
Eat hot pot in winter, so it's fun! Hot pot spicy shrimp is the greatest respect for hot pot and shrimp

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, pay attention to Ah Fei has more home cooking for your reference!

Eat hot pot in winter, so it's fun! Hot pot spicy shrimp is the greatest respect for hot pot and shrimp

Long time have not made shrimp, eat shrimp in winter, you have to eat some hot, today we make a hot pot spicy shrimp, not a new dish, is popular for a year or two of the old dish, many restaurants to do this dish, can do even the shrimp shell are crispy entrance, in fact, the method is very simple, and then we open to see the specific method.

1. Handle prawns

Prepare an appropriate amount of fresh shrimp, cut off the shrimp whiskers, shrimp guns, shrimp legs, cut the shrimp back, after processing, wash it several times with water, rinse the shrimp line and impurities.

Eat hot pot in winter, so it's fun! Hot pot spicy shrimp is the greatest respect for hot pot and shrimp

2. Prepare the meal

Prepare two cucumbers to split and cut into small pieces, peel the potatoes and cut them into coarse strips with water to wash off the starch on the surface, cut the green onions into green onions, cut the ginger into minces, and cut the garlic into minced pieces and put them all together for later.

3. Fry the shrimp and side dishes

Burn the oil in the pot, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, put the potatoes into the pot and fry it, until the potato strips are fried into a golden brown and then fished out to control the oil, and then pour the prawns into the pot, the high oil temperature will fry the shrimp shells until crispy and set, and the prawns will be fished out after the whole body is red to control the oil.

Eat hot pot in winter, so it's fun! Hot pot spicy shrimp is the greatest respect for hot pot and shrimp

4. Heat the oil in the pot and start cooking.

First pour in the minced onion, ginger, garlic, dried pepper, pepper and stir until fragrant, add watercress sauce, spicy girl, spicy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, put in a hot pot base to fry out the red oil, then pour some cooking wine to fishy, add the appropriate amount of water along the edge of the pot, add MONOSG, sugar, chicken powder, pepper, raw soy sauce, stir well.

Turn on high heat to boil the sauce until fragrant, put in the fried prawns and stir-fry until flavorful, sprinkle in the green onion and white sesame seeds and turn well, then you can get out of the pot, put the cucumber segments and potato strips in the bottom of the pot, and put the fried prawns delicious.

Eat hot pot in winter, so it's fun! Hot pot spicy shrimp is the greatest respect for hot pot and shrimp

It's that simple, which is why, when you go to a restaurant to order this dish, it will be served very quickly!

When frying shrimp, be sure to keep the oil high so that the skin can be crispy.

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical home-cooked dishes for your reference every day, we will see you in the next issue!

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