
The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

author:Lu Tōyū

Not long ago, some media reported that Liu Chengju, the wife of the deceased weightlifting champion Caili, and her daughter Cai Jianhan were in debt of 150,000 yuan due to a serious illness, and now Cai Jianhan has sent a late-night post for help. It is worth mentioning that just after Cai Jianhan posted, there were only more than 50 comments in total, which made people feel a little sad. However, it is said that well-wishers have begun to donate money, which is good news for them.

The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

Just on July 26th, Cai Jianhan posted through social platforms, she not only described the difficult life in recent years in detail, but also asked the outside world for help, hoping that everyone could help her get through the difficulties. According to Cai Jianhan, since Caili passed away, their mother and daughter also suffered from cancer, and their lives have reached a difficult point. Previously, Cai Jianhan and Liu Chengju lived by the support of relevant departments and funds, and later borrowed foreign debt in order to treat their illness, and now they owe more than 150,000 debts. Therefore, Cai Jianhan had to send a text to ask for help.

The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

Cai Jianhan's father is a famous weightlifting champion in the past. In 1985, at the age of 15, he won the championship at the Youth Games. At the 1990 Asian Games, Caili broke the Asian record again and won the championship title. Caili's career has been more brilliant, having won more than 40 championships in the country and won 20 gold medals on the Asian platform. However, he also unfortunately contracted an illness due to weightlifting, and became breathless after retiring from the army, and at the same time, his life was poor, and his whole condition was very bad.

The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

Just after Caili retired, he worked in the Liaoning Sports Academy as a janitor. Although he is a weightlifting champion, his talent has worked hard in the position of janitor, and he is very serious and a very competent guard. However, the income of the janitor profession is not high, and the talent has not been able to save too much. On May 31, 2003, only 33-year-old Caili died of breathing difficulties, and he only had 300 yuan of savings left. Originally, the conditions of their family were more difficult, and with the death of Caili, the lives of Liu Chengju and Cai Jianhan were even more difficult.

The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

In fact, as early as February 2017, Cai Han, who was only 16 years old at the time, sent a letter asking for help. However, the living conditions and physical conditions of their mother and daughter have not been fundamentally solved. In July 2021, Cai Jianhan once again posted to the society for help, which also attracted the attention of some netizens, but failed to attract the attention of most people. The contrast between the events of the Tokyo Olympics in full swing in the summer of 2021 and the fact that the wife and daughter of the former Asian champion were forced to turn to society for help due to illness is a huge contrast.

The weightlifting champion has won 20 Asian gold medals, and now his wife and daughter owe 150,000 yuan in debt for medical treatment, and they send a late-night post for help

If one party has difficulties, the eight parties support it. Caili was once the asian champion and won glory for the country, while his wife and daughter were in trouble, but as long as the situation was true, well-wishers in society would certainly lend a helping hand. Previously, the disaster in Henan touched everyone's heart, and people from all walks of life also sent love. This time Cai Jian Han encountered difficulties, I believe that those caring people will not sit idly by, and when the time comes, they will be able to help their wives and daughters get through the difficulties and get out of the predicament.

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