
Super detailed crispy cake roll recipe, don't miss it, delicious to the point of crying

author:Kanto preferred

Super detailed crispy cake roll recipe, don't miss it, delicious to cry!

Soft and tender cocoa cake rolls, wrapped in pure thick cream, the surface is also drizzled with crispy chocolate jam, did not eat a bite, can experience three different layers of different experiences, toon rich layers intertwined, occasionally come to such a piece of fairy cake, really super super satisfaction, chocolate lovers really love love!

⭐ 【Dream Dragon Crispy Cake Roll】

Cocoa cake roll ingredients:

Kanto preferred 4 stupid eggs, 45 grams of caster sugar, 40 grams of corn oil, 50 grams of pure milk, 55 grams of kanto preferred low gluten flour, 10 grams of cocoa powder, 5 drops of lemon juice

Ingredients for chocolate cream filling:

Light cream 30 g, dark chocolate 30 g, light cream 150 g, caster sugar 10 g

Crispy Ingredients:

110 g dark chocolate, 35 g coconut oil, 20 g ground cooked peanuts

Cocoa cake embryo steps:

1, egg yolk plus milk and corn oil stir evenly, cocoa powder needs to be stirred evenly with hot water, then the cocoa powder is added to the egg yolk paste and stirred evenly, sifted into the plate to select low gluten flour in Kanto, stirred to a smooth and particle-free state.

2. Add lemon juice to the egg white, and then add sugar three times to whisk until the chopsticks pull out the egg white and have a bent hook.

3: Pour one-third of the egg white into the cocoa yolk paste and stir well, then pour it back into the egg white basin and continue to stir well.

4: Pour the cake paste into a baking sheet, gently shake the bubbles twice, then put it in the middle layer of the hot oven, bake at 160 degrees above and below for 20 minutes, tear off the oil paper when out of the pan and cool.

Super detailed crispy cake roll recipe, don't miss it, delicious to the point of crying

Chocolate cream filling steps:

1, 30 grams of chocolate and 30 grams of light cream mixed together, water to melt it cooling, 150 grams of light cream with sugar whisked to a textured state, add the mixed chocolate cream, whisk evenly.

2: After the cake slices are warm, spread with chocolate cream, roll them up, put them in the refrigerator, and refrigerate for half an hour to set the shape.

Crispy steps:

1: Mix dark chocolate and coconut oil, melt it in water and stir well, add cooked peanut crushes and mix well, drizzle on the cake roll, and cool it in the refrigerator again until solidified.

Such a perfect crispy cake roll is ready!

Super detailed crispy cake roll recipe, don't miss it, delicious to the point of crying

Scoop a spoonful out of the refrigerator, the smooth texture instantly jumps in the mouth, first the delicate cake body, then the cocoa cream, all the flavors combined, close your eyes and enjoy slowly, it is really super satisfying! It feels like learning it is very simple!

Super detailed crispy cake roll recipe, don't miss it, delicious to the point of crying

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