
Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

If the three generals of the Wei army, Guo Huai, Sun Li, and Zhang Gao, encountered Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Wang Ping on the battlefield, and the two sides were PK, what would be the result? In this article, I will talk to you about this topic.

The answer was obvious, Wei Yan and Wang Ping did not need to shoot in the Shu army, and Zhao Yun alone was enough to lay Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gaogan down. Among them, Zhang Hao may run away, and Guo Huai and Sun Li do not even have the opportunity to escape. Let's take a look at the situation of these generals on both sides:

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

1. Guo Huai (third-rate medium)

Guo Huai was actually a wise general, and he could lead the troops, but his martial arts of single-handedly fighting were very general. There are two times when everyone is more impressed. Once, in the 107th time of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sima Yi seized power in the State of Wei, searched and killed Cao and Xiahou, and Xiahou Ba, who was fighting on the western front, panicked and hurriedly led his headquarters to rebel with three thousand horses, and Guo Huai came to suppress it, raised his gun and prancing horse, and confronted Xiahou Ba's front."

The battle is not perfect, and Huai is defeated

Another time was when tielong mountain was broken, chasing Jiang Wei, who was picked up by Jiang Wei with an empty hand, and a backhand arrow hit the front door, falling off his horse and dying.

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Guo Huai's martial arts can be said to be very scummy, that is, a third-rate level, even Xiahou Ba can't beat it. Xiahou Ba sneaked into the Shu camp, and as soon as he saw Wei Yan come out, he hurriedly retreated with his tail between his legs. And Guo Huai's two sons, in front of Wei Yanma, were estimated to be unable to hold out even three rounds.

2. Sun Li (third-rate medium)

Everyone may not be familiar with Sun Li, and it is no wonder that there is no record of single-handed fighting. In the 95th episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Licai debuted at the Battle of Jieting, and he and Xin Bi went together to help Cao Zhen fight against Western Shu.

In the ensuing years of battle, Sun Li's main task was to cooperate with Guo Huai, responsible for the trickery Zhuge Liang, who was tricked by zhuge liang, who was in a clever way, and repeatedly humiliated people.

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Sun Li once showed a description of personal force, and in the 98th episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang once asked a Wei soldier about Sun Li, saying that Sun Li was "

He had gone out hunting with Lord Wei on the Dashi Mountain, and suddenly startled a fierce tiger and went straight to the front of the palace, and Sun Li dismounted and drew his sword

”。 He had the merit of saving the car, so he was given the title of general; in the 102nd Battle of Weiqiao, Sun Li lured the enemy into defeat, led the Shu army to go deeper, and the Shu army general Wu Banzhong was ambushed and killed.

From this point of view, Sun Li once slashed the tiger to save the car, and he was also brave, but he did not have a single record, and could only be regarded as a third-rate general.

3. Zhang Gao (first-class medium)

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Zhang Gao's situation was more familiar to everyone, more buggy, and he fought with Zhang Liao forty or fifty at the Battle of Guandu. In the middle of the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Gao's main task was to act as a green leaf, foiling the bravery of Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and Zhang Fei.

Being able to boil is also a skill, Zhang Gao's strength value is maintained well, mixed to the middle and late three kingdoms finally boiled out, all the fierce generals who are stronger than him in martial arts have passed away, Zhang Gao became the world's first brave general at that time, invincible, very beautiful for a while, until the wooden doorway was ambushed.

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Zhang Gao's strength value belongs to the medium level of first-class fierce generals, slightly lower than Pang De, Xu Huang, xiahou Huan, comparable to Zhang Liao, Guan Ping, Xiahou Yuan, and slightly stronger than Le Jin, Wei Yan, Ling Tong, and so on.

4. Zhao Yun (Super Fierce General)

Zhao Yun didn't need much introduction. The super fierce generals who are mighty in all directions have the first number of battles, the first victory rate, the first slasher, the first capture, and the first number of rescues.

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

In the early stage of the three points, Zhao Yun was a super fierce general who killed all four sides, and the terrible thing was that Zhao Yun's strength value was maintained particularly well, from teenagers to dying old people, he was very capable of fighting. What is even more frightening is that Zhao Yun is very able to live, living to the middle and late stages of the Three Kingdoms. In this era, the overall combat effectiveness of the martial generals has been reduced by a notch, and Zhao Yun still has the strength of the super fierce generals in the previous Three Kingdoms era, basically the gods blocking the killing of gods and the Buddha blocking the killing of the Buddha, and no one can resist it.

5. Wei Yan (first-class medium)

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Wei Yan was the leader of the Shu Han sect and the most relied general of Zhuge Liang in the middle and late Shu army. His martial arts were second only to the Five Tigers of the Shu Han Dynasty, but higher than Jiang Wei, Guan Xing, and Zhang Bao, and comparable to Li Yan and Guan Ping. It belongs to the medium level of first-class fierce generals.

In the middle and late Shu Han Dynasty, the Wei army mainly relied on the fierce general Zhang Guo to charge into the battlefield, and the only one in the Shu army that could resist it was Wei Yan, who each represented the highest force value of their own camp.

6. Wang Ping (second-rate strong)

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

Wang Ping was the representative of the descending general group in the Shu Han camp. The two major defeats of the Jingzhou And the Battle of Yiling severely damaged the foundation of the Shu Han Dynasty, resulting in the later development of the Qinghuang, and the general group led by Wang Ping played an important role in supporting the Shu Han Dynasty.

In the 95th episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wang Ping once had a confrontation with the Wei general Zhang Guo. Ma Mo's soldiers lived in the middle of the mountain, they were surrounded by Zhang Gao, the water source was cut off, Wang Ping led his troops to rescue, and when he met Zhang Gao, Wang Ping and Zhang Gao fought."

There were more than dozens of battles, and Pingli was exhausted and had to retreat


Can hold up Zhang Gao's"

Dozens of more than one

From this point of view, Wang Ping's martial arts are still good, definitely lower than Wei Yan and Jiang Wei, and stronger than Liao Hua, Zhang Yi, etc., and at the same level as Guan Xing and Ma Dai. It is a second-rate level.

Guo Huai, Sun Li and Zhang Gao PK Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and Wang Ping, which group is better? The answer is obvious

After introducing the situation of the generals of the above two sides, we will compare the overall strength of both sides.

Wei Jun combination

: Zhang Gao (first-class), Guo Huai (third-rate), Sun Li (third-rate);

Shu army combination

: Zhao Yun (Super Fierce), Wei Yan (First-class), Wang Ping (Second-rate Strong)

Therefore, no matter how it was arranged, the Wei Army combination was lost. The gap in strength is too big. In fact, Wei Yan and Wang Ping didn't need to participate at all, just relying on Zhao Yun's silver gun."

All over the body, like dancing pear blossoms; all over the body, like drifting snow

It was enough for Zhang Gao, Guo Huai and Sun Li to flee.

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