
Who is the most tumbler in the politics of the Three Kingdoms? The legendary life of the little man Sun Li

author:Hainan Xiaojia

Stepping through the brilliant long sky of history, looking at the dappled streamers of light in the starlight, the wind and frost of a thousand years, how many heroes and legends have been frozen, the long line of heaven and earth that runs through ancient and modern times, connecting the initial power of life, bringing surprise to people, bringing people memories, the vast picture of history, is the spiritual heaven that never grows old!

Who is the most tumbler in the politics of the Three Kingdoms? The legendary life of the little man Sun Li

The right choice for a small person in the workplace of the Three Kingdoms

  The biggest variable in the workplace of the three countries is "points" and "combinations", and people in the workplace must also consider their own going and staying with the changes in points and combinations. One of the most important factors why Sun Quan resolutely wants to resist Cao is that Lu Su described to him in the bathroom the tragic situation of Sun Quan's workplace after partnering with Lao Cao in the future.

  In addition to division and integration, there is also an important form of workplace variation, that is, "usurpation". From Han to Wei, from Wei to Jin, not only to change the boss, but also to change the bloodline of the boss layer, which affects the going and staying of a large number of workplace employees, and even life and death. Those who record history are in line with the principle of brevity, and those who follow the tide will not record it, and those who are greatly loyal will write down for reference. However, from the historical point of view of the common people, the great loyalists and the great traitors are very human, extraordinary, that is, the aliens of history, they cannot reflect the normality of history, and the part that goes with the flow is the truth of history. Are these truths recorded?

  Yes, there is such a record in the workplace of the Three Kingdoms, a small person who naturally transferred between Wei and Jin, he is more real than those who are loyal and traitorous, and history is, after all, composed of people who are not great traitors and great loyalties.

  A small person of great standing

  This is a small person on the stage of the Three Kingdoms, and to say that he is a small person does not mean that he is an abusive person, nor does it mean that he has a low position, but that his position in history is not impressive. Identify whether it is a big historical figure, not just look at the official position, although it is a common people, doing earth-shattering, but also a big person, such as a special, but a small citizen, can assassinate the king of a country, and then he will become the spokesman of the assassin. Although the official position is high, but it has no role in history, it can only be a small person, jun did not see a large number of high-ranking officials and senior officials for thousands of years, at that time mixed with five people and six people, hot, but after that era, it was nothing more than a pile of grass in the desert.

A character mentioned here is called Sun Li, a zhuo county person. First of all, he did not have a low official position, served as the secretary of the Wei general Cao Shuang, and also served as a taishou in several places.

  He is not abusive, and his character is not bad. One year, when Sun Li was still a common man, Zhuozhou was in chaos, Sun Li lost the old woman in the war and horse chaos, fortunately, the fellow villager Matai helped him find the old woman back, Sun Li in order to show his gratitude, sold all the family property and gave it to Matai. It is estimated that when he posted the notice of the search, he said that he would thank him with heavy money, and now that the person has been found, Sun Li has honestly honored it. This shows that Sun Li is a filial piety and talks about credit. During the Han and Jin dynasties, sun li was a good citizen according to the principle of filial piety. In that era, as long as a person talked about filial piety, people would not go anywhere. Later, Ma Tai broke the law, and committed a capital crime, which happened to be in the hands of Sun Li. Sun Li didn't say a word, actually let the person go, and then turned himself in. At that time, it seemed that the righteousness of the brothers could also be reduced, and both of them actually reduced the capital crime. Yes, Sun Li, this brother is righteous.

  Filial piety, faith, and righteousness are all there, but what about loyalty? Sun Li still has a sense of justice, especially daring to ask for the people's lives. During his tenure as Shangshu, the Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui liked to engage in the construction of buildings and halls, to the point of laboring the people and hurting their wealth. Sun Li made several reports and asked the boss to close his hands, and Cao Rui also issued a document: "Listen carefully to the opinions of the old Sun, and dismiss the migrant workers to go home to engage in agricultural production." "The red-headed document was issued, but the project continued. It turned out that Li Hui, the head of the project, had found out the master's intention and made a report like this: "The superior's intention is resolutely implemented, but taking into account the actual situation, he requested an extension of one month before dismissing the migrant workers." "It is estimated that we will rush to build the gift project." This is called cleverness, which does not violate the superficial principles, but should also be in line with the actual meaning of the upper head. Sun Li was a man of understanding, and he was familiar with this set of culture in the official field, so he simply went straight to the project site and personally ran to the project site to preach the above meaning: resolutely implement the meaning of the central authorities, stop the project on the spot, and disband all the engineering personnel on the spot. ”

  In addition to the above advanced deeds, Sun Li also made military achievements, and once made a correct suggestion, which was not adopted; Once, in the face of the strong attack of the Wu army, it was a day.

  Well, Comrade Sun Li's advanced deeds have all been summed up, and with all this, is he considered a big man? Having a large number of advanced deeds does not mean that your weight on the historical stage is very heavy, and history is not for advanced workers to pass on. However, Sun Li has a not thin page in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, roughly calculating the number of words, which is about the same length as Guan Yu's biography, much longer than Zhang Fei's Huang Zhongma Chao's; If the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms had to belittle the military and political figures of the Shu Han regime if it wanted to pass the approval of the relevant departments of the Jin Dynasty, then looking at the records of the State of Wei, the same is true, Sun Li's length is no less than that of the generals Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and others.

  Singing the champion can not mean that you sing well, occupy a big pit in the history books, can not show that you are a heavyweight, Sun Li on the stage of history, if and Guan Yu Zhang Fei compared, if and Zhang Liao Xu Huang comparison, hey, or don't compare, because there is no qualification to compare with them, but why is he qualified to let the historian code so many words for him?

  Something seems to be sought outside the historical report card.

  Two important political statements

  In the cracks between Sun Li's a large number of advanced deeds, Xiao Jia found two clues, one was more simple and obscure, and the other was more obvious.

  Let's look at the first one. I don't know what year, month and day, The Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui went hunting at Dashi Mountain. This experience was more exciting, and it actually reached the point where the tiger attacked the emperor's car, and "the tiger tended to ride on public opinion." I think that with the security work at the level of head of state, the Cao Wei Empire is full of fierce generals, there are groups of athletes, and tigers cannot be touched by Cao Rui's body, and this kind of technical work does not need to be worried about by cadres at the central level. However, Sun Li did not give up the good opportunity to perform this time, he threw the horse whip, got off the horse, took the sword and rushed directly towards the tiger, posing as if you dare to eat my leader, I fought with you desperately, "throw the whip off the horse, want to fight the sword and slash the tiger." Everyone knew that Sun Li, as a civilian cadre and a court official with status, had no need to do this at all, nor could he help much, and the leaders also saw his very proactive performance, so they issued an edict asking Sun Li to return to the horse to stay.

Sun Li's seemingly snake-like behavior is actually an opportunity to make a loyal statement, make a position statement, and pinch the fire: it is at the most critical and unexpected time, it is natural to reflect his loyalty, rather than carefully packaged. This is sun li's cleverness.

  If such a statement is made only once, then we may have reason to believe that in that tiger encounter, Sun Li's reaction was natural and unmediated. However, such a record has been recorded again, and this time it is obvious.

  This was when the Cao family was gradually declining, and Sima Yi was trying to move. The bureaucrats of the Central Plains regime are again faced with the test of taking sides, and they are very particular about when and how to take a stand. Judging from the relevant records, Sun Li seems to be very close to Sima Yi. When Sun Cadre went to Jizhou to take up his post, he said goodbye to Sima Yi, who focused on mentioning to him the issue of the dispute between the two counties of Qinghe and Pingyuan in the Jizhou region, and asked Sun Li's opinion, Sun Li's attitude was to refer to the relevant maps of the Central Library, and Sima Yi also agreed with this. At that time, the real power figure, Cao Shuang, the representative of the Cao family's forces, advocated demarcation according to the actual situation, and the original map was not available.

  Around the demarcation of a place, the Sima family and the Cao family engaged in a political secret contest. At that time, Sun Li, who dared to compete with the fierce tiger for the Sake of the Cao family, stood in the position of the Sima family at this time. Paradoxically, Sima Yi never came forward, and Sun Li charged into the arena of this power contest. Sun Li temporarily paid the price in order to take sides, and was dismissed by Cao Shuang and sentenced to five years in prison. Ken went to jail for the Sima family, really righteous enough, Sima Yi should also salvage this good brother, it may be that this benevolent brother is dotting and throwing behind, Sun Li did not go to jail, idle at home for a year, and then came back. The historical record is that at the strong request of the vast number of officials, Sun Li was re-enabled. I think that the efforts of Sima Boss are not excluded later.

  On this basis, the time has come to make a clear statement to the Sima Group. In this year, Sun Li was sent abroad and served as an assassin in the state, and he deliberately resigned to Sima Yilai. In this meeting, Sun Li showed a very emotionally unstable look, which seems to be a prelude to the statement. Sima Yi also seemed to grasp the heat, and began to test the attitude of the little brother, asking: "Is it that the officials of the prefecture are too small?" Or are you angry about the demarcation of Jizhou?" Sun Li finally broke out, and his position confession finally broke out: "Boss, it's all come to this time, why don't you trust me?" And ask me about these trivial and irrelevant things? What I am thinking about is not my personal official position and treatment at all, what I am thinking about is how your old man has not stood up and taken responsibility for the country when this country is in crisis, and how he has not yet shouldered a heavy responsibility. If you don't come out, this country, this court will be finished, I really feel bad, I sincerely support you to preside over the situation. "To put it succinctly, it's: Do it, I support you.

  In order to prove his absolute loyalty, Sun Li also added a very heavy taste of the expression action: "Because of the sobbing." A look of sadness and indignation. I really don't know what Cao Rui under the Nine Springs would think when he saw this loyal minister who dared to fight with the tiger for him, but at this moment he was crying in front of the Sima Group and was crying his nose and allegiance.

  Sima Yi finally accepted Sun Li's stance and loyalty, and he made clear his political intentions to the newly admitted brother: Don't worry, first endure, "Stop, endure can't stand it." ”

Sun Li did not directly participate in Sima Yi's subsequent coup, but his timely statement allowed him to gain a safe position and reap personal benefits from the coup. Sometimes it doesn't have to be involved, what matters is which side you're on.

  Up to now, it is impossible to figure out how many officials of the Wei clique at that time privately expressed their political positions to the Sima clique in this way, thanks to the Spring and Autumn brushwork of the historians, which recorded such a political statement in the workplace of the Three Kingdoms that was not only bright and upright, nor was it ugly and despicable, but it was very real and practical.

  Sun Li is such a person, he is not a great loyal, he has always weighed and weighed and weighed the object of his allegiance; He is not a big traitor, his little calculation will not hurt others, and there is very little damage. He was just a bureaucrat, and he did what he could. He is not wise, nor is he insidious, but he is smart, and he can take the right position at the right time and save himself. It is not entirely true to say that he is opportunistic, he is conscientious, he pays attention to fairness, neither bends the rules, nor does he fall into the well, and while he has the results in his hands, he is also a little slippery.

  This is not the most wonderful history, but it is the most real history, the real workplace. Sun Li's body has a lot of shadows of ordinary employees, after all, as an ordinary person, don't be harsh on him to be great, don't be harsh on him to be noble, and being loyal and adulterous is not something we can choose.

Well, today's article ends here, friends who like history and real estate knowledge, you can pay attention to Xiao A, and every day will update the good article ^_^

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