
Snail, we Wuxi people used to call it "silk snail". How many people's memories have been evoked

author:Huangfang papaya

Snail, we Wuxi people used to call it "silk snail". "Du Niang" is explained in this way: snails are common names for mollusk phylum, mid-gastropods, field snails, and snails. It is endemic to China and is distributed in lakes in Yunnan and Jiangsu.

When I was a child, I didn't know anything, I only knew that there were delicious silk snails in any river, many people on the alley had tools for flowing silk snails, a long bamboo pole was fixed in front of a net pocket, there was a thick wood on the front side of the net pocket, and the people who were flowing silk screws went to the river to push the bamboo poles along the river to the middle of the river, pushed to the top of the bamboo pole and then pulled back, and there would be large and small silk snails in the net pockets pulled up, sort it out, and go home to raise it for a day to cut the butt under the pot. At that time, silk snails were also a small meat on the dinner table.

Our family does not have a tool for flowing silk snails, my parents are very busy, my brother is still small, although he is a master of fishing and fishing for yellow eels, he still can't carry the tool, so the silk snails eaten at home are either given more bowls by neighbors, or go to the street to buy a little. But there was an experience that made our brothers and sisters sit together for so many years and talk together, they could be energetic, gushing, always trying to remember, afraid of missing a little detail. [Sneak laugh] [Sneak laugh]

At that time, the farmland will not be distributed much, the area is not large, (I don't know much about farming, only know that everyone is called so), these rivers do not know whether they are natural, or artificially dug, because of the channels, ditches, so the water source is sufficient, winter has not seen dry up, mainly for irrigation, and no one will go there to fish and touch the snail.

By chance, my father and brother touched a silk snail in a caohe river called Urn Jin, which belongs to the "aircraft carrier" in the silk snail, and has never seen such a large silk snail, comparable to a field snail! Brother said, the hand down a touch is a hand, two people two white skin lead barrels are full in a short time, huffing and carrying to the home, the people on the alley are staying at a glance, every day in the Cao River to walk, did not expect that there will be such a big thing in the Cao River! Naturally, I can't eat so much, so my grandmother took it to the back alley of the front village to sell, of course, half of it was sold and half was given away. The news went away, and the next day, some neighbors also went to touch it... That season passed in the time of groping the silk snail. However, the strange thing is that the next year to touch, has not been able to touch the silk snail, even if there is is very little, brother said, that year the old ancestors of the silk snail in the Caohe River touched away [sneaking laugh] [sneaking laugh].

The silk snail in the Cao River is large and thin, and as soon as the scissors are touched, the silk snail's butt comes down. The meat is delicious and tender, although there is now a restaurant advertising slogan: a snail top goose, that is, they did not eat the snails in the Caohe River in our hometown.

When I was a child, I burned silk snails, reluctant to condiments, generally steamed on the rice pot, put some oil, ginger, cooking wine, salt, a little better conditions will also drop a few drops of sesame oil and soy sauce, the rice pot is opened, with the incense flutter four miles to describe it is not too much. The stir-fried silk snail with thick oil red sauce is a later flavor.

Because we experienced and grew up together, we have endless memories, and when my sisters-in-law and children hear us talk about this, they will say with disgust: I have heard N times! [Teeth] [Teeth]

Times have changed, the villagers have long become landless farmers, the villagers who have been encircled by the "lost land" left in the old house are reluctant to be deserted, even if they do not plant rice and wheat, but the green vegetables are still planted all year round, sometimes they go back to follow the neighbors to walk in the fields, but the original Caohe River has disappeared, I deliberately went to that place with memory to find once, they have been overgrown with weeds, the neighbors said that there is no channel ditch, the water source is broken, the villagers throw the garbage in the field into it, and slowly fill it up.

Yes, the sea can become a mulberry field, not just a small Cao River?!

Two days ago, Zhiwei next door called me and said that the pumpkins at home had harvested a lot, and the taste was also very good, so I had time to go back and get some taste, not only to take a little, every time I went back to the vegetables and melons and fruits, I couldn't hold it with both hands. Well, I definitely have to go back and get some.

The few remaining alleys in our village have begun to be demolished, and I heard that by the end of the year, it will be demolished to my old house, and the pumpkin vegetables grown by Zhiwei will also be like the silk snails in the CaoHe River.

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