
He may be the world's highest IQ international giant, but unexpectedly became a security adviser to the FBI

author:Lawyer Wang Biao

There are more than 7.5 billion people in the world, and some of them have very developed brains and extremely high IQs, which also make their lives full of legends and make them famous, such as Frank.

He may be the world's highest IQ international giant, but unexpectedly became a security adviser to the FBI

Frank Abagnale was born in New York, USA, his father opened a stationery store, the business is average, and his mother is a Frenchman, but when Frank was 16 years old, his parents chose to divorce, for which Frank was very sad, and ran away from home, and later because he was attracted by the cool and heroic posture of the crew crew, Frank aspired to be a pilot.

However, Frank did not go the usual way, but embarked on the road of fraud, Frank got a uniform, and forged a set of documents, which also impersonated the American Pan Am pilot, of course, this is also because the era "provided" Opportunity for Frank, which was 1965.

But it also shows that Frank has amazing talent, after all, the pilot is not who wants to be able to be, if Frank's ability is insufficient, it is still likely to be recognized as a fake. Frank quickly realized during the scam that people could believe almost anything if the performance was realistic enough, which also made Frank more and more emboldened.

From 1965 to 1969, Frank forged $2.5 million checks in 26 countries over five years posing as Pan Am pilots, teachers, doctors, federal prison service staff, and lawyers, making him wanted by many countries and becoming the youngest wanted man in FBI history.

He may be the world's highest IQ international giant, but unexpectedly became a security adviser to the FBI

Frank rarely loses his hand, he is too smart, but the world of "genius" is lonely, Frank's world is full of lies, but others take it seriously, but Frank also has a time when he is lonely, he has revealed his true identity to one of his girlfriends.

The girlfriend was shocked to learn of this and thought that Frank should be punished by the law, so he called the police, but Frank fled immediately after learning that his girlfriend called the police.

But even though Frank was very smart and didn't get caught for calling the police with his girlfriend, he made low-level mistakes, and in 1969, two plainclothes detectives were eating hot dogs in a fast food restaurant and accidentally caught a glimpse of a man who was very similar to Frank they had been tracking, and one of the detectives was in a hurry and shouted, "Hey! frank! ”

Frank subconsciously turned his head when he heard this, thus revealing his whereabouts, and Frank was arrested in France. However, the French court only sentenced Frank for one year, and later Frank was extradited to the United States, where he was sentenced to twelve years in prison.

In the United States, fraud is constituted, which objectively requires the defendant to take ownership of another person's property by misrepresenting the present or past facts, but it is possible that the crime of fraud may not be constituted if one of the following three circumstances is present:

He sincerely but falsely believes that the property he acquires is his own or that he has a legal right to it;

He intends to return the acquired property unconditionally within a reasonable period of time, and he is in a position to do so;

He acquired the property as a payment for a debt that someone else did owe him, or that he sincerely but erroneously believed that someone else owed him a debt.

He may be the world's highest IQ international giant, but unexpectedly became a security adviser to the FBI

In contrast, China's handling of the crime of fraud is often different from that of the United States, in our country, according to the provisions of the criminal law, the perpetrator uses the method of fabricating facts or concealing the truth, defrauding a large amount of money and illegally occupying public and private property, which constitutes the crime of fraud.

In accordance with article 266 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, whoever defrauds public or private property of a relatively large amount shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also be fined or fined individually; if the amount is huge or has other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; if the amount is particularly large or has other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or have his property confiscated.

And Frank did not stay in prison for more than ten years, he only spent 5 years in the big prison, because of the early parole and left the prison at the age of 26, it is undeniable that Frank can still enjoy youth, he was still very young when he was released from prison, as for this experience in prison, he also let Frank understand a lot of the road, he later talked about this matter, said:

"No matter how capable you are, as long as you commit a crime and end up in the net, you will also be punished for everything you do." Also, it's not that you make a mistake and have to bow your head and be a person all your life, you can also reform yourself and make a big career. ”

He may be the world's highest IQ international giant, but unexpectedly became a security adviser to the FBI

When he was released from prison, Frank would also be turned away by his employer because of his previous convictions, and everyone could not trust him, but the FBI was well aware of Frank's ability, and invited him to be a security consultant after seeing that Frank had indeed reformed.

Frank assisted the FBI in capturing a large number of financial fraudsters and designed anti-counterfeit checks for banks and others. Later, Frank also founded the Abagnale Society, a consulting firm related to the crime of economic fraud, and of course, genius inevitably wanted an autobiography, and by 2002, a director had made a film based on his autobiography.

In a way, Frank's youth was full of twists and turns, very legendary, and the second half of his life, he lived very peacefully, becoming a respectable person.

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