
Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

author:Spring breeze explanation

As an ancient culture that has been passed down for a long time, opera has a profound historical background, and between a wave of the hand and a glance, people feel those distant golden years.

In the singing and playing, singing the praises of the vicissitudes of the sea, the world changes, the princes and generals, the talents and beauties, all churning between the water sleeves and the old winds and waves.

In an era when popular music was not yet widespread, opera became one of the entertainment programs after tea and dinner, and when the rhythm sounded, some people would hum a few words.

In the era of the development of opera, many famous opera masters have emerged, such as Master Mei Lanfang.

Master Mei Lanfang had a disciple named Yan Huizhu, who was once well-known in the north and south of the river, and she was praised by thousands of opera fans as "Empress Kundan".

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

Words and words

In the war-torn era, survival is not easy, but she has conquered everyone's vision and hearing with her outstanding singing skills.

But life is a strange journey, the first half of life is smooth, the fate of the second half of life may be full of variables.

Yan Huizhu's life started smoothly, but she did not expect the tragic ending later, after she handed over her child to her husband, she made a farewell to the world in a suicidal way.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, talent determines a person's lower limit, and strives to determine a person's upper limit</h1>

In 1919, on an ordinary day, in a pear garden family in Beijing, a baby girl was born, and she was Yan Huizhu.

The male protagonist of this family is called Yan Jupeng, the founder of the Yanpai Peking Opera, born in such a family, it will inevitably be affected, the so-called ear to ear is this meaning.

While everyone else was immersed in female red embroidery and poetry and book music, the second lady of the Yan family fell deeply in love with the industry of opera.

In that era, although there was no shortage of money for singing, but in the social status was much lower, coupled with the traditional concept that women could not show their faces deeply affected people's thoughts, Yan Huizhu's behavior would naturally be criticized by everyone, but Yan Huizhu, who was stubborn since childhood, did not care about those statements, and still loved to listen to the play.

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

In the end, listening to the opera could not satisfy her love for opera, and she often went on stage to perform, even on top of the family banquet, and performed wonderful repertoire for the guests.

When Yan Huizhu was 17 years old, her desire to sing on stage became stronger and stronger, she loved this career from the bottom of her heart, she did not care about any social influence, the young Yan Huizhu stood up to all difficulties, and resolutely embarked on the road of opera.

Determined, Yan Huizhu worked harder, she knew that she started much later than others, so she also paid more than others, and once the belief was rooted in her heart, nothing could stop its vigorous growth.

Yan Huizhu was born in the Liyuan family, he has better resources, and his father Yan Jupeng also did his best to invite the best teachers for Yan Huizhu, including Xu Lanyuan, the "Holy Hand of Huqin", and Zhu Guifang, a Wudan connoisseur.

With the guidance of famous teachers and the blessing of her own talent, Yan Huizhu's hard work and self-improvement soon made her surpass many people who had studied art for many years from singing to stage performance.

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

Yan Huizhu performed on stage

Talent is really engraved in the genes, with talent, coupled with hard work, is a person can reach the peak state, in guo Degang's words, that is, God appreciates food.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the sweat offstage finally turned into applause on stage</h1>

In 1939, Yan Huizhu went to Shanghai with her father and ushered in her first stage performance.

This time is like a big test of life, testing Yan Huizhu's learning and art situation, but also testing her spiritual quality, starting her "debut" in front of many people, saying that it is a lie not to be nervous.

If the performance is good this time, it is to make a name for itself, and if the performance is not good, it will be an eternal "stone sinking into the sea".

Yan Huizhu, who debuted on the stage, won a lot of color with "Hujiazhuang", and her voice like a yellow warbler out of the valley immediately made the audience addicted, and soon she won a place in This place in Shanghai.

In the face of sudden flowers and applause, Yan Huizhu did not indulge in it, she knew that if she wanted to go higher and farther, she also needed continuous learning, so Yan Huizhu worshiped the famous opera master Mei Lanfang and followed him to continue her studies.

Mei Lanfang can be called a taidou-level figure in the opera world, he will not easily accept apprentices, but Yan Huizhu is not discouraged, she wants to use her own practical actions to move Mr. Mei.

Mei Lanfang likes to drink bean juice, Yan Huizhu specially looked for the one that Mr. Mei likes to drink to buy, no matter how long it takes to wait, there is no complaint, just to make Mr. Mei moved.

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

Sure enough, the kung fu paid off, and in 1943, Mei Lanfang finally nodded and accepted Yan Huizhu, and she also became Mr. Mei's closed disciple.

With the guidance of Mei Lanfang, Yan Huizhu not only improved her skills, but also became famous, and in order to better and more attentively practice the repertoire, she even spent a lot of money to buy a mansion, which she named "Huayuan".

Yan Huizhu did not live up to the cultivation of the master, her excellent singing voice, and performance, made her a generation of opera masters, she was even known as Mei Lanfang's successor.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, career success, emotional frustration</h1>

Maybe it's really hard to have the best of both worlds in life, and it's hard to get emotionally satisfied if your career goes well.

Yan Huizhu's first husband was named Bai Yun, and she thought that this was her true destiny, and she gave her whole body and mind to the man, sacrificing herself, which was praised by people in the society at that time.

The limitations of the times also make Yan Huizhu have to be confined to those cumbersome frameworks, although Bai Yun looks right, but his personality is extremely improper, he uses sweet words to coax Yan Huizhu, and as a result, he turns around and takes the money that Yan Huizhu earns, and raises a lover.

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

Yan Huizhu's second husband, Xue Haowei, this person appeared at the low point of Yan Huizhu's career, when the world looked incomparably gray, his appearance was like a rainbow in the sky, which made Yan Huizhu's life suddenly have a touch of color.

Later, they also entered the palace of marriage, but Yan Huizhu did not have any common language with her husband, resulting in another failure of the marriage.

The last marriage, which also accompanied her to the end of her life, her husband was her Kunqu teacher Yu Zhenfei, and the difference between them was twenty years old, but this did not affect their mutual communication, mutual appreciation, common topics, and also determined that their marriage was sweet and abnormal.

Fate is sometimes like a naughty boy, always hiding in a corner, inadvertently jumping out of the scary, and then disappearing without a trace.

The naughty boy of fate finally attacked Yan Huizhu, in that turbulent era, Yan Huizhu was placed on trumped-up charges, not to mention singing on stage again, that is, life has been horribly affected.

After a criticism fight, the arrogant Yan Huizhu chose to hang herself, and her life ended like this, her red face drifted to zero, and she never saw the fragrance again.

Yan Huizhu: Mei Lanfang's closed disciple, known as the Queen of Kundan, at the age of 48, he committed suicide by hanging himself, talent determines the lower limit of a person, and strives to determine the upper limit of a person, the sweat under the stage finally becomes the applause on the stage Three, the success of the career, and the emotional frustration

When the pear blossoms bloomed, when the water sleeves flew again, in the years, she finally left her sideburns.

In the torrent of the times, no matter who it is, it is just a tiny speck of dust. The picture comes from the network, if there is infringement, it must be deleted, Spring Wind explanation

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