
"Desperate live" when hughed

author:Bright Net

"Two seconds before I hit the train!" Recently, in order to shoot a video, two boys in Qinzhou actually broke the railway fence to enter the high-speed rail line, causing an EMU to stop urgently and delay by 30 minutes. When investigated by the police, the two said that the train was very close to them at that time, fortunately they jumped out of the tracks in time, and the train stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Subsequently, the two boys were criticized for education by the railway public security department and administratively detained for 5 days.

In recent years, the news of "desperate live broadcasting" has been broken from time to time: Wu Moumou, known as the "first person in the domestic limit", lost his hand and fell to his death while climbing the Huayuan International Center in Changsha in 2017; a man on a live broadcast platform often live-streamed eating raw toads, snakes and other unprocessed ingredients; and even some anchors live -- "eating light bulbs"... More and more "video shows" have become "desperate live broadcasts", constantly challenging people's sensory bottom line. People can't help but sigh: take a video, why is it so desperate?

Because in the hearts of some photographers, "playing with life" represents interests. These videos, which are linked to adjectives such as "rare" and "special", can satisfy the curiosity of viewers, attract attention enough, and may bring high clicks to the video. At present, anchors mainly rely on fan tips, advertising and micro-business cooperation to make money, on the one hand, high click-through rate means high income, on the other hand, it can also meet their psychological needs to some extent, so that they can harvest the emotional value of attention. Therefore, this part of the shooter will be desperate to take risks.

At present, relying on post-mortem punishment alone is not enough to curb the trend of "live broadcasting", and platforms and relevant departments need to start from a daily basis, strengthen management, and prevent problems before they occur. At present, China has issued relevant documents such as the "Provisions on the Administration of Internet Live Broadcasting Services", clarifying the code of conduct and responsibilities of online live broadcasting platforms, emphasizing that online performance business units should improve the content management system, allocate sufficient content review personnel, and strictly supervise the performance behavior of performers. Responsible persons of some enterprises in the industry have also jointly formulated self-discipline conventions for the online live broadcasting industry, proposing management norms such as prohibiting minors from participating in online live broadcasting.

However, in order for the platform to fulfill its regulatory obligations, in addition to industry self-discipline, the platform also needs to be "regulated". For example, if the platform does not play a reminder obligation when the user conducts illegal live broadcasting, then the platform should also bear certain legal responsibilities. Only by working together can we promote the development of the entire online live broadcasting industry in a reasonable, legal and healthy direction. (Xu Nanxi)

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