
Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end


"If I were to strip away all my clothes and leave no one behind, and then throw me into the desert, as long as a caravan passes by, I will become a billionaire!" --Rockefeller

Why do some people obviously work hard, but still suffer for a lifetime?

Not because they won't make money, and it's not because they're lazy, but because they lack the wisdom to "get out of the trough."

So how can you have this wisdom?

Rockefeller's counterattack experience inspired me a lot.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

He was the world's first "billionaire," and it took Rockefeller 20 years to go from a poor boy in the slums to an oil king of an invincible country. If you convert his wealth to today, it is equivalent to 3 Bill Gates and 7 Ma Yun.

More importantly, the top rich man really started from scratch and worked hard bit by bit.

He used to work for a job that cost $5 a week, and he had to get up every day before dawn; he was also ridiculed by teachers and disliked by classmates because he was poor... And all of this was dissolved one by one by his wisdom of "resisting adversity".

Not only that, he also passed on these wealth experiences to his descendants in the form of letters, so that the Rockefeller family was rich for nearly 7 generations, and there is no sign of decline.

In "38 Letters from Rockefeller to His Son", the mind found that he had mentioned that the secret of "becoming a billionaire again" was to remember 3 sentences, which look ordinary, but the poor can rarely understand it.

If you are struggling with being in a difficult situation, it is better to start with these 3 sentences and adjust yourself.

Maybe soon, you will be able to break the game, make more money, and live a good life!

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" >01 Free is a terrible trap</h1>

Don't look at Rockefeller as a child, but he always believed that free things are nothing more than poison!

Only by doing your best to save every penny and spend every penny conscientiously can you get yourself out of the predicament.

It is also this belief that has helped him bypass many detours, especially in entrepreneurship, successfully avoiding many pits and quickly accumulating wealth.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

Why is it said that "free is a trap"?

Generally speaking, people are not resistant to free things.

It's okay to take advantage of once, but subconsciously expect a second time.

Several times in a row, you get something for free, and you gradually become dependent on it, thinking "how can you get free next time", so you are not willing to work hard.

However, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Why do others keep helping you for free?

Or, the other party sincerely wants to help you, but can help for a while, can not help a lifetime.

Sooner or later, you will have to get out of the predicament on your own.

But it's even harder for you, who's used to getting something for nothing.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

Or, this free is a pit!

It's like Dalian's BMW car crashing into people.

Liu Mou, because he coveted the generous rebates given by his boss, easily gave up the "hair cutting craft" that he relied on to survive.

Just thinking about "doing nothing, taking 20,000 interest every month", so that in the end, not only hurt yourself, but also tired so many innocent passers-by. Cause adult tragedy!

So Rockefeller never gave his children pocket money for free, but made sure to let them work in exchange for income.

Like cleaning up the table, washing dishes, wiping the floor... They all have corresponding prices, the purpose of which is to prevent future generations from developing the habit of thinking of "getting something for nothing".

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

If one day, you suddenly "drop a piece of pie" in front of you, please be sure to keep yourself calm and rational.

Carefully analyze the meaning behind this piece of cake.

In fact, there is a simpler way to do this, which is to simply turn a blind eye to it.

Turn around and look for things that require your efforts in return.

There is no way in the world, even if these things seem to be more tiring than "free", but after accumulating to a certain extent, it is bound to cause qualitative changes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" >02 Learn to hide smart</h1>

Rockefeller said to his son, "Don't always be a smart person, hide your cleverness." ”

There is an old Chinese saying that "Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind", which coincides with Rockefeller's view.

In his view, smart people grow up secretly, and showing off their intelligence in a high profile will only lead to unnecessary jealousy and trouble.

Especially in the workplace, people who like to show little intelligence are often the first to be excluded.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

I remember that when Xinyan graduated, just two days of work, I found that the way colleagues recorded data was still very "primitive".

Feel free to come to the individual, open the document, modify it, save it and you're done.

There is no record of the modified person, and it will be completely lost due to machine failure.

So I planned to upgrade the documentation system with the database I learned as a graduate student.

But the day after I made my proposal, I was sent to another department.

And that proposal will always be a proposal.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

Really smart people know how to hide their edges; people who can really become rich will often hide in the shadows, strategize, plan and layout, and if they don't make a sound, they will be a blockbuster!

If you just achieve a little success, you go around publicizing and showing off, and you will find that your luck is getting worse and worse, and your life is getting more and more difficult.


It's really not a matter of bad luck, but more people who are jealous of you.

No one likes to see people around them better than themselves, let alone those leadership colleagues who are higher than you and have older seniority than you.

Therefore, when it is appropriate to pretend to be stupid and avoid interference and obstacles from the outside world, you can move forward faster and more steadily!

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63" >03 Believe in friendship on interests</h1>

As the saying goes, a good man three gangs.

But if someone doesn't want anything, just because they "like you", they have a "relationship" with you, and they want to cooperate with you.

Will you say yes?

"I believe that friendship based on business is far better than business based on friendship." --Rockefeller

After all, cooperation based on "feelings" is too fragile, and once it involves interests, even relatives will turn their backs, not to mention friends who meet in Pingshui.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

A few years ago, Xinyan'er formed a reading community, initially positioned as a "public welfare organization", simply organizing people who like to read, helping each other, supervising each other, and learning together.

But who knows, as more and more people know and the community grows larger, different voices appear in the management.

"I think we should start charging, setting thresholds, and screening out those who don't read."

"Our original intention is public welfare, please don't forget!"

After coming and going, everyone's differences became more and more, and finally they had no choice but to dissolve the community.

In the face of interests, the good brothers who were originally called brothers and brothers will turn their backs in an instant, and in the end, not only the business has not been done, but even the friends have not to do it.

So, if you can avoid it, please try not to cooperate with acquaintances, start a business, or do business.

In the process of doing things, in accordance with the principle of "value exchange", we must find the right person and work together with ourselves!

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" >04 is written at the end</h1>

In fact, the so-called "adversity" does not exist objectively.

You think it exists, it exists;

You don't feel bitter, it's gone.

As long as your spirit is not "bankrupt", you have the possibility of turning over.

At this time, coupled with these 3 sentences of Rockefeller, it is easier for you to get rid of negative emotions and smoothly get out of the trough!

People will change cognition in growth, cognition will change behavior, and behavior will finally determine life.

So, don't give in easily! Admit it, and you'll lose your whole life!

I am to help you work simpler, closer to the money @ professional eyes, on the topic of "adversity", welcome to leave a message to me, let's continue to talk in the discussion area.

Rockefeller: When you're in debt and can't get up, remember these 3 sentences, sooner or later turn over 01 Free is a terrible trap 02 Learn to hide smart 03 Believe in interests on friendship 04 written at the end

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