
Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

author:Catering pioneer

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > spicy style with fish</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Spicy style with fish

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600 grams of striped fish, 20 dried safflower peppercorns, 20 grams of dried chili peppers, 100 grams of red yeast rice, 25 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of garlic slices, 35 grams of green onion grains, 25 grams of garlic.


30 ml of big red Zhejiang vinegar, 20 ml of sesame oil, 30 ml of cooking wine, 20 ml of replica spice oil, 70 grams of corn starch, Sichuan salt, monosodium glutamate, and sugar.


1: After the fish is cleaned, chop it into 5 cm knots, and then cut the cross flower knife on both sides of the fish; cut the garlic into inch knots and set aside.

2: Put the red yeast rice into a pot of 70 ml of water, boil over medium heat for 2 minutes, then set aside.

3: Put the fish with a flower knife into the pot, taste it with Sichuan salt, cooking wine, ginger slices and green onion grains for 10 minutes, and after draining the water, shoot a layer of corn starch on the surface of the fish for later.

4: Heat the wok, pour half a pot of salad oil into the pan and burn until it is 50% hot, fry the fish with powder until it is crispy, remove the draining oil and set aside.

5: Take salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, big red Zhejiang vinegar and sesame oil into a bowl, add cooking wine, red yeast rice water together to make a sweet and sour sauce, set aside.

6: Heat the pot, add the copied spice oil to 50% heat, add dried peppercorns, dried chili knots, garlic slices, ginger slices and green onion grains, simmer before cooking into the sweet and sour sauce, stir-fry until the juice is collected, then put the fried crispy fish into it, stir-fry well with garlic, and put it on the plate.

The essential:

1, with fish should choose a width of about 4 cm, the meat is relatively thick, because the fish is too small no meat, and too wide into the oil pan is not easy to fry through, the taste of the dish will not be crispy.

2, first use high oil temperature to fry the fish until golden brown, and then change the low heat to put the low oil temperature in the pan to fry, so as to achieve the effect of crispy vegetables.

3, with the fish yard flavor, but also evenly shoot a layer of dried corn starch, the powder should not be wrapped too thick, otherwise the dish can not eat the taste of the fish; it should not be wrapped too little, because the fish can not withstand the oil temperature, may also lead to spicy sweet and sour sauce sticky wrapped.

4, put red yeast rice water and copy spice oil, mainly play a role in coloring.

Sweet and sour carp

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

<h1 class="ql-align-center">


Sweet and sour carp is a traditional dish in Jinan, Shandong. Selection of Yellow River carp, first fried in a frying pan, and then made of the famous Luokou old vinegar with sugar and vinegar juice, poured on the fish, fragrant, crisp on the outside and tender with acid, soon it will become a famous dish, of which the "sweet and sour carp" made by Jinan Huiquan Building is the most famous.


1 Yellow River carp (about 750 g)


Vinegar 100 g, sugar 175 g, soy sauce 10 g, refined salt 3 g, clear soup 300 g, ginger, green onion and garlic a little each, wet starch 150 g, peanut oil 1750 g (about 150 g).


1. Remove the carp from scales, gills, and internal organs and wash them. Every 2.5 cm distance on the fish, first directly engrave and then obliquely cut the knife pattern (about 1.5 cm deep), then lift the knife, make the fish body open, withdraw the fine salt into the fish body and marinate slightly, and evenly coat the knife edge and the whole body of the fish with a layer of wet starch paste;

2. Pour oil into a wok, heat to 70% heat, put the fish tail into the oil pot, and open the knife edge immediately. At this time, you need to hold the fish with a spatula to avoid sticking to the pan, about 2 minutes of frying) Use the spatula to push the fish to the edge of the pot, make the fish body bow, turn the fish back down, fry for 2 minutes; then turn over to make the fish belly down, fry for 2 minutes; then put the fish flat, use the spatula to press the head into the oil and fry for 2 minutes. Fry for a total of 8 minutes, until the fish is all golden brown, take out and put it on the plate;

3, leave a little oil in the wok, burn to 60% heat, add green onion, ginger, minced garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, clear soup, after burning thick, use wet starch to hook the screen, drizzle with a little cooked oil, quickly out of the pot and pour on the fish.


The color is dark red, the outside is crisp and tender on the inside, the fragrance is fragrant, and the sweetness is sweet and sour.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > grilled abalone</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Grilled abalone in the original shell

A famous dish along the coast of Qingdao, Shandong. This dish is made of abalone meat and then placed in each original shell, which is beautiful and expensive.

12 fresh abalones with shells

15 grams of rice wine, 200 grams of net fish meat, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 25 grams of ham meat, 2 egg whites, 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 2 grams of green onion and ginger, 100 grams of wet starch, 25 grams of refined salt, 25 grams of chicken fat, 500 grams of clear soup.

1: Wash the shelled abalone, put it in boiling water and cook it slightly, then fish it out and dig out the meat and slice it into 0.16 cm thick slices. Slices of winter shoots and ham meat are cut into 3 cm long, 1.2 cm wide and 0.16 cm thick slices;

2, wash and chop the fish fillets into puree, put them into a bowl, humidify starch, rice wine, monosodium glutamate, fine salt, egg white, minced green onion and ginger, stir well, pour into a large flat dish and spread out;

3, put the abalone shell in boiling water containing 5% alkali, brush it with a brush or grass root brush, and then boil it in boiling water to control the dry water;

4, washed abalone shell mouth up, neatly placed on the fish feed, let it stand and sit steady, basket steaming for 5 minutes to take out;

5: Pour the broth into a stir-fry spoon and add salt, rice wine, ham, winter shoots and green beans. Boil the abalone fillets to remove the foam, remove them with a colander, lay flat in the abalone shell, and the soup in the pot is covered with wet starch, drizzled with chicken fat, and poured over the abalone.

This dish is full of color and aroma, the abalone meat is tender and delicious, and then poured with sauce, transparent oil.


1, when boiling abalone in boiling water, the boiling time should not be too long, a hot can be.

2, abalone shell to be brushed clean, can not carry impurities and abalone meat.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > sour and spicy mullet eggs</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Sour and spicy mullet eggs

Mullet egg, is the spawn of squid (commonly known as cuttlefish), oval shape, wrapped in a layer of translucent thin skin (ie, lipid skin), it contains a lot of protein, produced in Qingdao, Yantai and other places in Shandong, China, has always been regarded as a treasure of seafood, is a famous dish with a long history.

Mullet egg 100 g

Vinegar 1.5 g, coriander minced vegetables 1.5 g, rice wine 7.5 g, pepper 0.5 g, salt 1 g, ginger juice 7.5 g, monosodium glutamate 3 g, soy sauce 1 g, wet starch 75 g, chicken broth 250 g, cooked chicken fat 5 g.

1: Wash the mullet eggs with water, peel off the fat, put them in a pot of cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, and soak in the pot for 6 hours. Then the mullet eggs are uncovered piece by piece, put into a pot of cold water, and when they are burned on the high fire until they are 80% open, they are replaced by cool water and then burned, so that they are repeated five or six times to remove their salty smell;

2: Place the spoon on high heat and add chicken broth, mullet eggs, soy sauce, rice wine, ginger juice, salt and MSG. After the soup is boiled, skim off the foam, add the wet starch mixed with water, stir well, add vinegar and pepper, stir twice, pour in the cooked chicken fat, pour into a bowl, sprinkle with chopped coriander and serve.

1, the good mullet egg flakes, the jargon name "mullet money", if not used on the day, must be soaked in water, once a day to change the water.

2, MONOSOD, vinegar and pepper should be put down, mix well, open the pot is easy to cause deterioration and taste.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > roasted sea cucumber</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Grilled sea cucumber with green onion

The famous dishes in Lu cuisine, mainly made of water hair sea cucumber and green onion, are bright in color and overflow with a strong onion flavor, which can be described as a delicious dish with full color and flavor.

Sea cucumber 100 g

Ginger, 25 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of sugar, 125 grams of cooked lard, 200 grams of green onion.

1, sea cucumber cut into wide slices, cook thoroughly and control the moisture;

2, when the lard is six ripe, put in the green onion, fry until golden brown, fish out, and set aside the shallot oil;

3, clear soup with green onion, ginger, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, sea cucumber, boil and simmer for 2 minutes, remove and dry;

4, lard plus fried shallots, fine salt, sea cucumber, clear soup, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar color, bring to a boil, move to a low heat simmer for 2-3 minutes, add MSG on high heat with starch, use medium heat to collect the juice, pour into the shallot oil, put it on the plate.

The sea cucumber is fresh, soft and smooth, the green onion is fragrant, and there is no juice left after eating.

<h1>Texas Grilled Chicken</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Texas Grilled Chicken

Texas grilled chicken, one of the famous dishes of the Han people, Lu cuisine classic. "Texas Grilled Chicken" has a history of nearly a hundred years since its creation, and now many travelers from the south to the north pass through Texas, and they all have to buy grilled chicken to taste; foreign guests from all over the world who visit And travel to China also like "Texas Grilled Chicken".

1 chicken (weighs about 1000 grams)

Mushroom and ginger 5 grams each, soy sauce 150 grams, refined salt 25 grams, peanut oil 1500 grams (about 100 grams consumption), five spices 5 grams (composed of cloves, sand kernels, grass fruits, white root, cumin), a little caramel.

1. Live chickens are slaughtered and feathered, internal organs are removed and washed with clean water. Insert the left wing of the chicken from the knife edge under the neck so that the tip of the wing protrudes from the inside of the mouth and is pinned to the chicken's back; pin the chicken's right wing to the chicken's back. Then gently break the leg bone with the back of the knife and cross it, stuff the two claws into the abdomen, and dry the water;

2: Add 50 grams of caramel to water and mix well, evenly spread on the chicken. Heat the wok until it is 80% hot, fry the chicken until golden brown, remove the oil;

3: Heat the pot, add water (to submerge the chicken), add the fried chicken and five spice packets, ginger, salt, mushrooms, soy sauce, boil and skim off the foam, move to the low heat and simmer for half an hour, until the chicken is crispy. When fishing chickens, pay attention to keeping the skin of the chicken from breaking and the whole chicken from breaking.

The color is rosy, the chicken skin is bright, the meat is fat and tender, the aroma is fragrant, and the taste is delicious.

It is necessary to pay attention to the selection of fresh and tender chickens, generally using chickens weighing about 1000 to 1250 grams, which are too large and too small to be suitable. Don't fry too old when cooking. When adding seasoning into the pot and simmering, after the high heat is boiled, it is simmered over a low heat, which can make the chicken more flavorful, and avoid boiling over high heat.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > nine turns of the large intestine</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Nine turns of the large intestine

Nine-turn large intestine, a traditional famous dish in Jinan, Shandong, and a classic dish of Lu cuisine.

3 large intestines of cooked pigs (about 750 grams)

10 grams of rice wine, 25 grams of soy sauce, 100 grams of sugar, 50 grams of vinegar, 4 grams of refined salt, 1 and 5 grams of minced coriander, pepper noodles, cinnamon noodles, a little sand kernel noodles, 5 grams of minced garlic, 2.5 grams of minced ginger, 500 grams of cooked lard (75 grams of actual consumption), 15 grams of pepper oil.

1, the cooked large intestine 3 (raw large intestine after washing, into the boiling water pot with onion ginger wine first simmered), cut into 3 cm long wrench "finger" segments, blanched in a pot of boiling water, drained;

2: Heat the wok, pour lard into the heat and heat it to 70%, fry the large intestine until it is red. Leave 25 grams of oil in the pot, add green onion, ginger and minced garlic to fry out the aroma, cook in vinegar, add soy sauce, sugar, clear soup, fine salt, rice wine, quickly put in the large intestine and stir-fry, move to a low heat, until the soup is tightened, put pepper noodles, cinnamon noodles, sand kernel noodles, drizzle with pepper oil, turn it upside down, put it on the plate, sprinkle with chopped coriander.

1, the large intestine must be washed inside and out, remove mucus, dirt, otherwise the dish will have a peculiar smell.

2: Before frying, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook until it is hard and crispy. If the meat is not cooked, it is fried in the pan, and it is not easy to cook.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > clear soup swallow dish</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Clear soup swallow dish

Swallow dish, also known as bird's nest, clear soup swallow dish, is used as the first dish in high-level banquets. The bird's nest is as white as snow, the texture is soft and smooth, the soup is clear and crystalline, the taste is fresh and mellow, and the spleen is refreshing.

Bird's nest 50 g

2000 grams of clear soup, 7.5 grams of refined salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of rice wine.

1, the bird's nest with warm water washed, put into 70% of the hot water soaked soft, gently fished out, with forceps to remove the fluff impurities in the bird's nest, wash with water;

2, with boiling water to dissolve the alkali, put into the washed bird's nest, use chopsticks to gently stir it, soak for 5 minutes after fishing out, and then use boiling water to soak for 5 minutes, after the hair rises, rinse with warm water several times to remove the net lye, tear into pieces for later;

3: Put the soup spoon on the fire, put in the clear soup and blanch the bird's nest, and control the water and put it in the soup bowl;

4: Pour the clear soup into the clean spoon, add the fine salt, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, after boiling, skim the foam, add MSG, gently pour into the bowl from around the bird's nest.

Bird's nest is as white as snow, the texture is soft and smooth, the soup is clear and crystalline, the taste is fresh and mellow, and the nutritional value is very high.

1. The fluff in the bird's nest should be cleaned, and the hair and impurities should be removed with forceps.

2. Bird's nest is best used on the same day, and stored for no more than two days after hair.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > raw abalone chicken</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Raw roast abalone walking chicken

1: Cut a Zhanjiang chicken of about 600 grams into small pieces, add 20 grams of green onion and ginger water, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 4 grams of pepper, 1 gram of dark soy sauce, then add 30 grams of raw jelly sauce, 10 grams of corn starch and mix well.

2: After the four abalones are slaughtered and cleaned, punch a cross flower knife on the meat noodles, add a little oyster sauce, draught sauce and corn starch to grasp well.

3: Heat the casserole, pour in 50 grams of peanut oil, sauté 60 grams of dried shallots, ginger and garlic, pour in chicken nuggets and cover and bake for 8 minutes, continue to heat after placing abalone, open the lid and garnish the chives and coriander segments.

Draft Gel Sauce:

Heat 1 kg of peanut oil under the pot, add 200 grams of dried shallots and minced garlic and fry them on low heat, 3.5 kg of xiazhuhou sauce, 1.5 kg of hoisin sauce, 1 kg of sugar, 600 grams of sesame paste, 500 grams of peanut butter, 1 bottle of light soy sauce, 300 grams of southern milk, 300 grams of flavor powder, 150 grams of flower carving wine, 75 grams of minced tangerine peel, 75 grams of five-spice powder, 50 grams of sand ginger powder and stir-fry for 15 minutes.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > crab powder swallow liquid tofu</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Crab powder swallow liquid tofu

This is a high-grade version of roasted tofu, with shrimp soup as the base, with crab meat, crab yellow, and finally garnished with an appropriate amount of good bird's nest, egg tofu tender and smooth, delicious soup, is a model of coarse dishes.

Production Process:

1: Boil fresh sea shrimp with broth, cook over medium heat until the soup is delicious, beat off the slag and serve.

2: Cut the egg and tofu into cubes, simmer in the soup with the bottom flavor, remove and set aside.

3, boil 400 grams of shrimp soup under the pot, add crab powder, crab meat a total of 40 grams (after the cream crab is steamed, remove the crab meat, crab powder), 80 grams of pumpkin minced, 6 grams of salt, stir and boil, put the tofu and burn for a while, put the pot into the plate, dotted with 15 grams of bird's nest and 3 grams of roe.

Production key:

1. The bird's nest used in this dish is made of broken swallow cups, that is, unformed broken bird's nest, and the price is relatively cheap.

2, simmering tofu should not be too fierce, otherwise it is easy to break.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > fresh Huaishan fried shrimp</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Fresh Huaishan stir-fried shrimp

Hand-peeled shrimp mixed with tempura powder, fried until golden brown, and stir-fried with yam slices with flour noodles, it sells refreshingly and nutritionally balanced.

1: Peel 300 grams of Huai Yam, change to a rectangular slice of 9 cm long and 0.5 cm thick, fry in 60% hot oil until yellow, fish out and then blanch in boiling water with salt and sugar, drain the water.

2: Remove the head and shell 10 shrimp, remove the shrimp line, add salt, chicken powder and tempura powder to grasp well, and fry in a non-stick pan until golden brown.

3: Heat 20 grams of peanut oil under the pot, add 10 grams of garlic and stir-fry incense, put in yam slices, cook in the sauce (2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of chicken powder, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of sugar, 8 grams of water starch) and stir-fry over medium heat to make the incense, fry the shrimp and the kale section of the water 10 grams and turn well, and the pot is ready.

For this dish, choose Huai yam with a powdery taste, not a large water and crisp taste.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > mint gaza noodles</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Mint gag noodles

Gama noodles are a common home-cooked dish in the Weishan Lake area, and Chef Li has added turquoise mint sprouts on this basis, which not only mentions the fragrance, but also covers the fishy smell of Gama.

Soft fan into the dish easy to eat

This dish should be served with a soft fan of gay fish for the convenience of guests. What is a soft fan? That is, after removing the head of the fish, a complete piece of fish meat without spine and ribs is removed from the fish, and the corresponding is a hard fan: that is, a piece of fish meat with ribs, and the hard fan is mostly used to fry the fish strips after cutting into sections to maintain its shape. The spines under the mouth of the fish are very hard and slightly poisonous, so be careful when taking soft fans to prevent punctures.

1: Take a soft fan of 350 grams, add an appropriate amount of green onion and ginger shreds, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine to marinate into the taste, and then mix in the appropriate amount of water starch to sizing.

2: Put the pot into the water, pour a little chicken juice to boil, then add a soft fan to cook until cooked, then cook 100 grams of slices (i.e. dumpling skin), and fish out the control.

3: Add 450 grams of clear soup to the pot, add noodles, soft fan, mint sprouts 200 grams to boil, add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, chicken juice, monosodium glutamate and put the pot into the container.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > moss slides</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Moss slippery meat slices

Stir-fried meat with moss is simple and homely, chef Li selects the heart of the dish, with slippery meat slices, lilies, vermicelli to make a paste-spicy semi-soup dish, which is both fresh and slightly sweet of lilies.

Do not flush the sliced meat after cutting

Otherwise, live meat becomes dead meat

Do not flush fresh meat after slicing or shredding, otherwise the meat will "die", and the taste of egg whites and starch sizing is also much worse. The same is true for fish meat, it is best not to flush after changing to slices, otherwise the meat will be woody.

1: Wash 500 grams of moss and remove the old leaves and pick the tender core. After washing 100 grams of tenderloin, cut into thin slices with a diagonal knife (the so-called "cross-cut beef, diagonal cut pig, vertical cut chicken"), add the right amount of salt, chicken powder, white pepper to grasp and mix well, and then add egg whites and wet starch to mix well.

2: Heat the pan in wide oil to 40%, add the slices of meat to slip and scatter, and remove and dry.

The slices of meat are sizing and slipped.

3, the pot left the bottom of the oil heat, under the green onion, garlic slices each 10 grams of stir-frying, pour in 100 grams of clear soup, boiling water 350 grams of high heat, skim off the surface oil foam, put in 50 grams of lilies, moss core, soaked vermicelli boiled again, put in the slippery meat slices, adjust the appropriate amount of chicken juice, white pepper, salt can be put into the container.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > fried Mandarin duck elm money</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Fried Mandarin duck elm money

There is a Mandarin duck egg cake in Kongfu cuisine, which is to separate the egg whites and yolks, and then spread them into cakes, and then put them into a plate, and the dish is half golden and half white, which is interesting. Chef Li cleverly borrowed from this practice, the spring Yu money is divided into two parts, one with egg white, one with egg yolk, fried separately and then stacked into the plate, half of the eggs are fragrant, half fresh and beautiful, one side is golden, the other side is white, the Yu money is sticky soft and slightly sweet, and the food is wonderful.

1: Take 8 eggs, separate the yolks and egg whites, and beat them into two pots.

2: Add salt, white pepper and chicken powder to the egg white and egg yolk liquid and mix well, and then add 300 grams of washed Yu Qian and stir well.

3: Drain the oil under the wok, pour out the hot oil and then pour in a little cool oil, fry the egg white elm money over medium heat until it solidifies into pieces, and put it on the side of the plate.

4, use the same method to fry the egg yolk elm money, stacked on the other side and ready.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > artemisia tofu</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Artemisia alba tofu

Artemisia alba is a seasonal wild vegetable in spring, both north and south, there is no geographical restriction, and it is often eaten with the effect of cooling blood and thinning the liver. Chef Lee pairs artemisia annua and small tofu, adds shrimp and fatty meat to add flavor, and finally puts it into a fried potato cup, which is golden, white and turquoise.

Fatty meat blanched in water is easy to dice

Fat meat is sticky and slippery, not easy to dice, Chef Li has a little trick: put the fat meat in boiling water and cook it, fish out the cool rinse to remove the surface oil slick, and then cut it much easier.

Put more ginger to remove astringency

Most wild vegetables have a faint earthy smell, the entrance is slightly astringent, so when cooking, you need to put more ginger, you can also adjust the appropriate amount of white pepper, which can not only cover the earthy smell, but also has the effect of driving away the cold.

To make a potato cup:

1: Take three potatoes of even size, wash them and cut them up and down to make them stand firmly on the cutting board, and then use a carving knife to take out the potato meat and make a potato cup.

2: Heat the pan in wide oil until it is 80% hot, fry the potato cup until the surface is golden brown and slightly charred, and drain the oil.

1: 6 shrimp (can also be replaced by sea rice) open the back to remove the shrimp line, fly the water and cut the minced. Place 150 grams of tofu on a cutting board and crush with a knife face. 400 grams of artemisia alba remove the old leaves, wash them, control the water and chop them. 40 g of fatty meat pulverized and set aside.

2, the pot into the bottom of the oil heat, under the green onion, ginger minced 20 grams each stir-fry, pour into the fat meat particles to fry out of the oil, and then put in the shrimp, tofu crushed medium heat stir-fry evenly, adjust the appropriate amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken juice, white pepper noodles, stir-fry under the white artemisia to remove the water vapor and aroma, put into the potato cup.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > the sea of strange juices</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Strange juice in the sea of fresh


40 grams of live sea cucumber, 40 grams of bird shellfish, 40 grams of jellyfish head, 40 grams of conch


7 g garlic, 4 g onion

Flag Yellow Mustard 3 g, Red Wine Vinegar 6 g, Olive Oil 10 g, White Pepper 2 g, Paragon Soy Sauce 5 g, Thyme 2 g


1, all kinds of raw materials wash the sediment sewage after blanching the water, super cool.

2: Put in the container and pour in the prepared sauce, mix well and serve.

Chef's Experience:

This dish is derived from the traditional Lu cuisine warm mix series, combined with the season and the raw material characteristics of Jiaodong small seafood, using western food vinegar sauce and other seasonings and mixing methods, so that the ingredients have a unique flavor.

Producer: Wu Jiang Head Chef of Kunlun Hotel Yishelu Cuisine Restaurant

< h1 class="ql-align-center" > soaked cod in low temperature cod</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Soak the cod in low temperature


Net silver cod meat 150 g

5 grams of Ge Xian rice

4 g salt, 6 g sugar, 50 g bad marinade

1: Put the marinade together with the silver cod meat in a vacuum bag.

2: Soak at a constant temperature of 62 degrees Celsius for about 18 minutes.

3: Remove the fish and fry the fish on both sides in a pan with a slight brownish color.

4: Put on a plate and drizzle with the bad marinade.

5. Add Ge Xian rice garnish.

Bad is an indispensable seasoning in Lu cuisine, the craft of making bad marinade is a tradition in the tradition, we use low temperature technology to make the bad aroma further into the ingredients themselves, making the dish more flavorful, adding Ge Xian rice to make the raw materials between the mix and match to further improve the nutritional needs.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > roasted yellow fish bubble cake</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Home-roasted yellow croaker bubble cake


About 500 grams of yellow croaker (shave and wash the internal organs), 200 grams of homemade cake, appropriate amount of green onion, 10 grams of ginger slices, 10 grams of garlic cloves, 1 star anise, 500 grams of salad oil, 15 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of vinegar, 20 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of sugar, cooking wine, 500 grams of chicken broth


1: Heat the oil under the pan to 80% heat (about 180 degrees Celsius), fry the yellow fish for 3 minutes, until it is seven ripe, then remove the drained oil and set aside.

2: Stir up the oil and sauté the green onion, ginger, garlic and star anise.

3: Put in the fried yellow croaker, then pour in the seasoning, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

4: Scoop up the fish in the pot and pour it on the fish.

5. Finally, cut the homemade cake into pieces and serve with yellow croaker.


The taste is fragrant, the taste is soft and tender, and the rich home-style characteristics are strong.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > pot sticker Shandong grilled chicken</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Pot paste Shandong grilled chicken

Net chicken 800 g, eggs 150 g

50 grams of green onion, 15 grams of coriander

2000 grams of chicken soup with old sauce, 5 grams of large ingredients, 3 grams of peppercorns, 4 grams of cinnamon, 1 gram of cloves, 3 grams of grass fruits, 3 grams of white root, 5 grams of cardamom, 2 grams of Sannai

1, with the old soup to add seasoning, the chicken brine mature (brewing) after the deboning to take the meat.

2: Shred the chicken and add the shallots and coriander segments, wrapped in egg skin.

3: Fry in a non-stick pan to set the shape and serve.

4: Garnish with red wine vinegar to make fish roe capsules.

Spices play a key role in the process of grilling chicken, this dish shows the grilled chicken of the traditional Lu cuisine cold dish in the form of hot dishes and uses the cooking method of the staple food, making the dish interesting.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > stir-fried cabbage with prawns</h1>

Lu cuisine master's 20 classic innovative dishes are really good, recommended to you spicy style with fish grilled abalone original shell abalone sour spicy mullet egg onion grilled sea cucumber Texas grilled chicken nine turns of large intestine clear soup Swallow vegetable raw jelly abalone walking ground chicken crab powder swallow liquid tofu fresh Huaishan stir-fried base shrimp mint Ga ya noodle slice moss slippery meat slices fried Mandarin duck Yu Qian bai artemisia small tofu strange juice sea fresh fragrant soaked low temperature cod home roasted yellow fish bubble cake pot paste Shandong grilled chicken prawn stir-fried cabbage

Stir-fried cabbage with prawns

Ingredients: For two cents a day, learn 16 dishes. Right in the "dining pioneers" circle

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Bohai prawns 200 g, cabbage 250 g, ginger slices 5 g, salad oil 75 g, sugar 50 g, salt 5 g, clear chicken soup 50 g

1: Sauté the cabbage on a hot pan until flavorful, drain and set aside.

2: Stir in the oil and stir-fry the ginger slices.

3: Add the prawns and fry them thoroughly, then add the chicken broth, sugar and salt, then cover the pot and simmer.

4: Finally, put 1 in and stir-fry well.

The taste is sweet and salty, the prawns are tender and refreshing, the cabbage shrimp has a strong taste, the color is red and bright, and the appetite is tempting.

Cooking Tips:

Prawns can be changed to crabs, clams and other seafood according to the taste, and the taste is also full of flavor.

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