
The women's restaurant angrily threw down the plate and was slapped by the boss, and the woman was aggrieved: why is there no fish in the fish-flavored eggplant

author:Old Kang looks at society

Recently, an interesting thing happened in a restaurant in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

A woman went into the restaurant and ordered a fish-flavored eggplant rice, but when the waiter served the food, the woman's mood suddenly changed, because she found that there was no fish in the rice she ordered, and there was pork. So the woman wanted the restaurant to make another "fish eggplant" with fish, so she called the waiter, and the waiter refused.

The women's restaurant angrily threw down the plate and was slapped by the boss, and the woman was aggrieved: why is there no fish in the fish-flavored eggplant

This woman didn't understand why there were no fish in the eggplant. In a fit of rage, she discovered the boss's theory, and the two immediately quarreled. The more noisy the woman became, the more excited she became, and finally she threw the plate directly on the ground.

The owner has never seen this before. There was no fish in the dish, but the lady insisted that the restaurant be renovated. In desperation, the boss can only call the police for help.

After the police came to the scene for questioning, they realized that due to the traditional reasons of the woman herself, pork could not be eaten. She came to the restaurant to look at a circle of menus before locking in the "fish-flavored eggplant rice", because she thought that there should be no pork in the "fish-flavored eggplant rice", but what the lady did not expect was that there was no fish in the rice, and there were many pork grains. The woman believes the restaurant made a mistake before asking for a copy.

The women's restaurant angrily threw down the plate and was slapped by the boss, and the woman was aggrieved: why is there no fish in the fish-flavored eggplant

It is also worth mentioning that when the woman was angry and smashed the plate, the boss was also angry and gave the woman a slap. After police mediation, the woman first admitted that she had made a mistake first, and apologized to the owner's restaurant waiter for dropping the plate.

The boss was also very guilty and apologized to the woman for hitting someone.

The women's restaurant angrily threw down the plate and was slapped by the boss, and the woman was aggrieved: why is there no fish in the fish-flavored eggplant

In fact, fish-flavored eggplant is a Sichuan dish, and the "fish" in it is just fish-flavored sauce. The practice of "fish-flavored eggplant" has its own characteristics throughout the country, and some places will put some minced meat to enrich the taste of the dish. Maybe the owner of this restaurant didn't expect such a thing to be caused by a dish name.

Our country is a big country of gastronomy, and many places have their own characteristics. Highlight the culture and specialties of local cuisine. Some familiar words will be used to name the dish name, but it does not mean that these things must be included in this dish, such as: wife cake, husband and wife lung slices, saliva chicken and so on.

This incident also tells us that if you eat out, if there is something you don't understand or don't avoid, you must notify the waiter in advance, otherwise it will not only affect the mood of the meal, but also bring some unnecessary mistakes.

What do you think about that?

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