
Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

author:Chinese Farmers' Cooperatives
Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

Co-op people on the big screen

Premiere of Sarilang on the prairie

"Sarilang" is a sarilang flower on the grassland, Mongolian, translated into Chinese is shandan flower, people often affectionately call "little red flower", implying a kind of recognition and encouragement. The film "Sarilang on the Grassland" focuses on Zhao Huijie, the "most beautiful secretary of Inner Mongolia", telling the story of her calling on villagers to form a Chinese herbal medicine cooperative and leading more than 3,000 people in the village to successfully get rid of poverty and become well-off, comprehensively showing the hard work of poverty alleviation cadres in the new era to achieve poverty alleviation and prosperity.

Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

Film premiere

On March 19, the premiere ceremony of "Sarilang on the Grassland" and the release of the results of "Telling the Story of Poverty Alleviation in China" by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau were successfully held, and the film was exclusively launched on iQiyi on March 21. Wang Zhi, member of the party group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, Sun Guangfu, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Songshan District Committee of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Zhao Huijie, the prototype of the film's characters, as well as representatives of film production and broadcasting agencies, representatives of the main creative team, media representatives and hundreds of other guests attended the ceremony and watched the film together at the scene.

Guided by beijing municipal radio and television bureau, and produced by Beijing Happy Culture Media Co., Ltd., Dongkuo Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Culture China Media Co., Ltd., and Huaheng Pictures Jiangsu Co., Ltd., "Sarilang on the Grassland" is a high-quality masterpiece that unites the efforts of all parties. The film vividly portrays the character image of Secretary Zhao Huijie as tenacious and firm, optimistic and cheerful as the mountain danhua on the grassland, and reflects the great spiritual qualities of countless frontline workers in poverty alleviation who cherish the people and make selfless dedication.

Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

Character archetypes

The film's prototype, Zhao Huijie, is a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, deputy secretary of the party committee of Damiao Town, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, and secretary of the general branch of the party in Xiaomiaozi Village. On this road of running well-off, Zhao Huijie also faced many difficulties. The film "Sarilang on the Grassland" begins with the protagonist Zhao Huijie leading the villagers to carry out carrot planting failure, and the villagers begin to question her ability to work. Faced with heavy pressure, Zhao Huijie analyzed the situation, inquired from many sources, and finally decided to set up a farmers' cooperative, and with the assistance of Xiao Dan, a college student village official, tried to persuade the villagers to plant Chinese herbal medicine scientifically. Without money, they went to attract investment, persuaded entrepreneurs who went out of the village to return to their hometowns for development, and finally won the trust of Li Yongbo by relying on the sincerity and hard-working spirit of serving the people, so that he decided to return to the village to establish a Chinese herbal medicine planting base and processing plant, and realized the industrialization of local Chinese herbal medicine. Subsequently, everyone worked together to find a way to solve the problems such as repairing roads and bridges into the village and selling Chinese medicinal materials.

Under the country's poverty alleviation policy, Zhao Huijie finally led the people to achieve a comprehensive poverty alleviation and a well-off life, and at the two sessions of the National People's Congress, he introduced these changes in his hometown to General Secretary Xi Jinping, and several times burst into tears, "The people are grateful to the party, grateful to the government, grateful to this era, and those who did not dare to dream in the past have been realized."

Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie
Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

The coming day can be expected

Wang Zhi, member of the party group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, said, "'Sarilang on the Grassland' comprehensively shows the struggle process of poverty alleviation cadres in the new era and leading villagers to become well-off, meticulously depicts a three-dimensional and full picture of rural revitalization, and presents a moving network literary and artistic masterpiece." Sun Guangfu, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Songshan District Cpc Committee of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, said, "It is precisely because comrades like Zhao Huijie stick to the front line that the fight against poverty can be won and the revitalization of the countryside can be promoted." I believe that through this film, we can let everyone have a deeper understanding of Chifeng."

Reflecting the big era with small villages, "Sarilang of the Grassland" praises the achievements of poverty alleviation with heart and soul, which is undoubtedly a successful work of film and television to help rural revitalization. At present, films with the theme of rural revitalization have opened up a new track in the online film market, and their market feedback and audience acceptance also reflect the achievements of China's socialist construction in the new era. It is reported that "Sarilang on the Grassland" is one of the key projects of the creation plan of "Telling the Story of Poverty Alleviation in China". In the process of creating this work, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television, based on the "Beijing model" of high-quality creation, adheres to the excellent review of content, preferential qualifications, and optimized services, and provides guidance and support from project planning, script creation, content control, media publicity, etc.

Standing at the historical node of comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty, continuing to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting the strategy of rural revitalization has become an important deployment in The next step of China, and the network audio-visual should further play the social function of leading, driving and inspiring, and provide spiritual impetus for the new era of progress. The small red flower "Sarilang" in the film blooms in Xiaomiaozi Village, Chifeng City, on the grassland, and it is believed that in the near future, it will bloom all over China.

(China Farmers Cooperative, reporter Ding Yi)

Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie
Co-op people on the big screen Sarilang premiere on the prairie

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