
Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

author:Gongsun Fengxiang

Three Kingdoms General Series Grandson Ceremony (Part 1)

Cooking wine on heroes, but also about the characters of the Three Kingdoms.

Since the author began to write the series of good generals of the Three Kingdoms, roughly according to the order of the active years of historical figures, the famous generals of the middle and early periods of Cao Wei basically talked about it, and then they will enter the era of late generals. For various reasons, the popularity of the late Three Kingdoms figures is much worse than that of the early and middle periods, so the deeds of some important historical figures are not well known. In this issue, we will introduce an important general of the late Cao Wei period, Sun Li.

Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

Sun Li (?) –250), courtesy name Deda, was a native of Rongcheng, Zhuo County. Yes, this person is Liu Bei's fellow countryman, but he does not have any intersection with Liu Bei. If you insist on saying it, Sun Li and Liu Bei have something in common, and they initially joined the Cao Army as a divisional air force plotter, that is, a low-level staff officer of Sikong Province. The trick was that Cao Cao attacked Yuan Shangshi and defected, and Sun Li joined later, during Cao Cao's Pingyou Prefecture.

Before that, there was no record of whether Sun Li served the Yuan clan, and if sun Li was only seen by Sun Liben, Sun Li should belong to the new talents selected by Cao Cao after he came to Youzhou.

Because of the frequent wars, people were displaced and had to flee everywhere to save their lives. Once, during the escape, Sun Li and his mother were separated, and in the panic, they did not know where to go, thanks to the fellow villager Matai to find his mother. Sun Li was so grateful that he gave the family money to Matai.

Later, Sun Li was an official under Cao Cao, and learned that Matai had been sentenced to death for sitting for something, and Sun Li actually used his power to let Matai go. However, Sun Li did not escape, but found the assassin Master Wen Hui and surrendered himself. Assassination is the title of an official position, which is responsible for the enforcement of laws. Wen Hui listened to Sun Li's explanation of the origin of the matter, expressed his understanding of Sun Li's action of knowing en Tu, and since Matai belonged to the seat of the couplet rather than the main offender, Wen Hui personally interceded with Cao Cao and was given a lenient treatment of commutation of the death penalty.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Sun Li reads: Sitting behind the stage and dying, li private guide ordered him to surrender himself from prison, and he said: "The subject has no right to flee." "The path of the thorny master book is warm. Hui Jiazhi, with Bai Taizu, each reduced death by one class.

This historical record is the record of Sun Li's private release of Matai to repay the favor. It should be noted that the ending of "each reduced death by one class" is not acquittal, Ma Tai and Sun Li are both criminals, but they are exempt from the death penalty, and other punishments are inevitable, otherwise the dignity of the law will not be maintained. However, the historical data do not record what kind of punishment was imposed on the two men, especially Sun Li.

In addition, Sun Li was very lucky, the chancellor Wen Hui also served as an assassin, if replaced by someone else, Sun Li's life may end here. Because although Wen Hui was not born in Zhuo County, Wen Hui's father Wen Shu once served as the Taishou of Zhuo County. With the blessing of this layer of factors, Wen Hui would vigorously intercede in front of Cao Cao.

Although Sun Li's actions were in line with the "righteousness" of the time, and Chen Shouzuo's opening chapter on this matter was obviously full of praise, but if there was no acquaintance intercession, this controversial good story would not have followed. What's more, during the Three Kingdoms period, many people who demonstrated benevolence and chivalry did not pass on to future generations with this kind of abuse of power and law enforcement. The Manchus, Jia Kui, and others who talked about it not long ago are all known for their strict rule of law, so I personally do not fully agree with this matter.

Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

Perhaps under the influence of the private release of Matai, Sun Li did not record in much detail in the era of Cao Cao and Cao Pi, leaving only records of him as a hejian commander, a lieutenant of Xingyang, and a minister of Lu.

Sun Li had a great deal of success in the country of Lu, when hundreds of mountain thieves were harming the local area, and Sun Li, in order to pacify the mountain thieves, took out his own feng lu and distributed them to local officials and people, encouraging them to arrest the mountain thieves. At the same time, the mountain thieves were encouraged to surrender on their own initiative and settle for farming, so lu county soon returned to stability.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Sun Li contains: Li Zhi Guan, Out of the Valley, Sending Officials, Recruiting The First Rank, Recruiting and Descending, Making Idle, and Responding to the Time.

Later, Sun Li successively served as Shanyang, Pingyuan, Pyeongchang, and Lang Evil Taishou. Because Sun Li was originally recruited by Cao Cao as a military strategist and was used as a staff officer, he was a civilian official for a long time, plus Cao Wei's talent was abundant and the military generals were like clouds, so Sun Li did not have much opportunity to perform for the time being.

In the second year of Taihe (228), in the blink of an eye, it had come to the time of The Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui, and Sun Li had the opportunity to accompany the army. Sima Cao Xiu received a surrender letter from Eastern Wu Poyang Taishou Zhou Andi, and ordered an army of 100,000 to go south, intending to kill Jiangdong in one fell swoop. However, Zhou Qu was deceived, and Sun Quan, with Lu Xun as the commander, led Zhu Huan and Quan Chun to lead an army to set up an ambush on three sides of the stone, waiting for Cao Xiu to fall into the encirclement. This is the famous Battle of Stone Pavilion.

On the side of Cao Wei, Jiang Ji, Man Yu, and others opposed Cao Xiu's offensive plan, but Cao Xiu insisted on going deep alone, and was indeed surrounded by Eastern Wu regiments. In the end, thanks to the arrival of Jia Kui's reinforcements, Cao Xiu did not completely destroy the army. This battle has been introduced in the previous chapters of Cao Xiu, Jia Kui and others, and it will not be repeated here. In fact, Sun Li, who accompanied the army, also advised that it was not appropriate to go deep, but Cao Xiu, who was just self-conscious, even had to give three points to the emperor, and Sun Li, who was too defensive, was too different from the rank of Sima Cao Xiu, and the advice was also equivalent to a white mention.

The rare opportunity to make military merit was followed by a big defeat, and Sun Li still had no chance to perform, and later moved to Yangping Taishou.

Sun Li did not seem to have been doing long in various places, starting from the Xingyang Governor, and had already served as the governor of seven counties so far. Later, instead of being transferred to the eighth county, he entered the imperial court as Shangshu.

Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

Emperor Cao Rui of Wei

In the first month of the third year of the Qinglong Dynasty (235), the Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui decided to overhaul the Luoyang Palace, build two new halls of Zhaoyang and Taiji, and build the General Zhangguan. Needless to say, a large number of people were conscripted into servitude and left the cultivated land to build palaces. After all, the world was undecided, and the people were busy farming, and Cao Rui's large-scale construction of the palace attracted many persuasions from Ministers such as Yang Fu and Gao Tanglong. Cao Rui knew the truth in his heart, so he had a good attitude when facing the minister's direct advice, but he was unwilling to terminate the civil engineering project.

The construction of the ancient imperial palace was huge and could not be completed in a short period of time. Soon it was the busy season of farming, but a large number of people were not cultivating the land at the construction site, and grain production naturally became a big problem. Coupled with the bad climate at that time, it was seen that a large area of land would have no grain harvest. Sun Li stood up and advised Cao Rui that the people should be allowed to return to their hometowns to work as farmers. Because the problem became more and more serious, and Sun Li insisted on not backing down, Cao Rui finally approved the people to return to their hometowns.

If this is the case, this matter may not be enough to be included in Sun Li's biography, after all, many ministers have advised Cao Rui, and Sun Li is only one of them. Director Li Hui believed that as long as there was another month to build, it should not be suspended at this time, so he rushed to see Cao Rui and asked for a grace period.

Sun Li took advantage of Li Hui's search for Emperor Wei's stall, rushed to the construction site, and directly read the edict that Cao Rui had just issued to allow the suspension of work, so that the people could immediately return to their hometowns. It is reasonable to say that although Emperor Wei Ming had issued an edict agreeing to stop work, after all, Li Hui was the person in charge of the project, and Sun Li deliberately issued the edict while Li Hui was not there, which was procedurally incorrect. However, everyone knew that Sun Li was worried about Emperor Wei Ming's change of heart, so he preemptively issued the edict to create a fait accompli, and Emperor Wei Mingdi was also clear in his heart, so he did not blame Sun Li.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Sun Li" contains: Shi Li Hui supervised the composition, and the repetition stayed for January, and there was some success. Etiquette to the end, do not repeat the repetition, call the edict to strike the people, Di Qiqi intentions and not blame also.

It can be seen that in addition to loving and protecting the people, Sun Li also has more courage to act. This matter can be big or small, if Cao Rui is angry and investigates, Sun Li's guilt will not escape. Fortunately, Cao Rui did not faint and did not punish Sun Li.

Sun Li not only loved the people, but also had great courage, which was another reason why he was favored by Cao Rui. Later, once Cao Rui was out hunting, suddenly a fierce tiger jumped to Cao Rui's carriage. While the crowd was instinctively dodging, Sun Li threw the horse whip at the tiger to divert the tiger's attention, and then quickly dismounted and rushed towards the tiger with his sword.

At this time, it is estimated that the guards around Cao Rui also eased up to escort the car, and Cao Rui was also afraid that Sun Li would lose his way, and ordered Sun Li to hurry up. Although Sun Li did not face the tiger head-on, this calm on-the-spot reaction and courage had already surpassed the other Wenwu present. Because of this, Sun Li was valued by Cao Rui and later entrusted with heavy trust.

Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

Cao Shuang

What exactly is the matter entrusted by Cao Rui? That's it for a moment.

In December of the second year of the Jing Dynasty (238), Cao Rui was critically ill, and cao Shuang was made a general and asked him to assist the crown prince. At the same time, he was entrusted with the posthumous title of Grand General And Sentai to be a regular attendant. Cao Rui hoped that Sun Li would become an important aide to Cao Shuang, with Cao Shuang assisting the emperor and Sun Li assisting Cao Shuang.

According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, when Emperor Ming was about to collapse, Cao Shuang was made a great general, and Yi Deliangzuo was given a will under Yu Mu, paying homage to the great general Chang Shi and Jia San riding Chang Shi.

On the first day of the first month of the third year of the Jing Dynasty, Cao Rui saw sima Yi who had returned from the expedition to Liaodong and died for the last time. Cao Fang ascended the throne, and the era of Cao Shuang and Sima Yi's joint auxiliary government began.

Although both Cao Shuang and Sima Yi received the edict to assist the government, Cao Shuang was a clan relative and had a higher status than Sima Yi. In fact, Cao Shuang was not originally the chief candidate of Cao Ruituoguo, and on December 24 of the second year of the Jing Dynasty, Cao Rui had already worshipped Cao Cao's son Cao Yu the Prince of Yan as a general, but Cao Yu resolutely resigned, and Cao Rui was critically ill before he appointed Cao Shuang instead.

Sun Li was worshipped by Cao Rui as the Chief General of the Great General, that is, the chief of staff or secretary general of the Great General's Palace, and according to the reason, the Great General opened the palace himself, and the officials in the palace were of course recruited by the Great General himself. However, Cao Shuang, the chief historian of the great general, was directly appointed by Cao Rui, which also reflected Cao Rui's distrust of Cao Shuang, but Cao Rui had no time to consider the candidate.

Cao Shuang, as a famous straw bale in the Three Kingdoms, was a typical second-generation official, relying on the shadow of his father Cao Zhen to sit on the throne. The villain has the ambition, of course, he has no great ambition, and is busy installing his own fox friends in various fat shortages, not to mention the exclusion and suppression of Sima Yi.

And what kind of person Sun Li is, in order to repay the favor, he can disregard the law, for the people can confront the emperor, and for the emperor he dares to draw his sword to the tiger. Sun Li, who was just and courageous, had the courage and insight to be loyal to Cao Shuang, and soon made Cao Shuang very unhappy. What to do?

Since Sun Li was the one who had been arranged by Emperor Xian's will, it was not easy to offend, but Cao Shuang could not bear to give advice to himself all day, so he appointed Sun Li as the Assassin of Yangzhou, the general of Jiafubo, the Marquis of Guannei, and sent Sun Li to the eastern front.

As a result, Sun Li, who had originally indirectly received the entrustment of the lonely responsibility, was directly forced by Cao Shuang to abandon Wen Congwu, and had been a civilian official since the era of Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Rui, and became an old minister of the fourth dynasty but had no choice but had no choice but to turn into a military general.

I don't know how many Cao Shuang here intend to declare a personal vendetta and wait to see the elements of Sun Li's jokes, because everyone on the earth knows that when Emperor Cao Wei dies, Eastern Wu will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble, and at this time, let an old minister who has never led an army to the front line of Yangzhou, it must be more fierce and less auspicious.

Cooking wine on heroes of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Li (Part 1) One of Sun Li's major events - Zhi En Tu Bao, regardless of the cost of Sun Li's major events - the third major event of Sun Li in various counties - to avoid military service, the courage to skip the fourth major event of Sun Li - Cao Shuang exclusion, transferred to Yangzhou

It should be pointed out that the tradition of the Cao Wei Yangzhou front is that General Zhengdong is the supreme general, and The Assassin Shi is responsible for local government affairs, and militaryly he still has to obey the command of General Zhengdong. Zhang Liao, Cao Xiu, and Man Yu are all like this. After Cao Shuang became a general, the general of Zhengdong was Wang Ling.

This issue introduces you to the experience of Sun Li, an unpopular figure in the Three Kingdoms, from being selected and appointed by Cao Cao to being ostracized by Cao Shuang, and in the next issue, we will continue to tell you about Sun Li's war with Eastern Wu in Yangzhou. If you are interested, please click to pay attention to it, your support is my biggest motivation for continuous updates, thank you!

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