
Feel the charm of scientific and technological innovation to achieve a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement

Source: China Economic Network

Core view: Liu Qingdong, a netizen of China Economic Network, believes that the dream of the past has become a reality in today's China. In this exhibition, a series of new progress in the series of large countries such as Tianhe Feitian, "Strivers" into the sea, Beidou satellite networking, and the successful roll-off of the maglev train with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour were concentrated, and a number of new achievements such as high-altitude cosmic ray observation stations, artificial intelligence open innovation platforms, scientific and technological anti-epidemics, and major new drugs were displayed to the general public, and the achievements of scientific and technological innovation during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period made every visitor feel extremely proud.

Recently, the national "13th Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological innovation achievement exhibition ended at the Beijing Exhibition Center. Thousands of major scientific and technological achievements during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period are gathered here, highlighting the infinite charm of science and technology to make life better, showing the strong pulse of innovation to promote national development and social progress, and always attracting the attention of the public during the week-long exhibition.

"You can go up to the moon for nine days, and you can catch turtles in the five oceans." What was once a dream has become a reality in China today. In this exhibition, a series of new progress in the series of large countries such as Tianhe Feitian, "Strivers" into the sea, Beidou satellite networking, and the successful roll-off of the maglev train with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour were concentrated, and a number of new achievements such as high-altitude cosmic ray observation stations, artificial intelligence open innovation platforms, scientific and technological anti-epidemics, and major new drugs were displayed to the general public, and the achievements of scientific and technological innovation during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period made every visitor feel extremely proud.

At present, the role of scientific and technological innovation is becoming more and more critical, and the responsibility is becoming more and more important. In the context of the rise of unilateralism and protectionism, in the face of fierce international competition, we must go out of the road of innovation suitable for national conditions, especially to put the improvement of original innovation ability in a more prominent position, and strive to achieve more breakthroughs from "0 to 1". On the runway of scientific and technological modernization, China's major innovative achievements have emerged in recent years, and scientific and technological strength is moving from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, from point breakthrough to systematic improvement, providing inexhaustible power for serving people's livelihood, benefiting society and promoting economic development.

Take the "Fuxing" high-speed rail as an example, faster, longer life, greater space, lower energy consumption, stronger security, full coverage of Wi-Fi network in the carriage, higher comfort... Behind these visible advances, more fundamental is the breakthrough at the technical level. Among the 254 important standards involved in "Fuxing", Chinese standards account for 84%, and all software is independently developed, "Fuxing" can be said to be "Made in China" with pure blood.

We should also see that from digestion and absorption to independent innovation, from imitation and follow-up to gradual leadership, China's high-speed rail has achieved role transformation and qualitative improvement. On the other hand, if you simply copy and copy, you will fall into the trap of imitation and fall behind forever. In this sense, the core essence of The story of China's high-speed rail curve overtaking is that even if it is a follow-up at the beginning, as long as you adhere to self-reliance and independent innovation, you can gradually achieve the leap from 0 to 1 and enter the leading formation.

Facing the future, innovation is in the core position of China's modernization construction. Based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development, a major key is to achieve a high level of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. A generation has a generation's struggle, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. A new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country has begun, and the clarion call to march toward the goal of the second centenary struggle has been sounded. On the great journey of the new era, the vast number of scientific and technological workers in our country will certainly be able to take advantage of the momentum, bravely climb the peak, and write a new chapter of more magnificent scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement. (China Economic Network netizen Liu Qingdong)