
Deadpool is busy doing big things! Ryan Renos announced the launch of Mint Mobile+, the cheapest video platform

author:ETtoday News Cloud
Deadpool is busy doing big things! Ryan Renos announced the launch of Mint Mobile+, the cheapest video platform

Ryan Renos announced the launch of a new audio-visual streaming platform, but it seems that it is not yet fully prepared. (Photo/Screenshot from Mint Mobile+)

Xie Renjie/Comprehensive Report

Ryan Reynolds, the famous Hollywood actor who plays "Deadpool", has been busy doing big things lately! Last week, he officially announced on Twitter that he was going to launch the "world's cheapest" video streaming platform "Mint Mobile+", and it seems that the superhero is not idle in the summer, and he has joined the battlefield of the video platform.

Ryan Renos tweeted that every tech company needs streaming services, so it announced the launch of a new business Mint Mobile+, and did not change the Deadpool style of pompous introduction, "Mint Mobile+ will be the world's cheapest video streaming platform!" 」

Ryan Renos wants to launch a video streaming service? This must have surprised his fans, who went from movie star to boss and joined the video streaming war with Netflix, Apple TV+, Disney+ and other technology companies, even if he is a superhero, it should be a hard battle.

In fact, Ryan Renos had this idea as early as last year. He tweeted on November 25 last year that plans are in the works to launch the latest video platform, Mint Mobile.

Deadpool is busy doing big things! Ryan Renos announced the launch of Mint Mobile+, the cheapest video platform

▲ Ryan Renos had plans to join the video platform battlefield last year. (Photo/Screenshot from Twitter/Ryan Reynolds)

Mint Mobile+ has been set up, like Netflix and other platforms, there are special animation effects when entering the platform, and many movies are listed on the website, such as "original movies", "non-original movies", "top 10 hits in the United States" and other film and drama categories, click into it to watch the whole movie, which is currently completely free.

It is worth noting that although there seem to be dozens of movies available for viewing on the platform, a closer look reveals that it is actually the same movie he starred in in 2003, "Magic Tricks", it seems that the star boss launched Mint Mobile+ in advance, the platform content should not be fully prepared.

Netizens also laughed and asked at the bottom, "Will Mint Mobile+ be the only movie starring Ryan Renos himself?" Although this seems to be the case at present, the slogan "The cheapest in the world" is still full of expectations.

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