
One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

author:Meggy dancing apples

Today my mother went to string relatives, I had a sudden idea, drumming skewers hot pot for lunch!

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

As if destined to eat this small hot pot, the refrigerator turned over, and there were many dishes. I was too lazy to cut the large pieces of fat beef and leg of lamb, so I pulled out a few shrimps to "fill the façade". Tofu skin, mushrooms, carrots, fungus, cauliflower, pumpkin, green flowers enough to eat. The fungus is ready to be used for filling at night, so grab me first and taste it quickly.

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

A person eats hot pot, the pot can not be too big, a big will not show things, the more I eat the more lonely, so I used a deep, beautiful electric saucepan, with its "hot pot" function, grunting, bubbles tumbling, water vapor rising, cold and clean house a little more warm.

Stringing ingredients into strings increases the time for hands-on production, and there is a "sense of grand ceremony". Eating for one person can also be comfortable and comfortable; low-fat can also eat very happy.

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" >--- [one-person food low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] ---</h1>

【Ingredients】 4 prawns, 4 finger carrots, 4 shiitake mushrooms, 4 mushrooms, 1 cauliflower, 1 broccoli, 1 black fungus, 4 cowpeas, 3 tofu skins, 4 chiba tofu, 1 pumpkin, fragrant tomato hot pot to taste, 3 garlic cloves, 1 pot of water


1. The ingredients are prepared, the wash should be washed, the scraper should be scraped, and the black fungus should be soaked in warm water 2 hours in advance;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

2. Remove the shrimp line and insert it from the tail with a bamboo stick;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

3. Pumpkins are dug into balls with a ball digger, and the balls are directly cut without a ball digger, and the balls look a little fun; strung with bamboo;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

4. Cut the tofu skin into long and wide slices, string them into strings, and insert a head of garlic at the top to prevent the tofu skin from falling off after cooking;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

5. Skewer shiitake mushrooms and mushrooms;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

6. Blanch the cowpea with water to become soft and skewer it at will, I skewer it into a bunch of 2 sticks;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

7. Wood ear fungus, cauliflower, broccoli, chiba tofu, finger carrots are randomly combined and strung into strings;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

8. The skewers lie on the plate, waiting to "dedicate" themselves to the hot soup;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

9. Put the appropriate amount of fragrant tomato hot pot base in the pot, gently stir and mix well with water;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

10. Without waiting for the water to boil, directly put the skewers in the soup;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

11. Soon the soup will be opened, and the skewers will be cooked one after another, and it will be uncomfortable to eat while cooking;

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

12. Drink half a bowl of soup after eating, you are full! It's all vegetables, there's no fat, don't worry about bracing, and it's rich in dietary fiber and not on fire.

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" >.</h1>[

1. The ingredients are not limited, and if you have it on hand, as long as you like it; no bamboo sticks, you don't skewer it, and it is not bad to eat it directly in the soup;

2. Fragrant tomato hot pot base with slightly salty and slightly sweet, now there are many hot pot base, choose your favorite brand and taste.

One person eats not lonely, tomato soup skewer hot pot, low-fat satiety, girls do not have long meat --- [one person food · low-fat tomato soup skewer hot pot] --- [apple private talk]

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"Make food with love, record the beauty with your heart, and present the mellow taste of the ingredients in a simple way." I am Meggy Dancing Apple, an English teacher for 18 years, and now a "kitchen for love" housewife, food writer, multi-platform special food original author, health manager, ACI international registered nutritionist. Food book "Home Cooking with Millions of Hits".

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