
64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

author:Costume Designer Main

There is such a kind of actor in the entertainment industry, although there are countless characters and what they look like, but you never know his name.

Like him, do you know who he is?

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

This old man's name is Yang Xinming, a national first-class actor who has twice appeared on CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Debuted 35 years, played nearly a hundred roles, is both a "golden supporting role" and a "thousand-faced actor", the drama is not popular, he always insists on and loves acting.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama


In 1957, Yang Xinming was born in Xi'an, Shaanxi.

When he was a child, he never thought that he would become an actor, until he was in his 20s and by chance, he entered the Xi'an Repertory Theatre.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

At the age of 29, he starred in his first film, Wild Mountain, in which he played a farmer.

The film later won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Feature Film.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

After acting in the movie, Yang Xinming did not hit the iron while it was hot, but chose to hone his acting skills.

It was not until 1993, when he participated in the sketch "Zhang Sanqiren" on CCTV Spring Festival Gala, that he appeared again.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

To be honest, I have seen this skit many times when I was a child, but I never thought that the fat uncle would be him...

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

In 1996, he appeared on the Spring Festival Gala twice, playing a Shaanxi tourist in the sketch "A Wallet".

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

In the 1990s, Yang Xinming's appearance was still fat, with a beard, which was obviously different from the current image.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Returning to the film and television industry, he has been playing some small roles in the play.

It wasn't until the 2009 suspense film "No Man's Land", in which he played the owner of a gas station, that he began to emerge.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama


He is a treasure that shines in every play.

In "The Vertical and Horizontal of the Great Qin Empire", he helplessly "Huishi";

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

The pedantic and dignified "Hu Changning" in "Battle Changsha";

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

The crazy "Professor Chen" in "The Spirit of the Ghost Blowing Lamp";

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

The calm and tolerant emergency department director "Zhong Beibei" in "Surgical Storm".

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Even in the movie "I am not a medicine god", the priest "Lao Liu" who often hangs "God bless you" on his lips.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Yang Xinming is a typical "drama throwing face", no matter what you play, you can be particularly brilliant.

The small-town barber in "Thirty Only" only appears in a few scenes, but it plays an important role.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

He played "Professor Dong" in "Flowing Golden Years", with a polite and elegant demeanor.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

In "8090", he played a grandfather who loved to take advantage, cut doors, and rely on the old to sell the old.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Shooting costume dramas, his image drama path has never been unified.

In "Nine Days of Fengsheng", it is the peaceful and low-key "Yao Xiang";

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

And in "Do You Know If It Should Be Green Fat Red Skinny", it is also pedantic and arbitrary "Gu Fourth Master";

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

The biggest contrast is the "Kyushu Muyi".

Glued to the white eyebrows and white whiskers, I really did not recognize that "Dahesa" was him...

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama


He is a national actor, and his level of dedication is deeply admired by young people.

When filming "No Man's Land", Yang Xinming insisted on walking nearly 10 kilometers on the Gobi Desert every day in order to be more suitable for the character.

The rainwater from the puddle is also deliberately smeared on the face, because the water is alkaline and more prone to tanning.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

After two months, his weight dropped by more than 20 pounds, and his wife almost couldn't recognize it.

In order to perform "killing gas", he deliberately went to the pig farm to experience life for half a month, and even slaughtered more than a dozen pigs by himself.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

In "Medicine God", the pastor Liu, played by him, because he can speak English, was joined by Cheng Yongxiang to the small group of pouring pills.

But what you don't know is that the only cute old man in this play who can speak English is the only person outside the play who can't speak English.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Then what to do, you can only work hard, relying on the "stupid method" just to shoot a good scene.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

After surviving for decades, Ni Dahong finally became popular, while Yang Xinming, who is also an old drama bone, is rarely known.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

Sorry for him, sorry for him? You don't have to.

For Yang Xinming, people are not red, and the role is not successful is the most critical. A good actor like him should be remembered.

64-year-old drama bone Yang Xinming! Twice on the Spring Festival Gala, played nearly a hundred roles, and has him in the popular drama

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