
He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

author:The little man outside the historical door

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, two senior generals of our army died, one of whom was the well-known Zuo Quan, and the other was the little-known Peng Xuefeng.

On September 10, 1944, Peng Xuefeng, then commander of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army, Zhang Zhen, chief of staff, and Wu Zhipu, director of the Political Department, were at Penggouya Primary School in Xiayi County to study the attack on the traitors and bandits Li Guangmingbu of Balizhuang.

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

At 4:00 a.m. on the 11th, under the order of Peng Xuefeng, the troops of the Fourth Division charged and fought fiercely with the enemy, and soon after, the enemy was defeated, Peng Xuefeng shouted: "Don't run away from an enemy", the soldiers of the troops rushed to chase, when everyone captured the enemy leader Li Guangming alive, suddenly found that the chest of the division commander Peng Xuefeng had been hit by stray bullets, because it was the heart part, it could not be saved, Peng Xuefeng died on the spot, only 37 years old.

After Peng Xuefeng's sacrifice, the news quickly reached Yan'an, and Chairman Mao was extremely sad: "The little Balizhuang actually damaged one of my generals. For a variety of reasons, the news of Peng Xuefeng's sacrifice was not disclosed, and it was not until January 1945 that the Central Committee officially released the news of Peng Xuefeng's sacrifice.

In Yan'an, the Party Central Committee held a solemn memorial service for Peng Xuefeng, and Chen Yi, then commander of the New Fourth Army, wrote a poem for Peng Xuefeng, "Crying Comrade Peng Xuefeng": Huaibei Mourning to / In front of the lamp / Life and Life Together / Sleepless All Night / Our Party Kuang Tianxia / Dejun Yi Juncai / ..... Zhijun infinitely hates / did not drink the Yellow Dragon...

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

Chairman Mao, on the other hand, personally wrote a letter to Peng Xuefeng: Twenty years of arduous undertakings are about to be completely completed, and we can bear to see the glorious achievements, our heroic names will always be there, and we will be loyal to the Communists; the mountains and rivers of tens of thousands of miles are broken, they are waiting to be cleaned up from scratch, the blood is splashing, they have sacrificed for the country, they are full of sorrow and indignation, and they mourn the heroes for the Chinese nation.

This is the longest league that Chairman Mao has ever written in his life.

What kind of relationship does Peng Xuefeng have with Chairman Mao?

In 1907, Peng Xuefeng was born in Qilizhuang, Ping County, Nanyang Town, Henan Province, 1907 was really a good year, the famous military experts Lin Biao and Su Yu of our army were born in this year, when he was a teenager, Peng Xuefeng studied private school, middle school, in 1925, under the influence of the workers' movement, Peng Xuefeng joined the Communist Party of China and began his revolutionary career.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Peng Xuefeng worked in the military movement work of Liu Zhennian's department in Yantai, during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Peng Xuefeng served in the Central Red Army, successively serving as the political commissar of the Second Division of the Red Third Army, the political commissar of the Fourth Division, etc. During the Long March, Peng Xuefeng served as the commander of the 13th Regiment of the Red Third Army, and in the Battle of Loushan Pass, Peng Xuefeng personally led the troops to charge and take Loushan Pass, making great contributions to the second occupation of Zunyi by the Central Red Army.

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

On November 30, 1935, after attending a meeting of cadres at and above the battalion level, Peng Xuefeng was about to leave, but suddenly received a notice that the head of the central government wanted to talk to him.

This head of the Central Committee is Chairman Mao.

When Chairman Mao saw Peng Xuefeng, he did not say anything polite and went straight to the subject: "Recently I heard some reflections on the problem of disunity of the Second Column, and today I will leave you here to talk about this issue..."

Peng Xuefeng said: "Since the establishment of the second column, contradictions have begun. At that time, some cadres and fighters had opinions on the composition of the main leading members of the column, saying: Except for me, the main leaders of the column are all sent by the first legion. After the problems arose, after repeated work, the ideological problems were basically solved. ”

To understand this matter, we must first know the formation of the second column.

On September 22, the Central Red Army was reorganized into the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, with Peng Dehuai as commander and Chairman Mao as political commissar, under the jurisdiction of 3 columns, the Red Third Army, reorganized into the second column, Peng Xuefeng as commander, political commissar Li Fuchun, deputy commander Liu Yalou, director of the Political Department Luo Ruiqing, and chief of staff Xiao Jinguang.

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

Except for Peng Xuefeng, who was the original member of the Red Third Army, the rest of the leaders were all sent by the Red First Army, and the cadres and fighters below were somewhat unconvinced by this, so the above problems arose.

Later, Peng Xuefeng personally did work for everyone and basically solved the problems, but new problems arose, one was to criticize and deal with a number of cadres; second, he killed some people because some leading comrades were specializing their lives, and second, a small number of cadres violated the discipline of the masses.

These problems were not very big in the first place, but some leaders wanted to propose to carry out "repression" in the second column, and as soon as this matter came out, the contradictions of the second column became bigger.

In one example, nguyen Binh, a company commander of the Eleventh Regiment of the Third Army, who had eaten two eggs from the common people at a time and did not pay him, had a leader order to criticize him and send him to the military inquisition for trial.

Huang Kecheng, then the director of the inquisition, refused, saying: "Our comrades have turned to war, born into death here, and we still distrust them and strike at them." ”

However, there are also things that Huang Kecheng can't manage, Zhou Mou, the chief of the management section of a certain unit of the Second Column, because he lost several wounded when the troops crossed the grass, he was sent to the magistrate's court, saying that he was going to be executed, Huang Kecheng did not agree, but some leaders insisted on sending people to pull this section chief out and shoot him.

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

The contradictions of the second column are getting bigger and bigger.

Chairman Mao listened to Peng Xuefeng's introduction, raised his eyebrows, and then Chairman Mao asked about the reorganization of the troops, the restoration of the first army structure, the abolition of the number of the three corps, and the mood of the soldiers when the Red Third Army was incorporated into the Red First Army as a division.

Peng Xuefeng replied: "At that time, the mood of cadres and soldiers was very great, and their thinking was confused. ...... Why is only the one-corps system restored and the three-corps structure abolished? Why was the Three Corps organized as a division of the First Corps? ......”

Chairman Mao was a little angry: "Cadres and soldiers don't understand the situation, and you don't understand the situation either?!" Did you tell the commanders and fighters about the decision of the central reorganization of the troops? Explanation? ”

Peng Xuefeng: "We not only conveyed the decision of the central authorities, but also did a lot of persuasion and explanation work,..... As the saying goes, 'hot rice can't be eaten in a hurry', and I believe that over time, they will always have enlightenment that day..."

Speaking, Peng Xuefeng asked a question: "Regarding the photo issue, everyone has an opinion, ask why you only take a photo with the First Army and not the Third Army?" ”

Chairman Mao lowered his face, and he patted the table: "This is hilltop ism!" Total hilltopism! ”

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

Hearing about the mountaintop doctrine, Peng Xuefeng was also a little angry, and he confronted Chairman Mao in the face and also patted the table: "No, there are mountains, but there is no doctrine!" ”

Peng Xuefeng continued: "In 1927, you led the team of the Autumn Harvest Uprising up JinggangShan and established the first rural base area in Chinese history, and at the same time, this was also the first hill established by our party. We built our own hill to deal with the more powerful hill of the Kuomintang reactionaries... We have both mountains and doctrines, that is, to overthrow the three mountains that weigh on the heads of the Chinese people, to overthrow the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, and to realize the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation. Sometimes there will be conflicts of interest between these fraternal units and departments, which at best are unitism and departmentalism, and should not be called hilltop doctrine. ”

Hearing Peng Xuefeng's words, Chairman Mao calmed down: "You are right, and there are some issues that I need to consider again..."

Thus, the two ended the conversation.

After that, Peng Xuefeng successively served as the commander of the six detachments of the New Fourth Army, the commander of the fourth column of the Eighth Route Army, and the commander and political commissar of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army, until he died on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1944.

He dared to confront Chairman Mao in person, and after his death at the age of 37, the chairman wrote the longest tie, and his son is now a general

At that time, Su Yu was the commander of the First Division, Zhang Yunyi was the commander of the Second Division, Huang Kecheng was the commander of the Third Division, Li Xiannian was the commander of the Fifth Division, Tan Zhenlin was the commander of the Sixth Division, and Zhang Dingcheng was the commander of the Seventh Division.

Later, among these division commanders, three major generals, one president, and two vice-state ranks were produced, and we can imagine that if Peng Xuefeng had not sacrificed, then his military rank after the founding of the country, if not unexpectedly, should have been general.

In 1941, Peng Xuefeng wrote a letter to Lin Ying, the women's minister of the Huaibao County Party Committee, and the two later established a romantic relationship, and on September 24, they married, and later, they had a child, named Peng Xiaofeng.

Peng Xiaofengzi inherited his father's business, and later joined the army, successively serving as the political commissar of the division, the political commissar of the group army, the political commissar of the Second Artillery Corps, and in 2006, he was promoted to the rank of general.

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