
Sun Qixin: From Eating Enough to Eating Healthy The scientific and technological innovation system of the seed industry still needs to be further improved

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (reporter Tian Jiexiong) On October 27, the Seed Industry Science and Technology Innovation Forum of China Agricultural University was held at the West Campus of Agricultural University. Sun Qixin, president of China Agricultural University, said in an interview with the media that a strong seed industry is the guarantee for realizing agricultural modernization, and while affirming the progress of China's seed industry, it is even more necessary to have a sober understanding and scientific methods, improve China's seed industry science and technology innovation system, and narrow the gap between seed industry innovation technology and the international frontier in some fields. From eating enough to eating healthy, the road to innovation in China's breeding work in the future is still very long.

Sun Qixin, president of China Agricultural University, talked about building a regional seed industry innovation center. Beijing News reporter Tian Jiexiong filmed and produced

"Judging from the history of the development of the world's agriculture, a country's agriculture is strong, and it must be supported by the seed industry." Sun Qixin said in an interview that a strong seed industry is the guarantee for realizing the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. After the founding of New China, the development of China's seed industry has made historic progress, basically realizing the self-sufficiency of major crop varieties, and grain production has also continued to rise. ”

However, in the new international context, Sun Qixin stressed that in the face of China's shortcomings and crises in the field of seed industry innovation, we must also have a sober understanding and scientific methods. He mentioned that what needs to be faced squarely is that China's breeding technology innovation and technology program has not kept pace with the world's breeding technology innovation, and compared with the international development trend, the breakthrough progress of China's new major variety breeding is slower. On the other hand, the new type of varieties can not meet the higher living needs of the broad masses of the people, "for people to eat the sense of export, eat nutritious these needs, we still have some gaps in varieties." In fact, our ultimate goal is to eat healthily by eating, and from this point of view, our breeding work still has a long way to go in the future. ”

At the same time, Sun Qixin also said that the current seed industry innovation system of the whole society is not sound enough. Even if the number of scientific research teams in China is huge, and the state has invested a lot of money, it still faces inefficiency and excessive unfair competition caused by decentralization and duplication, "which is a problem that needs to be solved in the design of the system." ”

Sun Qixin mentioned that many places will take seed industry innovation as the main task of local innovation to layout, "this is a good thing, all localities must always have some seed industry innovation teams, projects and products that need to meet their own characteristics." Sun Qixin said, but we must also avoid blind development and cause waste of resources, talents and funds, and also be vigilant against excessive local investment.

Beijing News reporter Tian Jiexiong

Edited by Tang Zheng Proofreader Chen Diyan