
Nick Hu Zhe's "Never Give Up" is a monopoly on mourning and decadence

author:Burrow Hongru Bai Ding

Introduction: A good book, a good movie, a good program, a good music, often inject faith and courage into some confused people. Today I specially push Nick Hu Zhe's "Never Give Up", hoping to bring some motivation to your study or work.

He was born without limbs and interpreted the meaning of living in his own unique way;

He was ridiculed in his childhood, tried to end his life, and finally chose to live;

He broke through the limits of his body and created one miracle after another;

He always has confidence and a smile on his face and likes to hug others with his head and shoulders;

He aspired to become an orator and use his experiences to inspire everyone;

He gives back to the world with a grateful heart and warms everyone's heart with love;

He has an important life creed – never give up!

He's Nick Hu zhe!

He is the best interpretation of a tough life that does not need to be explained!

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Mr. Nick Hu zhe's personal experience shocked many people, saying that "God has a plan in my life to give hope to others through my story". His speech is worth everyone to see, and it will definitely give you a different shock.

For every child, the journey of growing up is a challenging practice. And how to let them who are not yet mentally mature learn to never give up in the face of all kinds of difficulties, learn to never bow their heads, and learn to face it optimistically! We think this may be more urgent and important than the knowledge in the textbook!

"Although the environment cannot be changed,

But you can change your heart,

Change the way you look at yourself,

Give me the opportunity to hug you,

I hope to inspire you through my story. ”

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