
The most beautiful village secretary in Inner Mongolia adapted the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie" to start

author:1905 Movie Network
The most beautiful village secretary in Inner Mongolia adapted the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie" to start

The scene of the start of the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie"

The 1905 movie "Sarilang on the Grassland" was launched on October 1, 2020, on the occasion of the double festival, in Xiaomiaozi Village, Damiao Town, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia. The film is based on Zhao Huijie, secretary of the party branch of Xiaomiaozi Village, Damiao Town, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, directed by Shang Yongfeng, With Yu Junda and Chen Yanxin as the chief producers, and actors Fang Qingzhuo, Shao Feng, Han Fei'er, Du Xudong, Li Geng, etc. participated in the performance and attended the launching ceremony.

The most beautiful village secretary in Inner Mongolia adapted the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie" to start

Starring Fang Qingzhuo

The movie "Sarilang on the Grassland" takes winning the battle against poverty and entering a well-off society as the theme, with the heroine female village branch secretary leading the villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich as the main line, telling the story of the protagonist Zhao Huijie (Fang Qingzhuo) who led the villagers to carry out carrot planting failure, everyone began to question her. In the face of heavy pressure, she summed up the lessons learned and finally locked in the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine. Li Yongbo, an entrepreneur who went out of the village, returned to his hometown to visit his relatives Zhao Huijie after several twists and turns, during which jokes came out one after another, and finally Li Yongbo decided to stay and build a factory and run a cooperative, realizing the industrialization of Chinese herbal medicine cultivation. Under the country's poverty alleviation policy, Zhao Huijie finally led the people to achieve a comprehensive poverty alleviation and a well-off story.

The most beautiful village secretary in Inner Mongolia adapted the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie" to start

Actors Liu Yang, Du Xudong, Li Geng, Wang Yonggui

Zhao Huijie, the character prototype of the movie "Sarilang on the Grassland", is the secretary of the party branch of Xiaomiaozi Village, Damiao Town, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. She was elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress in January 2018, and under her leadership, Xiaomiaozi Village, which had a per capita income of less than 4,000 yuan in 2009, reached a per capita income of 14,500 yuan at the end of 2019.

The most beautiful village secretary in Inner Mongolia adapted the movie "Sarilang on the Prairie" to start

Actor Shao Feng

Fang Qingzhuo, the lead actor of the movie "Sarilang on the Grassland", won the Feitian Award for Best Actress and the Best Actress at the Shanghai International Film Festival. His representative works such as "Snow Wild", "The Joy of Housewarming", and "Peace is a Blessing" are deeply loved by the audience. His optimistic, open-minded, funny and humorous personality is also very compatible with the characters in the film.

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