
The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

author:Dr. Xiao Zeng said popular science

The first of the Seven Wonders of the New World.

In 4 years, he won a number of world firsts.

The amount of steel used is equivalent to half a bird's nest.

This is Beijing Daxing International Airport, once built, it attracted the attention of the world with an absolute king posture.

The shape of Beijing Daxing International Airport seems to fly out of Chinese mythology, like a steel phoenix, majestically in the south of Beijing.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

It is also to announce China's strength to the world.

What is the true face of Lushan in this Beijing Daxing International Airport? What are its features?

The proud posture of the iron phoenix

September 25, 2019, is a memorable day for Beijing Daxing International Airport.

On this day, the world's largest single terminal was officially put into operation.

In the north of the capital, there is Beijing Capital International Airport.

In the south of the capital, there is Beijing Daxing International Airport.

Two airports, echoing each other.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

It means that Beijing has officially entered the era of dual hubs.

As the first of the Seven Wonders of the New World, Beijing Daxing International Airport has attracted the attention of the world, and the media have rushed to report and invigorate the spirit of the Chinese people.

After seven comprehensive simulation exercises and three verification test flights, Daxing Airport was finally put into operation.

The phoenix spreads its wings and is born at its peak.

From a distance, Beijing Daxing International Airport is like a phoenix spreading its wings, and the five finger corridors radiating from the center are like wings, and also like an open hand, as if to hold something tightly.

As the world's largest new airport, Beijing Daxing International Airport has a total investment of 80 billion yuan. In the future, the annual passenger throughput of Daxing Airport can reach 100 million passengers, in addition, the number of aircraft taking off and landing at Daxing Airport will also reach 8 million.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

Such a large-scale airport, with a construction area of 1.43 million square meters, the terminal roof has a curve like a flowing stream, and the shape of the freeform surface makes the image of the phoenix spreading its wings and flying high be successfully shaped.

When we walk indoors, we are deeply struck by the tone of the interior design of the airport.

The main white tone is majestic, and when you look up, you will see a huge dome composed of 63,400 steel structures welded.

Friends may not have any concept of this number, but do you know friends?

The amount of steel used at Beijing Daxing International Airport is equivalent to half a bird's nest.

And this huge dome is supported by only 8 C-shaped columns.

The column-free design is the biggest feature of its interior.

The C-shaped columns are spaced 200 meters apart from each other, and the largest space enclosed by these columns can actually put down a water cube!

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

Great achievement of Daxing Airport

So what are the characteristics of such a great airport?

The Chinese sacred bird phoenix symbolizes auspiciousness and is also a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese nation.

It was the phoenix that gave the inspiration for the design of Beijing International Airport.

At the same time, it is also the source of the comprehensive transportation system of five vertical and two horizontal periphery.

Here, friends may have to ask, what are the five vertical and two horizontal?

The five verticals refer to the five lines of Daxing Airport connecting Beijing With The Expressway, the Beijing Sixth Ring Road to Huangfa Bridge Section, and the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway Beijing Fifth Ring Road to the City Boundary Section.

As for the two horizontals, it refers to the Langzhuo Intercity and Daxing Airport North Line Expressway.

To put it simply, five vertical and two horizontal traffic lines form a complete and detailed network of traffic lines.

In addition to the design concept, as well as the layout of five vertical and three horizontal.

Green airports and smart airports are the two business cards of Beijing Daxing International Airport to the world.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

So what is a green airport?

In today's increasingly serious environmental problems of resource shortage, the pursuit of green environmental protection has become the pursuit of design in various countries.

The same is true of the design of the Daxing International Airport terminal, where functionality and artistry are perfectly blended.

In the terminal building of Beijing Daxing International Airport, the natural lighting area has reached 60%.

Compared with terminals of the same size, this can reduce the energy consumption of the terminal of Beijing Daxing International Airport by 1/5.

What is this concept? This equates to a reduction of 22,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to planting 1.19 million trees.

I really can't imagine that a daylighting design can have such a great power.

As a model of low-carbon environmental protection, in November 2017, Daxing International Airport Terminal obtained the double certification of green building three-star and energy-saving triple A design.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

This is the testimony of China's energy-saving building achievements, which has symbolic significance.

In addition to green airports, smart airports are the characteristics that Beijing Daxing International Airport has to say.

Smart living is the concept pursued by modern design.

As an important comprehensive transportation hub, the construction of this airport integrates big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, and the airport's business processes, people flow organization, and equipment systems are all intelligent.

Because of this, Beijing Daxing International Airport has become an international smart airport facing the future.

Friends may have had such a problem, that is, when taking the plane, the check-in, check-in, security inspection, boarding of this set of processes is time-consuming and laborious, not only need to arrive two hours in advance, but also to carry id cards at any time.

But at Beijing Daxing International Airport, you can clear customs by just brushing your face.

It can be said that it is a face in the hand, and I have it in the world.

Seeing this, are your friends very impressed?

As a model of China's infrastructure, Beijing Daxing International Airport has won a number of world firsts as soon as it was completed.

At present, the world's largest new airport is under construction.

The world's largest seismic isolation building.

The world's first double-in, double-out terminal.

The world's first terminal to be penetrated by high-speed rail.

The world's largest coupling shallow ground temperature energy utilization project.

And has the world's largest air traffic control automation system.

This number of world firsts shocked the world, and the construction difficulty of Beijing Daxing International Airport can be said to be unprecedented.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

The significance of the construction of Daxing Airport

But even so, there is no Chinese that is difficult to pour our wisdom, and the title of China's infrastructure madness is not covered.

The completion of Beijing Daxing International Airport has far-reaching significance behind it.

As a comprehensive transportation hub for air-ground integration, passengers from 28 cities around Beijing Daxing International Airport can reach Daxing International Airport within three hours by using the high-speed rail network and high-speed road network.

The construction of Xiong'an New Area will reach a new height with the help of Daxing Airport, and the concept of regional coordinated development will also be pushed to the peak because of the completion of Daxing Airport.

In addition, Daxing Airport is the central functional bearing area of international exchanges and a big country business card handed out by China to the world.

Here, I can't help but think of the CCTV headquarters building.

As the world's second largest office building, from a distance, the CCTV headquarters building looks like a twisted square fried circle.

The land area is 187,000 square meters, and the total construction area reaches 550,000 square meters.

How tall is the building?

234 meters, there are 3 floors underground and 52 floors above ground.

The Phoenix spread its wings and beijing Daxing international airport, which was built in 4 years, won a number of world firsts

With its unique shape and unique architectural color, the CCTV headquarters building made Time magazine in the United States name it one of the world's top ten architectural wonders.

In addition, in 2013, the CCTV headquarters building was awarded the world's best high-rise building by the World Society of Tall Buildings.

The widespread use of glass curtain walls and the unique shape create a stunning aesthetic.

This shape is a bold attempt and a successful attempt at Chinese architectural design, ushering in a new era of Chinese architecture.

After the completion of the china central television station, the headquarters building of China Central Television has become the symbol of China's only national television station, and it is also a symbol of China's infrastructure strength.

Whether it is the headquarters building of CCTV or Beijing Daxing International Airport, this is the peak achievement of China's infrastructure construction and the embodiment of China's strength.

China's infrastructure madness, terror, the Spreading Wings daxing airport, and the headquarters building that seems to be inserted into the clouds, bold design, unique shape, are all powerful witnesses to China's development.

With the continuous development of China, China's infrastructure level will also be higher and higher, such a bold and great building, I believe it will mushroom, China's infrastructure, in the world will also blossom everywhere.

At this moment, I can't help but feel deeply proud of our great motherland! China's strength has shocked the world!

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