
Sichuan cuisine 12 kinds of cold vegetable flavor type of fish aroma, how to tune out the fish aroma, why no fish? Why are there no fish in fish-scented dishes? Presumably this is a common question for many friends who are new to fish flavor sichuan cuisine. The use of fish flavor Fish flavor type represents cold dishes: fish flavor qingyuan, cold mix fish flavor eggplant

author:Donuts are hand-baked

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > why is there no fish in the dish with a fish flavor? Presumably this is a common question for many friends who are new to fish flavor sichuan cuisine.


So, why is there no fish but the smell of fish? Listen to me slowly.

The flavor of fish is similar to the flavor formed when making fish in Sichuan folk, because the seasoning of the folk farmhouse "degree fish" will use pickled red pepper and ginger and onion garlic, and its smell is similar to that of fish after becoming a dish, so it is named fish flavor. This refers to a flavor type that is seasoned with vegetables, not a food made with fish as the main ingredient. Because of the raw material used in its dishes - Sichuan pickled red pepper, and in Sichuan, the pickled red pepper is also called fish spicy, so the fish flavor comes from this. Pickled red pepper is a kind of kimchi often used for seasoning in Sichuan, which is made of red two thorn strips, and its sauce product is also called fish spicy sauce (still has nothing to do with fish)

Sichuan cuisine 12 kinds of cold vegetable flavor type of fish aroma, how to tune out the fish aroma, why no fish? Why are there no fish in fish-scented dishes? Presumably this is a common question for many friends who are new to fish flavor sichuan cuisine. The use of fish flavor Fish flavor type represents cold dishes: fish flavor qingyuan, cold mix fish flavor eggplant

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the use of fish scent

Fish flavor is widely used in hot and cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, and the seasoning process of hot and cold dishes will be slightly different.

Although the "fish flavor" in cold dishes has the same raw materials, there are two preparation methods: one is that all seasonings do not go down the pot, directly mix and dissolve all the raw materials, mix or drizzle on the processed semi-finished dishes, and the vinegar should be slightly less than the amount of hot dishes (because vinegar will volatilize part of it when it is hot);

The other is to mix the pickled red pepper, ginger and garlic evenly, drizzle with 80% hot cooked vegetable oil, and then add the onion, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar and vinegar to the bowl of pickled red pepper, ginger and garlic to adjust evenly, and then mix or drizzle into the processed semi-finished dishes after cooling.

The "fish flavor" of hot dishes also has two ingredient methods: one is to combine salt, soy sauce, sugar, white vinegar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, fresh soup, and water starch into a sauce, and then heat the salad oil to soak red pepper, ginger, green onion, garlic stir-fry, hook into the sauce, harvest the juice into a dish; the other is to fry the Pixian watercress (red pepper sauce) into red oil, put ginger, green onion, garlic and stir-fry incense, and then hook soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, sesame oil, fresh soup, and water starch hooked into a dish.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > fish flavor type</h1>

The biggest difference between the aroma of cold vegetable fish and the aroma of hot vegetable fish is that cold vegetables do not need starch to be hooked.

Fish flavor is the use of fish seasonings and methods used to cook fish to cook other dishes other than fish, after the dish is no fish but has a fish flavor.

Flavor characteristics: bright red color, salty fresh slightly spicy, slightly sweet and sour, pickled pepper, ginger, green onion, garlic flavor is prominent.

Seasoning ingredients: fine salt, minced red pepper, ginger rice, garlic rice, green onion, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, red oil, sesame oil.

Fish-flavored dishes are actually the seasoning methods often used in Sichuan folk fish cooking, and the combination of spices is generally: soaked red pepper sauce, green onion, ginger rice, garlic, rice wine, sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, fresh soup.

Modulation principle: fine salt determines the basic salty taste; Soy sauce is fresh, color-raising, fragrant, supplemented with salty taste, dissolving salt, sugar and monosodium glutamate; Sugar and vinegar blend various flavors to reflect the slightly sweet and slightly sour taste; The red pepper powder adds red color and aroma, and the ginger rice, garlic rice, green onion, sugar and vinegar form a fish flavor; MSG increases umami; Red oil determines the color and highlights the spiciness to increase lipidiness; Sesame oil aromatizing pressure heterogeneity, increase lipid wettability; Soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, red oil dissolve the aromatic ingredients contained in ginger, green onion and garlic to achieve the effect of desimilarization and flavor, and jointly adjust the consistency of the sauce.

Seasoning method: This is the seasoning method of cold dishes, first put the minced chili pepper, ginger rice, garlic rice into the seasoning bowl, and then add refined salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate together to fully mix well, and finally add red oil, sesame oil to pour on top of the dish, accompanied by green onion garnish.

Application: The fish flavor of cold vegetables is mostly used for frying raw materials and mixing of animal and plant raw materials such as chicken, fish, rabbit, eggplant, green beans, etc., which is suitable for all seasons and does not contradict other flavors

Note: Red oil only uses oil instead of chili peppers, and garlic rice should be reused, and the taste of sugar and vinegar formed is similar to that of lychee, and the consistency of the flavor juice after preparation is good to be able to adhere to the raw material surface.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > represents cold dishes: fish-flavored qingyuan, cold-mixed fish-flavored eggplant</h1>

Fishy qingyuan

Sichuan cuisine 12 kinds of cold vegetable flavor type of fish aroma, how to tune out the fish aroma, why no fish? Why are there no fish in fish-scented dishes? Presumably this is a common question for many friends who are new to fish flavor sichuan cuisine. The use of fish flavor Fish flavor type represents cold dishes: fish flavor qingyuan, cold mix fish flavor eggplant

Ingredients: 250g of fresh and tender peas

Seasoning: 25g of pickled red pepper, 7g of minced ginger, 14g of minced garlic, 20g of green onion, 2g of fine salt, 1g of monosodium glutamate, 10g of sugar, 12g of vinegar, 2g of soy sauce, 12g of chili oil, 5g of sesame oil, 50g of salad oil

Seasoning procedure

1. Wash the green peas and gently cut the skin on the green peas with a knife.

2. Put the peas in a hot oil at 160 ° C and fry them crisply over medium heat, and when the skin and meat are separated, first remove the pea skins and throw them away, and then pick up the peas to cool.

3. Mix the minced chili pepper, ginger rice, garlic rice, green onion and evenly, add refined salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and vinegar to mix well, then add chili oil and sesame oil to form a fish flavor juice, pour in crispy peas and mix well and put on a plate.


1. The peas must be peeled, and the pea skins are easy to separate when fried.

2. Sauce is very critical, you must master the weight of various seasonings, pay attention to safety when cooking peas, prevent hot oil splashing, and peas should be crisp and not scorched.

2. Pay attention to the consistency of the fish flavor juice that is adjusted, and it must be hung on the raw material, and the flavor juice and the raw material are mixed well, and the degree of the flavor juice can be basically not seen.

Sichuan cuisine 12 kinds of cold vegetable flavor type of fish aroma, how to tune out the fish aroma, why no fish? Why are there no fish in fish-scented dishes? Presumably this is a common question for many friends who are new to fish flavor sichuan cuisine. The use of fish flavor Fish flavor type represents cold dishes: fish flavor qingyuan, cold mix fish flavor eggplant

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