works, written about 1925, in 1932 his "Falling Peanuts" was included in the textbook of Hebei Normal Junior High School, in 1939 included in the "New Compilation of The First Chinese Language", in 1984 the People's Education Publishing House's "Primary School Language Volume 11" was included, is a must-choose article for primary schools, it is also a classic text in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools in Taiwan.

A hundred years ago, Xu Dishan called on everyone not to be a "great and decent" person, to learn to fall peanuts, and to be useful people. A hundred years later, this sentence is still loud.

As a Chinese language teacher, we will encourage more Chinese teachers to explain the special historical relationship between xu dishan and Haicang and the rich family and country feelings of the author's family in the class of "Falling Peanuts", in addition to "explaining the words in the text".

As a researcher on the Taiwan issue, I hope that through the introduction of such a historical background and the combination of teaching, students will have a sincere sense of pride, and after listening to the explanation, they will definitely remember that the father of this great writer, Xu Nanying, and Xu Dishan, the author himself, lived in Haicang and came to his own school. This is an extension of Chinese character and language teaching, and it is also a very good lesson in school history and local patriotism culture. It is believed that in addition to allowing students to improve the memory and understanding of texts, it will also enhance the recognition and pride of Chinese culture. The author of this article: Yang Renfei, deputy secretary-general and researcher of Xiamen Taiwan Society, authorized the original release of this number, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source.