
College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important

author:Bright Net

Saving lives and helping the injured is the duty of medical personnel

And in the heart of every medical student

Should all think

How to become a qualified "good doctor"?

The answer, probably everyone is different

But this group of medical students

Answered this question with his own actions

The night before

A hot pot restaurant in Chengdu, Sichuan

A table of guests "returned" the bill to the owner after dinner

And a paragraph written on the back of the bill

Made the owner very serious



Customers at this table who eat hot pot

He is a student at the West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University

That night they went to eat hot pot

By chance, I saw that the boss's face was not very good

There are signs of facial blackness

They are worried

This may be a reflection of some diseases

After a few words of discussion

He took out the pen he had brought with him to pay the bill

Wrote this "little note"

College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important

The owner, Mr. Chen, recalled

After buying the order, the girls handed over a note

Because too busy

He didn't react at the time

When I opened it to take a closer look, several girls had gone far

College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important

The owner said

After he saw the message on the note

I felt very warm and followed their advice

Had a good rest

Then I went to the hospital for a check-up

College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important

Soon after, the results of the examination came out

The good news: no big deal

Doctor introduction

Blackening of the face is not necessarily a symptom

But it's always good to screen

What you learn in your daily life, practice what you preach

These girls

Responsible, responsible, and loving


The epidemic in Gansu continues to attract attention

New confirmed cases have been reported for several consecutive days

Lanzhou University, Northwest University for Nationalities

Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gansu Health Vocational College

and 4 other colleges and universities offering medical majors

Muko-7777 Medicine

Senior students in related majors issued an initiative

First time

More than 10,000 student volunteers from 4 colleges and universities

Sign up for "Please Fight"

College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important
College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important
College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important
College students ate hot pot left a note, the boss is very important

This is the Chinese youth

This is the source of China's growing power!

Kudos to this group of medical students!

Comprehensive: Xinhua News Agency, Sichuan Daily, @Gansu Release, People's Daily Client Gansu Channel, Various Universities Official Micro, etc

Source: Guangdong Public DV Site

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