
"Shun" walk a 40 yuan helmet! He was chased by clever police for 8 days

author:Guangzhou Daily

Unexpectedly, such a small case was also managed; I did not expect that the case would be broken so quickly; I did not expect that all the losses were recovered... Recently, the three words "I didn't expect" have become high-frequency words heard by the police handling the case by the smart public security. Under the guidance of the "people-centered" ideology and the continuous upgrading of the "quick detection and quick breakthrough" mechanism, many "unexpected" have become "can be done" one by one.

"Shun" walk a 40 yuan helmet

The police chased for 8 days

On September 27, Gaoming Public Security received a report that someone near the Gaoming District People's Hospital had stolen an electric vehicle helmet worth about 40 yuan. After the police arrived at the scene, they found that there was no video surveillance nearby, and there were no witnesses around. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, the police expanded the scope of investigation, searched for clues in the surrounding massive surveillance video, and finally found a suspicious man. Through further investigation, the police arrested the theft suspect Yang Mou 8 days after the incident.

"How much is a helmet worth, you send so many policemen, as for?" Yang Mou, a criminal suspect who led the sheep by hand, thought that no one would bother with this helmet, but he did not expect that the police would chase after it. The people's police's answer was sonorous and powerful: "Small cases" are also related to the interests of the masses, and the public security organs will never slacken off and will certainly go all out to solve the case and save the damage.

It is reported that in Gaoming, a "small case" worth several hundred yuan, dozens of yuan, or even a dozen yuan has been cracked by the police. Skin care products worth 50 yuan in the street store in Hecheng Were stolen, and the police solved the case in 12 hours; the melon farmers in Genghe Town were stolen 2 watermelons worth 60 yuan, and the police solved the case in 4 hours; the villagers in Mingcheng Town were stolen 9 native chickens worth 500 yuan, and the police solved the case in 5 hours... Although the value of these cases is not large, the warmth brought by the police's rapid cracking of cases has directly hit the hearts of the people and has become a sense of security that the masses can pass on by word of mouth and can see and feel.

After stealing the dog, he has not escaped from Gao Ming

And he was caught

On September 27, a dog theft case occurred in Pingzhai Village, Genghe Town, and two men drove a men's motorcycle to commit a crime and fled in the direction of Gaoyao. After receiving the report, the quick detective team responded quickly, quickly judged the direction of the suspect's escape, and arranged for the police force to chase and intercept. Less than 1 hour after the crime, 2 suspects were arrested at the junction of Gaoming Genghe Town and Gaoyao Huodao Town, and 2 stolen dogs were seized, and a batch of crime tools were seized. After being arrested, the suspect said: "We have not yet run out of the smart, I did not expect you to come so fast!" ”

On October 10, a cable theft case occurred in Xijiang New Town, worth about 100,000 yuan. After receiving the report, the sub-bureau immediately launched a quick investigation mechanism to find out the identity of the suspect through in-depth research and mining clues. In the early morning of the 21st, the arrest team arrested 3 suspects of cable theft at the Guangming Expressway Hecheng Toll Station, and seized a car, a batch of crime tools, stolen cables and other items at the scene.

Through deep digging and expanding the line, the suspect confessed that he had also stolen a batch of cables at another construction site in Xijiang New Town, and the construction site had not yet reported the crime. "Unexpectedly, we haven't reported the case, you have already solved the case!" When the police took the initiative to find the door, the person in charge of the construction site was surprised.

This year

The number of cases solved in 24 hours accounted for 48.77%

Gaoming Public Security set up a comprehensive research and judgment operation center for "cracking small cases", which implemented 24-hour operation, so that cases were immediately reported, immediately studied and judged, timely commanded, and immediately landed; 3 minutes to upload police information, 10 minutes to the scene, 1 hour to complete the preliminary investigation, and seize the golden time to crack the case. In addition, the implementation of the two-tier echelon strike model, the criminal investigation brigade set up a "quick investigation team" corresponding to the Hecheng, Mingcheng area and Xincheng, Yanghe, Genghe area, Gaoming 5 police stations have set up a "quick investigation team".

Multiple sexual assault cases of sexual assault immediately start investigation and handling work from the beginning of receiving reports, with unified dispatch and coordination by the command center, rapid handling by the police station under the jurisdiction, and human and technical support for criminal investigation and network security. The tightly sewn multi-police linkage and the rapid response mechanism accurate to the minute lay a solid foundation for fast detection and rapid breaking. Since the beginning of this year, the number of cases solved in 24 hours has accounted for 48.77%.

For the owner, the most concerned thing after solving the case is whether his belongings can be recovered. Take the recovery of stolen goods and losses as a necessary procedure for cracking cases, summarize and implement "tracking according to the line, seizure according to law, inquiry and freezing, timely suspension of payment, active compensation, and family compensation" and other broadening channels for recovering stolen goods, and do our best to recover losses. In addition, after completing the necessary evidence collection procedures in the process of returning as much as possible, Gaoming Public Security returned the property to the owner as soon as possible. Since the beginning of this year, Gaoming Public Security has recovered losses of more than 1 million yuan for 350 owners in the work of "breaking small cases", and the loss recovery rate has reached 69.2%, an increase of 9.5% year-on-year.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng Reporter: Liu Pengfei Correspondent: Yuan Wu

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Luo Lin

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