
Stock speculation only stems the dragon head And death must also be on the dragon head


Stock speculation is four words, only dry dragon head, bubble the brightest girl, play the hardest board, do the strongest plate

Today reviewed the software stocks and Hongmeng related to the Internet of Everything stocks, the trend is very different, the dragon head run and software 300339 the lowest 8.53 yuan a wave rose to 49.56 yuan, directly about 6 times, the second place Lanke software 300663 three times, and then Chengmai Technology 300598 and then Wondershare Technology, they are at the bottom up a month to double the trend, but most of the software stocks at the lowest point up to about 30% that is to buy the plate leader and other stocks the difference is very large!

What is a faucet

Leading stocks are the fastest rising speed in the sector, most of the time is also the first to start the sector, the reason why the leading stocks can become the largest increase in the market, because there are many characteristics that other stocks that follow the trend do not have, the time-sharing characteristics of leading stocks, K-line characteristics, quantitative energy characteristics, and there are fundamental related hot spots, the faucet is the intraday continuous confirmation process, if in each round of the market can operate the leading stocks, you can get the highest return in the market.

The pattern of the leading stock:

1. Reverse the trend of individual stocks in the form of a limit board; for example, the limit of 300339 5.12

2. Break through the pressure of the auxiliary line;

3. After the breakthrough, there were two or three consecutive up and down plates; 300339 5.12 and 5.13 directly two plates, equivalent to the previous 40%

4. Immediately after the retracement, the main wave rises. 5.24 After returning to the horse, the living rise begins

5, before each start of the market, there is a number of bull stocks that rise in advance of the market, we can call it "leading stocks", we can look at April 14 to 19 300339 the early plate starts first,

Features of the faucet

1. Leading stocks generally experience a long-term decline or shock wash market, how long and vertical is high.

2. The leading stocks are mainly about 10 yuan at a low price, and the market value is within 40 billion, which is small

3. The leader was very low-key before the start, and the top ten shareholders in the early stage could hardly see the figure of institutions and floating funds, basically ordinary investors.

4. Leading stocks are not afraid of the impact of the broader market, and they are stable and attacking before the broader market.

5. Generally, the 5-day moving average is the lifeline of the leading stock, while keeping an eye on this moving average, we must be wary of the K-line closing break of the 10-day moving average.

Finally pay attention to the faucet

1, the leading stock must start from the stop plate, the stop board is the most accurate attack signal for both bulls and bears, can not go up and down the stock, it is impossible to be the leader!

2. The leading stock must have a monopoly position in a certain fundamental, such as 300339 above Huawei Hongmeng

3, if we want to chase up and stop stocks, we should be based on ultra-short-term! Don't operate with medium- and long-term thinking!

The Law of the Stock Market: The Strong Are Strong!! Only do hot faucets!

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