
The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

author:Veterinarian Xiaoming's apprentice

This year marks the 10th anniversary of World Statistics Day, when our 7th census officially began on 1 November. Nearly 7 billion people in the world, about 1.4 billion people in China, the probability of people meeting each other is 0.000478, and it is already a wonderful fate to be able to meet. For veterinarian Bob, the shoveling function and the dog encounter is also a very wonderful fate.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

Let's take a look at this little anecdote. The Thai man asked friends to dinner together, and the man drank a little too much that day. The friend was about to take him home, and the man clutched a dog in front of the hotel in a daze. After all, there was too much wine, and it didn't matter what he said, the man had to hold the dog into the car to take home.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

The next day, the man's family came to the room to wake him up, turned on the light, and saw the man sleeping with his dog in his arms. The man's family was very surprised, and the man woke up very confused, trying to remember what happened last night. After remembering, he took the dog to the restaurant to find the owner.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

After many inquiries, I learned that the dog was a stray dog, and there was no owner, and it had been wandering around the hotel. The man is happy, since he has such a fate to sleep with the dog all night, then I will raise it!

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

So, the man took the dog to the pet hospital to bathe, check, buy a kennel, dog food, exclusive collars and so on. In this way, the dog has its own home, no longer wandering, and no longer full of hunger.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

Hahahahaha, veterinarian Xiaoming believes that the fate of the man drunk and holding the dog home, so that the man got a cute dog, but also let the dog get a owner who really loves it, it is also very lucky.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

Whether it is a shoveler and a dog, or between people, since they can become colleagues, friends, and family, it is already a wonderful fate, because the encounter with each other adds color to life. Even if you encounter some bumps and bumps in the process of getting along, you don't need to pay too much attention to cherish this hard-won fate. After all, in the vast sea of people, you meet unexpectedly.

The man was drunk, woke up thinking he was dazzled, and actually slept with the dog in his arms all night

Veterinarian Bob Kop: Stray dogs refer to dogs that have no owner, generally dogs that have been abandoned by their owners or lost with their owners. There are also some stray dogs that are produced due to unlimited breeding. Stray dogs living environment is more complex and harsh, and there is a habit of eating excrement, may carry some germs, it is recommended that the shoveler take them to the pet hospital before adoption to do the corresponding examination and vaccination.

If the shoveler does not intend to adopt a stray dog, please contact the local city management or ask the relevant departments such as public security to send the stray dog to the local stray animal shelter.

The image comes from the Internet, if you have any questions, you can contact the veterinarian Xiaoming.

If there are pet health and pet problems, pay attention to veterinarian Xiaoming for consultation. For more exciting content, welcome to subscribe to the paid column of veterinarian Xiaoming "Veterinarians Reveal Dog Misunderstandings, Pay Less IQ Tax" to learn the correct dog knowledge.