
Thrips are harmful, how to control the effect is better, the duration of the effect is longer

author:Wood rain listens to the wind

For more convenient reading, I share with you the information about agricultural technology, please click on my avatar to follow me. Thrips are small, have a relatively strong ability to migrate, the speed of reproduction is fast, the harm is large, and it has become one of the pests comparable to the harm of aphids, but it is much more difficult than the control of aphids, especially the high temperature and drought in summer and autumn, which is very beneficial to the reproduction of thrips, which also increases the difficulty of thrips prevention and control. Thrips mainly harm the young parts of crops, and are harmful to young tissues such as young shoots and shoots of vegetables, flowers and young fruits, new shoots and new leaves of fruit trees, and the tenderness of thrips determines the site of thrips. There are many crops that thrips harm, almost all agricultural crops, thrips are interested in hazards, such as corn, rice, peppers, eggplant, melons, beans, green onions, ginger, grapes, strawberries, citrus and other crops. It is the most difficult problem for farmers to control thrips.

Thrips are harmful, how to control the effect is better, the duration of the effect is longer

After the vegetable is damaged, the young leaves cannot be unfolded normally, become hard and curled, and there are many small white spots on the leaves, and in severe cases, they show long strips of plaque, and the young leaves have wrinkles and other phenomena, which seriously affects the photosynthetic ability of crops. After the flower organ is damaged, there are first white spots, gradually turn brown, and then wither and fall off, thrips will also cause young fruit damage, heavy caused by fruit fall, even if barely fall fruit, there will be fruit appearance is not smooth, affecting the quality and yield of the fruit.

Thrips are harmful, how to control the effect is better, the duration of the effect is longer

Thrips occur in the north and south of our country, as long as the rainfall is scarce, the temperature is high, dry, are suitable for thrips breeding hazards, thrips suitable air humidity in about 40% to 70%, the temperature in 23 to 28 degrees of harm is the heaviest, in the summer and autumn during the rain scarcity period, more likely to occur hazards prevail, thrips generally can occur 10 to 20 generations per year, in general, thrips are rampant in the evening before and after the day, strong sunlight during the day, thrips will hide.

Prevention and control methods of thrips: Due to the strong ability of thrips to migrate and fly, the rapid reproduction, the use of single spraying pesticides, the control effect is often not good, you can use the spray + irrigation method for comprehensive control, the effect of prevention and control will be greatly increased. Above-ground spray, can be used 50% thiamethoxamine water dispersion granules per acre of land 10 grams of water 20 kg of uniform spray, you can also choose 25% thiamethoxamine • high efficiency cypermethrin microcapsule suspension dilution after spray, can quickly relieve the harm of thrips, the effective period of about a week or so.

Thrips are harmful, how to control the effect is better, the duration of the effect is longer

With the growth of crops, the efficacy of the drug will become lower and lower, in order to maintain a sufficient amount of medicine to kill the thrips in the future, you can spray at the same time, flush 30% of the thiamethoxine suspension agent, 300 to 400 ml per acre of land. The effectiveness of thiamethoxam is long, can reach about 50 days, the adult thrips, nymphs, have a continuous killing effect, thiamethoxine through the root, can be absorbed by the root system directly after the whole plant conduction, the whole plant with medicine, and thiamethoxine in the soil excellent stability, can significantly reduce the number of pesticide spraying, and achieve a better control effect, generally in the crop needs to be fertilized and watered, in the thiamethiazide can be flushed together with fertilizer, or drip irrigation can be. Well, today's sharing is here, welcome to pay attention to the friends you like, click a like and then go.